April 16, 2006
An Open Letter to a Dumb Ass
Dear Dumb Ass,
If you think for a moment that your comments have done anything to hurt my feelings or cause any kind of anguish, you are wrong. You are nothing more than a 2 second "click-delete" in the blogosphere.
Do you really believe you are a waste of *my* time? Fuck no. If you weren't such a waste of a human being, I might actually feel sorry for you. Yeah, you...a person who is such a loser they spend half their life writing meaningless comments on someone's website every day. Talk about a person with a "broken brain." It sure sucks to be you.
And for those who come to my site and see your comments prior to deletion, well, the only one that looks like a fool is you.
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LOL and did THAT take you 2 seconds to write? Cuz if it did then that's 761 characters in 2 seconds, which comes out to 2850 words per minute. You should be a secretary or something. I'm sure it's a step up from the mundanity of your current "job."
And don't forget I made you retract two of your posts on MPJ this week!
Seriously though, you tipped your hand LONG ago about how bugged you are by all this. No takey-backeys BWAHAHAHAAAHA
posted by
I Ken Reed Awthor Names Cuz i r teh rOxxerz!1!!!!! at April 15, 2006 11:22 PM
Hey stupid, Merri doesn't post at the Jawa Report.
Duh. Can't you read who posts what?
Oh, those posts are still there, have you ever heard of "save as draft?"
posted by
Vinnie at April 15, 2006 11:30 PM
Duh - the idiot probably can't read well, which is why he has to resort to scripts to post comments.
posted by
Merri at April 15, 2006 11:40 PM
A while back, I asked our munu overlords how to stop his script. They told me he isn't using a script.
Which means he has to post all of those comments by hand.
posted by
Vinnie at April 16, 2006 12:13 AM
LOL your munu "overlords" seem oh-so competent then.
Yes, I'm doing it all by hand. And you thought *you* had mad typing skills LOL
By the way, your mo-ther's brain is fried BWAHAHAAAAHA
posted by
Mad Typist at April 16, 2006 02:14 AM
BTW you shouldn't need to find out how to stop my scripts (not that you could)...remember, it doesn't bother you at all LOL
posted by
NoBother at April 16, 2006 02:16 AM
If you're using WordPress, install Spam Karma and put this jerk off in the band IP log then you won't have to see him at all.
posted by
Jo at April 16, 2006 07:05 AM
Wow....and you're typing them all by hand? That brings you to a whole new level of pathetic!
posted by
Merri at April 16, 2006 07:45 AM
He's not typing them by hand, but he does believe everything I say. Good poodle.
We don't have "munu overlords" and I never asked anyone how to stop your scripts.
I never could, eh? Haven't seen any over at my blog for awhile.
So yup, you're not a bother, but I seem to be getting under your skin pretty damn good.
posted by
Vinnie at April 16, 2006 09:29 AM
LOL great communication skills Eric and Merri have...Eric can't even stay consistent with his lies within a single thread, and doltish Merri just flaps in the wind believing everything he says. Your kids are going to turn out *fantastic* LOL
posted by
Not a Mad Typist Afterall at April 16, 2006 01:00 PM
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. I'm such a wimp I have to hide behind fake IPs and fake email addresses to go post bullshit on other people's websites since I don't have enough creativity or enough brains to stand up for who I really am. Thanks for giving meaning to my meaningless life Merri and Eric!
posted by
Not a Mad Typist Afterall at April 16, 2006 01:34 PM
I don't know where you got the idea that I'm under any obligation to tell you the truth.
But the point is, you fell for it.
And you're welcome, for bringing meaning to your sad state of affairs.
posted by
Vinnie at April 16, 2006 01:43 PM
I'm a POODLE not a wimp. LOL
How can the IPs I'm using be anything but real? They connect to mu.nu so they must exist.
Enjoying your Holy Easter? Thought not BAWWAHAHAHAAAAHA
posted by
Poodles are better than wimps at April 16, 2006 01:46 PM
You really think you're affecting our Easter?
Sorry, you're not.
But thanks for playing.
posted by
Vinnie at April 16, 2006 01:53 PM
"How can the IPs I'm using be anything but real? They connect to mu.nu so they must exist."
Oh, yeah, mu.nu is truly the center of your universe. It's too bad they aren't *your* IPs, gutless poser.
posted by
Merri at April 16, 2006 01:59 PM
Spoken like someone who doesn't have a clue what we're talking about. Go back to the kitchen Merri -- you've been "berried" by simple internet concepts BWAHAHAHAAAHA
posted by
Make a pie at April 16, 2006 02:05 PM
Hm, I've seen this before. Point out the fact that he's a chickenshit little coward, and he comes back claiming he's God of the internets. Of course, anyone can do what he does for free just by going to anonymouse.
The fact is, you haven't shown much beyond being able to leave comments on 2 year old software.
What an evil genius you are.
posted by
Vinnie at April 16, 2006 02:58 PM
Good advice, poser. Doing anything in the kitchen is much more stimulating than trying to have a conversation with the likes of you.
posted by
Merri at April 16, 2006 04:40 PM
Eric, your "evil genious" compliment is well-taken indeed!
posted by
Evil Genius at April 16, 2006 05:50 PM
Yup, you're the Dr. Evil of the interwebs. Nobody's ever done what you've been able to accomplish.
Leave comments on a blog.
I'm guessing you'll be demanding one beeeelllllllllion dollars soon?
posted by
Vinnie at April 16, 2006 06:34 PM
Merri & Vinnie,
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jealous of you. You have a bonafide pathetic lonely ranting troll with a Napolean complex that loves to play at your site. The only trolls I get are stinky Berkeley types but they simply lack the commitment your's has.
Actually, this is the first troll I've seen that is so committed to spamming. Perhaps, he is just a lonely, 30 year old loser who lives in his parent's basement and your blog is his only connection to the real world.
As for the pathetic little man's attempts at hiding his IP - he may be able to hide it from your blog software but he can't hide it from your access logs. The creep's originating IP address should appear in your raw access logs.
posted by
chez Diva at April 18, 2006 11:58 AM
Hiya Diva,
I think you and I share the same visual when it comes to our little pet troll. :-) But you're right...at least he has commitment going for him. Heh.
The clock's ticking for him though...tick, tock, tick, tock.
posted by
Merri at April 18, 2006 04:33 PM
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February 11, 2006
Buh-bye, Troll Boy
I told you I control this blog, not you.
I also have control on this one too, stupid.
What's hilarious is that you're such a fucking loser, you actually paid someone good money so that you could hide your tracks to make juvenile insults.
Now THAT's pathetic.
Oh, you can comment on one day's posts at a time, if comments are open. But we all know that won't feed your masturbatory desires.
You never managed to get me upset in any way, but you did succeed in boring the hell out of me.
Oh, and you spelled "hemmorhoid" wrong. And learn how to capitalize, idiot.
Here everyone, is a short timeline of a no-life loser:
10th February 2006 11:29:04 blog.mu.nu/cgi/splorp.cgi?entry_id=156641
ot Your Business!
10th February 2006 11:30:47 blog.mu.nu/cgi/splorp.cgi?entry_id=156641
ot Your Business!
10th February 2006 11:32:55 blog.mu.nu/cgi/splorp.cgi?entry_id=156641
ot Your Business!
10th February 2006 11:46:02 blog.mu.nu/cgi/splorp.cgi?entry_id=156641
ot Your Business!
10th February 2006 11:47:09 blog.mu.nu/cgi/splorp.cgi?entry_id=156641
ot Your Business!
10th February 2006 11:47:31 blog.mu.nu/cgi/splorp.cgi?entry_id=156694
ot Your Business!
10th February 2006 11:48:24 blog.mu.nu/cgi/splorp.cgi?entry_id=156694
ot Your Business!
11th February 2006 00:06:07 blog.mu.nu/cgi/splorp.cgi?entry_id=156641
ot Your Business!
11th February 2006 00:08:51 blog.mu.nu/cgi/splorp.cgi?entry_id=156641
ot Your Business!
11th February 2006 00:10:44 blog.mu.nu/cgi/splorp.cgi?entry_id=156641
ot Your Business!
11th February 2006 00:10:50 blog.mu.nu/cgi/splorp.cgi?entry_id=156641
ot Your Business!
11th February 2006 00:11:08 blog.mu.nu/cgi/splorp.cgi?entry_id=156641
ot Your Business!
11th February 2006 00:12:27 blog.mu.nu/cgi/splorp.cgi?entry_id=156641
ot Your Business!
11th February 2006 00:12:34 blog.mu.nu/cgi/splorp.cgi?entry_id=156641
ot Your Business!
11th February 2006 00:36:57 blog.mu.nu/cgi/splorp.cgi?entry_id=156641
ot Your Business!
11th February 2006 01:05:47 blog.mu.nu/cgi/splorp.cgi?entry_id=156641
ot Your Business!
11th February 2006 01:08:10 blog.mu.nu/cgi/splorp.cgi?entry_id=156641
ot Your Business!
11th February 2006 01:41:21 blog.mu.nu/cgi/splorp.cgi?entry_id=156641
ot Your Business!
11th February 2006 11:11:15 blog.mu.nu/cgi/splorp.cgi?entry_id=156641
ot Your Business!
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January 12, 2006
Welcome to the New Merri Musings!
Look around, get comfy and enjoy the view! I'm so happy you found your way here!
Thanks to Sadie over at Apothegm Designs, I'm settling into my new mu.nu digs...don't you think they look just awesome? Please share your comments about the site so Sadie can get the proper kudos she deserves!
More to come....just getting my feet wet! Thanks for coming over this way...good to see you in da house!
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posted by
Jane at January 12, 2006 12:45 AM
Your new design makes me want to have sex with you.
posted by
Vinnie at January 12, 2006 01:07 AM
Apothegm Designs: It's good for your marriage.
posted by
Sadie at January 12, 2006 01:25 AM
GAAHHH!!! That's like hearing about your parents!!!
OK, now that I've recovered...blogrolls and Bloglines updated!
Sadie, you are a genius!
posted by
Beth at January 12, 2006 03:54 AM
Love the new digs!
posted by
oddybobo at January 12, 2006 09:51 AM
Just Awesome!
posted by
Chrissy at January 12, 2006 11:50 AM
Very nice! Welcome to Munuviana!
posted by
GroovyVic at January 12, 2006 07:21 PM
Thanks everyone...even that crazy guy Vinnie. ;-)
posted by
Merri at January 12, 2006 07:43 PM
I don't like the graphic. I can't see the whole clam. ; )
Good luck in the new digs, Merri.
posted by
Dan at January 12, 2006 08:40 PM
Congratulations Merri! The new look is beautiful!
posted by
Laura Lee Donoho at January 14, 2006 03:01 AM
Nice new digs Merri! I've been offline for a while but I'm back now. And how do I get me one of those spiffy "My Vast Right Wing Coconspirator" buttons? Do I need to get an invite from Beth? Oh yeah, this is Carol of The Gray Tie. I am still keeping The Gray Tie for now but I've been directing my attention to the new blog for now. I know, I know...sheez. LOL
posted by
Alabama Improper at January 15, 2006 07:15 PM
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January 06, 2006
Beth's Right Meme Conspiracy
I've got to say, when I first saw that Beth had tagged me for a meme, I was a bit concerned, especially when the topic was to speak about five weird things about yourself. Then I read Beth's post and knew I couldn't possibly be as weird as her. Heh. HAHAHAH!
Anyway, so I'm supposed to come up with five weird things. I asked my hubby one weird thing I do, and he just couldn't come up with anything. Yeah, right. He just REFUSED to go there. Eh, I guess I can't blame him. We do live in the same house and all, huh?!?!
So I'm left to my own devices....here goes!
1) I don't really like ketchup as a rule, but will eat it on certain things. I do not like ketchup on french fries at all. I *do* like it on hot dogs and hamburgers, but it grosses me out if there's too much of it - like when it squishes out between the buns and oozes everywhere...how disgusting! I can only handle a thin (very thin) line across a hot dog and if it is on a burger, it can only be as much as what would moisten the bun enough to stick to the burger. The worst thing? A hamburger patty sliding around inside an overly "condimented" burger....ACK! I guess I'm just not a condiment over-doer.
2) I can't eat nuts in things. Cookies, cakes, ice cream, fudge....don't ruin it by putting nuts in it! Those things have just the right consistency without nuts. Do I like nuts? Absolutely....but by themselves, or in peanut M 'n' Ms. As an example, ice cream is supposed to melt in your mouth with nothing left. If you have nuts in the ice cream, well, you have to chew it. Or all you have left is a mouth full of nuts and no ice cream.
3) I can't seem to finish a bottle of pop. Just today, I thew away 3 partially full bottles at work. You see, pop has to be cold. Ice cold. If it doesn't stay ice cold, I can't drink it. and I can't pour warm pop over a cup full of ice. The ice melts too fast and waters down the pop and makes it less fizzy. I like ice cold pop - so cold that ice particles are starting to form in the bottle or can. Now THAT's what I'm talking about. This applies to beer as well, which is why I don't drink beer often. I've been known to put ice in my beer to keep it cold, which I'm told is an absolute NO NO (whoops - starting to sound like Beth with all the "food issues" going on...better change the subject!)!
4) Why am I full of useless information? I can recite full portions of movies, I can sing you most 80s songs, even down to the grunts and moans in a few Prince songs. But I can't remember the conversation we had an hour ago without taking notes. ...and the 80s were like, 20 years ago. Why is this?
5) I have a tendency to drive people nuts at work due to my almost anal retentive organization skills. I have certain ways I name files so they can be easier to find alphabetically. I have a label maker to note exactly what is contained in each section of my employees' personnel folders. But if you walked into my house, you would never know about my "secret" life as an organizational freak at work. I'm lucky to find the most important papers I need at home (i.e. social security cards, birth certificates, etc.) And let's not even talk about finding tape - unless it is all over my daughter's room or some other strange place. And it's amazing how many pens I find on top of the fridge - but I guess that comes from having a 4-year-old artist in the house.
What I find frightening about this meme is that I could go on and on. But thank God I am able to stop at 5!
I originally decided that I wasn't going to tag anyone, but thought it would be fun to tag my hubby just to see what he would say (if, indeed, he does it). So tag, Honey, you're it!
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1. It's not "pop," it's COKE.
2. There are starving women in Alabama who would LOVE to have all that wasted Coke!!!!!!
3. You just lost MAJOR white trash points with your distaste for ketchup!
I'm with you on sticking nuts in food (are you surprised?!). ESPECIALLY ice cream, but also brownies and fudge. That shit drives me crazy. Of course, I'll still eat it if there's no NORMAL ice cream/brownies/fudge around--I have to feed my addiction somehow, after all. I just don't get why people have to do that shit. I know there's some other thing that I can't think of right now that too many people put nuts in that S U C K S too. Like salad, or something? Beans? I forgot. It sucks, though. Or maybe it's the apples in the cole slaw or something. Yeccccchhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dammit, you've got me obsessing again.
posted by
Beth at January 7, 2006 11:03 PM
Oh Gawd....here we go again!
Nuts on salad and nuts in things like stir fry...how can people eat nuts like that? OH....and what about raisins in stuffing? Apples in stuffing? EWWWWWW! And things like asian salad with oranges and shit in it. GAG! Sweet things shouldn't be mixed with savory things usually....at least not to that degree! So you want to put some lemon or some zest in a salad dressing - cool. But don't put pears in with cucumbers, okay?
Beth - thanks so much for getting me started again! Yeesh!
posted by
Merri at January 7, 2006 11:16 PM
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December 26, 2005
I Ain't Got Nothin'!
Just a fly-by post to say I'm still alive!
We had a wonderful Christmas - the kids got so many toys I don't think the garbage collectors are going to like us much (boxes, boxes, boxes!). On the other hand, the battery people love us. We should own stock. Hell, we probably do and just don't know it!
I'm writing to you on my nice new shiny beautiful, fast and most amazing laptop my dear hubby got me for Christmas. Now I just need to get a new desk to go with it! Yes, I accessorize *around* my favorite things!
We had family over and I cooked a 10-pound Christmas prime rib, potatoes gratin, green beans, rolls, pumpkin pie and pecan pie cake. It was a nice spread and we have some rather tasty left overs. I'll be glad when the pie is gone though...unfortunately it's all going to my waistline (GAWD...I LOVE pumpkin pie!)! It was good to be with family - the kids enjoyed seeing all the grandparents...shoot, so did I! To be honest, though, the best part of the day was collapsing on the couch. I'm looking forward to just a bit of relaxation, even though I have to go back to work tomorrow (whahhhhhh!). Now comes the fun part - putting away the tree. I'm usually ready for it the day after Christmas. This year's no different, so we'll see how long it lasts! I give it 3-4 days tops.
Blogging will commence again, now that I have some free time. Frequency depends upon what I walk into at work. It is year-end review time, end of quarter time, first quarter preparation, I have a new boss, and there seems to be no end of the fun! I was planning to take this week off, but that darned flu got in the way. The good thing is, this is the slowest work week of the year otherwise, so I might just get some stuff done!!
Anyway, before I put you to sleep, just wanted to toss a few thoughts into the air to see where the landed. Now it's off to real life once again! Take care!
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December 23, 2005
Happy Blogiversary To Me!

Happy Blogiversary to me!
Happy Blogiversary to me!
Happy Blogiversary to Merri Musings...
Happy Blogiversary to me!
I can hardly believe it was a year ago today that I picked up the proverbial "blogging pen" and started this thing! I started over at blogsnot (the old Rachael Ray Redux site!), with the whole idea of blogging recipes and Rachael Ray stuff while trying to figure out what this "beast" was that consumed the majority of my hubby's time.
Recipes and Rachael Ray weren't enough for me, so I decided to go ahead and move over to Typepad (aka "the big time" HAHAHAHAHAHAH) and blog about whatever was on my mind, in ADDITION to the recipe and Rachael Ray thing. It was a good outlet, especially when I would get so pissed off about child molesters, abusers, the ACLU and other such things.
At the same time, as I look back, it was an outlet to release pain (the passing of my mom in January), joy (anything relating to my kids), and any other emotion I can possibly think of. And to join groups, and leave groups, and be selected for really cool groups, and to talk about Trash on Wednesdays, and all kinds of other fun things.
Will I do this thing forever? I suspect this will eventually come to an end as it has with so many others. While it is a good thing, Real Life to me is much more important. Should thing blog thing ever get in the way of that, what a stupid human being I've become. Talking on a blog will never take the place of real life memories that one can hold in their hearts forever. ...and when this blog thing becomes a chore versus a pleasure, I'll be done. BUT, I'll be around for a little while, I'm sure. :-)
I've met many amazing people along the way - holding company with people who have served our country, kicked around some bad ass governments from their livingrooms, saw a hostage situation end without bloodshed, and pushed "famous" asshats away from the microphone in order to get the truth out has been by far the most incredible experiences I've had online. And I love the Rachael Ray fans that frequently visit as well. Especially those fans who think I *am* Rachael Ray.
Over the upcoming days and weeks, I'll definitely be paying tribute to those of you who have walked this walk with me. In the meantime, I'm planning to enjoy this Christmas weekend with my family. I can't hardly wait to see the kids unwrapping the presents, peeking their heads out of their rooms to see if Santa has paid a visit, cooking a great holiday spread and spending valuable time with our extended family.
Thanks for coming by my little corner on the web. I hope to see more of you in the upcoming months - I wouldn't even write if it wasn't for you!
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Happy Blogiversary ! Congratulations!!!
posted by
Wild Thing at December 23, 2005 12:01 PM
posted by
Howie at December 23, 2005 02:17 PM
[Hi, lazy non-blogging blogger here taking a break to get on the computer...hahaha]
HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY! What a year, huh! You're FAR more deserving of "Best New Blog" than that scuzzbag Yellow Dog, hands down.
Happy Blogday to you
Happy Blogday to you
You look like a monkey
And you smell like one too
OK, you don't really look like a monkey. At least in that picture up top. ;-P And my, how do you keep looking so youthful?! Must be the pigtails and round collar. I'll have to try it myself.
Have a WONDERFUL Christmas with your adorable babies and your goofy Other Half, and a happier new year than ever!
posted by
Beth at December 23, 2005 03:51 PM
Woo Hoo! Happy Blogisary Merri!
Screw Vegas for the anniversary, how are you going to make Vinnie mark this milestone??? Diamonds baby! That one year diamond blogger band is a must have! **Shh, I made that up but he's a stupid man. He doesn't need to know it's just another excuse to force him to buy you jewelry!**
Congratulations and Merri Christmas to you, the kidlets and the one in the family who DOES smell like a monkey!
posted by
Janette at December 23, 2005 04:44 PM
Happy Blogiversery, Merri!!!!!!! And many more to come.
See, all you have to do is get your own domain name, format to Typepad, and you will never stop. And we do not want you to stop.
Your on your own with the diamond thing, Vinnie. Thems da rules on Merri's day.
posted by
William Teach at December 23, 2005 04:48 PM
Many, many, more!
posted by
sigmund, carl and alfred at December 23, 2005 04:58 PM
Happy Blogiversary to the classiest lady on the net!
posted by
LindaSoG at December 23, 2005 05:25 PM
Congratulations, Merri.
I just encountered Rachael Ray (on TV, of course) last month while visiting my brother in Maine. For some reason, I took an instant liking to her.
posted by
Abe at December 27, 2005 03:04 AM
our Rach aint' a goostepping commie fearing freeper so we aren't fooled toots.
oh dear, America = Babyland. grow up, join the planet.
posted by Bagley at December 27, 2005 04:10 PM
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December 21, 2005
Merri Pukings
Merri has been frightfully sick over the last 24 hours.
Not only is she behind on her Christmas plans, she's going to be buried when she goes back to work tomorrow.
I'll help in the real world, she could use some help in the virtual.
Raven, and her other guest posters, feel free to post.
If anyone else would like to fill in, email me at vinceautmorire@gmail.com and I'll check out your blog and set you up.
Asshats, bleatasticfucktards, and child molestors need not apply.
Adoration of Rachael Ray, while not required, is a plus on your resume.
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Dang, what a bad time of the year to get sick. Zicam and rest darling!
posted by
Jo at December 22, 2005 05:52 AM
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December 04, 2005
2005 Weblog Award Finalists!
...and the finalists have been announced!
Merri Musings is in the running for an award for Best New Blog! Polls are open tomorrow (and you can vote every 24 hours if you'd like)...if you enjoy my site, please be sure to stop by and slip a vote in the ballot box for me!
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention a few of my favorites! Please be sure to drop them a vote, too!
Best New Blog (but only if you don't wanna vote for me...wink, wink, nudge, nudge):
Common Sense Runs Wild and Soldiers' Angel Holly Aho
Best Group Blog
The Cotillion (who individually received a number of nominations....excellent job, ladies!)
Best Humor / Comics Blog
Six Meat Buffet (didn't you know there were six meats?)
Best Conservative Blog
The Jawa Report (a MUST read!)
Best Culture / Gossip Blog
Knowledge is Power (SondraK - bringing a bit of culture to the Cotillion ladies!)
Best of the Top 250 Blogs
My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (go Beth!)
Best of the Top 501-1000 Blogs
Vince Aut Morire (there are many I could mention here, but by and far my hubby stands out for me for many reasons, so I'm pitching his site!)
Best of the Top 2501-3500 Blogs
The Wide Awake Cafe
Congrats to everyone that was nominated! I think it's an honor just to be nominated, let alone be a finalist! It affirms for me why I like keeping up this little corner of the web.
Good luck to all and happy voting!
Show Comments
Congratulations Merri and good luck!
posted by
Janette at December 4, 2005 09:49 PM
To you as well, Janette! Between the two of us, I know we'll get a few votes! I vote for you...you vote for me....hee hee!
posted by
Merri at December 4, 2005 09:54 PM
YAY Merri! Congratulations!!!
posted by
Beth at December 4, 2005 10:35 PM
Thanks for the link Merri. I voted for you today. Your blog is the best!
posted by
Laura Lee Donoho at December 5, 2005 04:43 PM
Thanks so much, LLD - I voted for you, too! :-)
posted by
Merri at December 5, 2005 11:16 PM
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December 01, 2005
Weblog Awards are Coming!
Check it out!
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Congratulations Merri, you're a finalist!!!!! And guess what--we're up against each other for Best New Blog!
I'm so excited! This is fun!
posted by
Janette at December 4, 2005 03:36 PM
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November 21, 2005
Stop The Madness
Beth is asking that we check out
this petition and if you're so inclined, SIGN IT.
Are you fed up with the political games being played in Washington, D.C.? Do you want critics of the Iraq war to stop the relentless attacks on the President and our troops? Then sign this petition. We are at war…still most Democrats in Congress attack the President and our troops without conscience. Sign here to ask them to STOP THE MADNESS!
This petition will be hand-delivered to every member of Congress and party leaders. Our message is clear:
We the undersigned believe it is time to unite this country. These baseless political attacks must stop. We are at war! 160,000 US Armed Forces are in Iraq fighting and winning. They deserve better. We call on Democratic leaders to stop the attacks on the President and our troops. And we call on Republicans in Congress to do a better job of stopping these attacks and stand with the President and our troops as well!
We will deliver this petition the day of the Presidents next State of the Union address in 2006. Please sign your name and include your city as well. If you'd like a response from Congressional members in your state, include your mailing address as well. These attacks must stop. If they do not, we will lose the war in Iraq and the terrorists will win! Please take action and let your voice be heard today!
Pass this on!
Cross Posted @
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Project Hero
Beth ALSO shared a link to
Project HERO. What a great idea...
For those of you that don't know, I mentioned a few days back that I was surprised to learn 208 Silver Stars had been awarded in Iraq. Apparently heroism isn't newsworthy enough for most of the MSM. So in an effort to change that, I've embarked on a bit of a personal crusade called "Project Hero", where I will highlight the heroism of some of our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
Today we honor a young Marine officer who won the nation's second highest honor for valor in action: the Navy Cross.
Cross Posted @
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November 19, 2005
Thanks and Thankfulness
Me and the hubby hop on a plane for sin city tomorrow - we're celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary with the honeymoon we never had. I've never been to Vegas, so I'm pretty pumped about the trip!
So we'll be gone for most of the week. I sooo appreciate Raven stepping up to fill in for me (AGAIN!!)...please stop over at her site and trackback, leave comments, send her money. Okay, at least stop over and say hi or give her some linky love. She's posted more at my site recently than I have....silly real life getting in the way and all!
While you are at it, please click through and visit my friends who are on my blogrolls. There isn't a blog on there you'd regret poking around at. Since I've been remiss at keeping up, the least I can do is send you over their way. I promise I'll be back to the normal groove soon!
Thanksgiving is coming up, and it has reminded me to think of those things I have to be thankful for and appreciate having as part of my life.
- We're so extraordinarily blessed to have two beautiful, smart and healthy children. Having them in my life has certainly made life worth living and more!
- I have a great husband. We've weathered quite a bit in the last 10+ years and I'm so thankful that fate brought us together. I find it amazing, however, that it took the Internet when we lived in the same apartment complex with the same view from our windows. It was meant to be!
- We've got a roof over our head, reliable transportation, jobs that keep these things intact and afford us the opportunities to take our vacations, feed our families, maintain a virtual zoo in our home (we've covered the reptile, mammal and feathered kind as of right now), have some level of financial stability as well as any electronic object we can get our hands on, along with watercraft.
- I'm thankful that our living family members are still with us this year and that my mom no longer suffers the pain I remember her having last Thanksgiving.
- I'm thankful that, even without Mom, Dad will be celebrating Christmas this year. I was truly wondering what was going to happen. Christmas was a holiday that Mom was fanatical about. Now if I could just figure out what Dad will be doing with this new lady friend of his....hehehehe
- I'm thankful that I live in a country that I can have all of the aforementioned things and people in my life. Oh, and that I can talk and write freely about them without wondering who will come and cut off my hands if I'm caught.
- I'm thankful for the brave men and women who are away from their families protecting this country from terrorism and those who want to strip our freedoms from us. I pray that those who are voicing dissent will gain clarity and support our troops and the reasons they are actively protecting our country.
Think about those things that you are thankful for. I can tie virtually everything in my life back to one thing - the freedom we have here to enjoy life fully if we want it. There are some countries where it is acceptable to abandon a child merely because of their gender. There are countries in which I would have never held a job because I am a woman. There are countries in which I would have never seen a computer, let alone share with the world my feelings, my opinions and sometimes crazy pictures and posts. And there are some that would punish me severely if they knew I was speaking out against something. I'm so thankful that my children will enjoy the freedoms and joy living here have provided to me. I can only hope that those who seem to tear down every decision made to protect this country appreciate what they have. For it is those very things they have that have allowed them to protest and call for a change of strategy as it relates to the war on terror.
Happy Thanksgiving to each of you and Viva Las Vegas! See you on Friday!
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November 11, 2005
Veterans Day
History of Veterans Day 1921 - an unknown World War I American soldier was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Similar ceremonies occurred earlier in England and France, where an unknown soldier was buried in each nation's highest place of honor (in England, Westminster Abbey; in France, the Arc de Triomphe). These memorial services all took place on November 11, the anniversary of the end of World War I at 11:00 a.m., November 11, 1918 (the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month), which became known as Armistice Day. 1926 - Armistice Day officially became a holiday in the United States, and a national holiday 12 years later. On June 1, 1954, the name was changed to Veterans Day to honor all U.S. veterans. 1968 - new legislation changed the national commemoration of Veterans Day to the fourth Monday in October. It soon became apparent, however, that November 11 was a date of historic significance to many Americans. Therefore, in 1978 Congress returned the observance to its traditional date. Official, national ceremonies for Veterans Day center around the Tomb of the Unknowns. To honor these men, symbolic of all Americans who gave their lives in all wars, an Army honor guard, the 3d U.S. Infantry (The Old Guard), keeps day and night vigil. At 11 a.m. on November 11, a combined color guard representing all military services executes "Present Arms" at the tomb. The nation's tribute to its war dead is symbolized by the laying of a presidential wreath and the playing of "Taps."
Department of Defense Veterans Day Coverage Military History
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October 17, 2005
I *Am* Alive.....
Hi everyone!
I am alive, just being pulled away by the "real world" for a couple of days. Hubby and I were in the purging mood (no, this is *not* about an eating disorder). We rented one of those handy dumpsters and got rid of those rather large items that we no longer use and needed to get rid of (plus lots of little stuff...it is amazing how many times I said "oh, yeah....I can pitch that" as I walked through my house).
There's something very "freeing" about throwing away stuff that I'm bogged down with (Note: the word "liberating" came to mind, but it was a bit too close to "liberal" hehehehehe). When I was younger, it was soooo important to have "stuff" and as I get older I want nice things, but can do without a bunch of "stuff" cluttering up our home and life (and besides, the kids have enough legos, hot wheels and various "dolly" things to clutter us up for life!).
So....with exceptionally sore arms, a sore back, and a lump on the back of head (don't ask, but it hurt!), I can proudly walk around seeing a bit more garage, a bit more floor and know that we spent our time and money wisely.
I'm sure I'll be back to blogging more tomorrow, unless I'm covered with ice packs. Heh!
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October 13, 2005
To the Idiots Who Support Sex Offenders and Other Such Idiots
To those of you - and you know who you are - who are submitting comments that are loaded with crap (defending pedophiles, sex offenders, ridiculous name calling, spewing out of the bible when you don't know what you are talking about), I am deleting them. This is *my* blog and I won't publish your crap as it eats my bandwidth.
If you want to spew your nonsense, keep it on your own blog. I won't entertain it.
Oh, and to the idiot who is trying to prove some nonsensical point, I don't care if someone draws a picture of children having sex together (even stick figures) - there is no such thing as "fake" kiddie porn. Drawing it is as bad as photographing it you sick bastard. I hope to God you don't have children because if you did, I'd have a notion to report your IP address information to the authorities.
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Email me Merri. I want to know IP's. ANYONE who defends sex offenders is as guilty as the offender.
posted by
Raven at October 14, 2005 04:53 AM
Yes, report them now.
posted by
The Gray Tie at October 15, 2005 08:04 AM
Do I miss the way things were when i was a kid?
Back then, liberals and their organizations like the ACLU didn't have the cojones to outspokenly defend child molestation and few if any individuals would have felt anything but contempt for anyone who did.
Hell, when I was a kid, Barbara Eden wasn't even allowed to show her navel when playing Jeannie.
Now that the liberals have had their small degree of success reshaping the moral outlook of the Democratic party and the Dems the moral outlooks of their own, the values of much of our population have followed them down that road to a place where child molesters and kiddie porn producers are "just folks, with the same rights as everybody else has."
Bee Ess{B.S.}!!!!
At the very least, these tragic, perverted souls sabotage their young victims psychologically in ways that can destroy their futures, and take these kids to a place they shouldn't even have to know about.
When I read about such a person getting off with less than ten years, I become angry -- they should get an automatic life sentence -- preferably in a cell with a big, horny lifer named Bubba.
posted by
Seth at October 15, 2005 11:17 AM
I've had some of the same folks on my blog Merri. I tried to ban this one guy, and he obviously has a rotating IP. So that leaves me to deleting.
By the way, per your suggestion today, I updated that post with the God Bless America magnet ad to it.
posted by
Jay at October 15, 2005 11:55 AM
first time here, no idea what you're talking about, but well said.
sex offenders should be shot on sight.
posted by
Patriot Xeno at October 16, 2005 07:12 PM
You'll fit in with myself and my readers, Patriot. You don't know what I'm talking about because I deleted those comments, but *they* sure know. :-)
Thanks so much for stopping by!
posted by
Merri at October 16, 2005 08:13 PM
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September 24, 2005
I'm a Copy Cat!
I'm a copy cat! In other words, I am not creative today. I feel like crap, and generally don't want to do anything. So.....what would be better than to copy cat Beth?
You are a Social Conservative (28% permissive) and an... Economic Conservative (80% permissive) You are best described as a:
Strong Republican
Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid |
I encourage you to copy Beth today! You'll be glad you did!
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You copied my scores, too! ;-P
See? Ya need to come on over and be a co-conspirator!
posted by
Beth at September 25, 2005 05:54 AM
I did this too...hehe. Then I went to take another quiz at that site when I almost got conned into putting my results up at some dating type page!!!!! AHHHH. I didn't like that one bit.
But the quizzes are funny.
posted by
Raven at September 28, 2005 06:37 PM
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September 08, 2005
Hostage Roy Hallums is Free!
Excellent news over at Rusty's site...Roy Hallums was rescued today!
I cannot possibly articulate the relief and joy the Hallums are feeling, but Rusty sums it up nicely:
UPDATE from Rusty:Today is one of the happiest days of my life. I'm literally crying.
And a brief statement from Roy:
I want to thank all of those who were involved in my rescue -- to those who continuously tracked my captors and location, and to those who physically brought me freedom today.
To all of you, I will be forever grateful. Both of us are in good health and look forward to returning to our respective families. Thank you to all who kept me and my family in their thoughts and prayers.
Roy, you and your family are still in my thoughts and prayers. Thank God you are coming home!
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Good news indeed, thank you for pointing it out for me. Oh, and I love the new look. Works fine from home.
posted by
Jay at September 8, 2005 01:09 AM
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September 05, 2005
Some Redecorating
Hi all!
Merri Musings is getting a bit of a facelift, so you may see some changes here and there. Just be careful and don't trip on that paint can!
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Your new design looks great! Just glad you're staying with Botticelli!
posted by
Laura Lee Donoho at September 5, 2005 10:08 AM
I absolutely can't get away from the Botticelli - I almost feel like it's my trademark. :-)
posted by
Merri at September 5, 2005 10:56 AM
I LOVE the new look. Sorry I haven't been by sooner.
posted by
The Gray Tie at September 5, 2005 12:06 PM
Y'know what? I usually can't stand green, but this looks GREAT!!!!! I love it!
posted by
Beth at September 5, 2005 10:18 PM
OK, now I really love the new look! lol The font is most excellent.
posted by
The Gray Tie at September 5, 2005 10:29 PM
I love it Merri....
I'm gonna be re-doing my place soon too, as soon as I figure out what I want. THIS looks great. Love the colors.
posted by
Raven at September 6, 2005 04:49 PM
Thanks, Raven. I worked with Tammy at A Mom and Her Blog and she redecorated my digs for me - I think she did a GREAT job! :-)
posted by
Merri at September 6, 2005 11:45 PM
Beautiful redesign! Classy and smart looking!
posted by
Jo at September 9, 2005 06:29 AM
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August 28, 2005
Sunday Night Linkfest (AKA Lazy Blogging)
Due to a company picnic, fighting a cold, cooking, cleaning and generally being lazy, I haven't blogged anything since Thursday! That's a long time for me! I guess I just haven't felt creative and/or had the time to write the one post that I have dancing around in my head. Soooooo...I think I'll send you off to read some posts much more interesting than anything I can come up with at the moment!
Please keep those in the South (i.e. Louisiana, Alabama) in your thoughts and prayers. The bitch of a hurricane Katrina looms off the coast, and it doesn't look good. Beth has got the right idea and is driving away from the coast. Be safe, Beth! You are in our prayers!
Well, due to the weather and other circumstances, the Cotillion isn't having their weekly gala. However, to see what one crazy day in the life of the Cotillion is like (behind the scenes), look no further than Cassandra's round up. Yeah, we're all slightly crazy!
Speaking of the Cotillion...it appears there is a new little bundle of joy in the Cotillion "family." Go over to Right Thinking Girl and congratulate the family on their new arrival, baby girl Parker Grace!
Darleen over at Darleen's Place has a great post up about Cindy Sheehan, that b....oh, Darleen says it best and she has a great photo of the new Cindy Sheehan doll as well. This is a a MUST view photo!
Lastly, it's been awhile since I talked about my favorite Food Network guru, Rachael Ray. She launched yet another new show, "Tasty Travels." The first episode was Friday night, and was shot in New York City. Her sweetie John Cusimano was also in the show, for those of you who find their way here. I like the concept of this show more than "$40 A Day." It's not just about restaurants. In this particular show, Rachael took you to the store she buys her funky dishes from, and also takes you to the market she buys her groceries from. Next stop....Los Angeles! Hmmmm....wonder if she'll ever be in Omaha? Heh!
Well, that's it for now...off to finish some laundry and other such boring types of stuff. Work again tomorrow, darn it! But we're coming up on a 3-day weekend...that will help me get through the week!
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Praying for those down in the path of the hurricane.
posted by
Jay at August 29, 2005 09:04 AM
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August 10, 2005
A Few Quick Thoughts
Due to a major headache that doesn't want to go away, even rubbing two brain cells together wouldn't create enough of a spark to inspire me to write anything of any significance. However, there's plenty of action around today, so never fear!
I've been quoted on a side bar! An American Housewife has a quote from one of my posts on her sidebar - go check it out. Certainly send any requests for my autograph to my publicist as I am now famous! Here's the quote, and I'm certain you know which group I am referring to:
"It never fails to amaze me that this pedophile-worshipping, teen-abortion-exhaulting, "poor criminal" advocating group tends to align with the individual(s) who set out to cause harm. Screw the victim's rights, screw the safety of our troops, screw the facts."
For those of you who *don't* know which group I'm referring to may want to tune in tomorrow....
Speaking of my publicist... My dear hubby has further thoughts on the mother of war hero Casey Sheehan that I wrote about on Sunday, with a little Mo thrown in. Please put your seat in the upright position and buckle in - you will be in for a wild ride!
"Poor Sex Offender" Sex offenders in Cedar Rapids, IA are worried that a court decision may require that they move from their current homes if they are too close to a school. In my rather non-lady-like opinion, FUCK'EM. I don't care how they feel. What they do to their victims has changed their lives forever - who gives a shit about their "inconvenience" in having to move? Some people believe what goes around comes around. I'd only call it that if his cell buddy "Bubba" did to him what he did to his victim.
White Trash Wednesday. Because I suck, I didn't get a post in this week for White Trash Wednesday. Be sure to check out the other participants by clicking on their links in the list on the left! Tell 'em Ray Dawn sent you!
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LOL Merri...you said the F word. I would too though. So you mean to tell me that the people need to move, because an offender has moved into the area? Screw that shit.
I want to open a big camp for these sex offenders. Can you guess what I would have them do while at my camp. It wouldn't be fun thats for sure.
I think by next week things should be more normal for me so I can do a WTW post. LOL
posted by
Raven at August 12, 2005 04:32 PM
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A call for help....from Kathleen at The Middle Ground, a very worthy project:
Hello friends, family and fellow bloggers, I'm emailing you to let you know about a new project for wounded soldiers through that fantastic organization Soliders' Angels and ask for your assistance. The new project is called Project VALOUR IT (Voice Activated Laptops for OUR Injured Troops). This project is to help get laptops with voice activated software to our wounded troops recuperating at military hospitals. From Soldiers' Angels: "Project Valour IT, in memory of SFC William V. Ziegenfuss, provides voice-controlled software and laptop computers to wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines recovering from hand and arm injuries or amputations at major military medical centers. Operating laptops by speaking into a microphone, our wounded heroes are able to send and receive messages from friends and loved ones, surf the 'Net, and communicate with buddies still in the field without having to press a key or move a mouse. The experience of CPT Charles "Chuck" Ziegenfuss, a partner in the project who suffered hand wounds while serving in Iraq, illustrates how important this voice-controlled software can be to a wounded servicemember's recovery."
To find out how you can help, please go visit Kathleen for more details. I work with patients who use the voice activated laptop systems...it's amazing what can be done and it's another way to say THANK YOU to the troops. Cross Posted @ Flightpundit, Cat House Chat, Vince Aut Morire & @ And Rightly So
Caos Blog
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August 04, 2005
A Meme - Because Beth Told Me I Had To!
Beth normally doesn't like memes, but when I saw she did this one, and she asked me to participate threatened me to within an inch of my life, I agreed.
Overview: This post is a community experiment with two broad purposes. The first is to create publicly accessible data about bloggers’ personalities, which may have sociological value in addition to being just plain fun. The second is to track the propagation of this meme through blogspace. Full details and explanation can be found on the original posting: http://pixnaps.blogspot.com/2005/06/meme-worth-spreading.html
Instructions (to join in the experiment):
1) Take the IPIP-NEO personality test and the Political Compass quiz, if you have not done so already.
2) Copy to the clipboard that section of this post that is between the double lines, and paste it into your blog editor. (Blogger users may wish to use ‘compose’ mode to preserve formatting and hyperlinks. Otherwise, be sure to add hyperlinks as necessary.)
3) Replace the answers in the “survey” section below with your own.
4) Add your blog information to the “track list”, in the format: “Linked title - URL - optional GUID“.
5) Any additional comments should go outside of the double lines, including the (optional) nomination of bloggers you wish to pass this experimental meme on to.
6) Post it to your blog!
Age: 36 (younger than Beth! :::ducking:::)
Gender: Female
Location: Nebraska, USA
Religion: Catholic
Occupation: A Manager of Supervisors with a comfy chair in a cubicle
Began blogging (dd/mm/yy): 23/12/04
Political Compass results
Left/Right: 5.38
Libertarian/Authoritarian: 3.18
IPIP-NEO results
Friendliness 77
Gregariousness 89
Assertiveness 90
Activity Level 82
Excitement-Seeking 61
Cheerfulness 88
Trust 76
Morality 45
Altruism 52
Co-operation 64
Modesty 40
Sympathy 0 (like Beth says ”suck it up”)
Self-Efficacy 89
Orderliness 22
Dutifulness 72
Achievement-Striving 81
Self-Discipline 43
Cautiousness 67
Anxiety 14
Anger 7
Depression 19
Self-Consciousness 29
Immoderation 72
Vulnerability 16
Imagination 53
Artistic Interests 0 (doesn't listening to Metallica count?)
Emotionality 44
Adventurousness 61
Intellect 47
Liberalism 0
Track List:
- Philosophy, et cetera - pixnaps.blogspot.com - pixnaps97a2
- Majikthise - 6ea37d10-e9b9-11d9-8cd6-0800200c9a66
- Ezra Klein - http://ezraklein.typepad.com
- Rox Populi - http://roxanne.typepad.com
- Verbatim - http://verbatim.blogs.com
- Black Currant Jam - http://blackcurrantjam.blogspot.com/ - black7currant7jam5
- TypeBlogs - http://typeblogs.com (offshoot of marlaswoffer.com)
- Ramble Strip - http://www.ramblestrip.com/blog/ - kal97ramblestrip
- basil’s blog - http://www.basilsblog.net/ - basilandhisblog
- My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy - http://bamapachyderm.com/ - ctide12x1
- Merri Musings - http://www.merrimusings.typepad.com - merrimusings
Oh, what poor victims to pick on? Well, since Beth already picked on my hubby, I need to find someone else...soooooo....
tee bee
Certainly there's no pressure to participate - I just thought it was fun! Wheeeee....I actually liked this one!
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Assertiveness 90
I love it. Not surprised, though. I'll have to take this up tomorrow. They don't ask your weight, do they? Hmmph.
posted by
tee bee at August 4, 2005 10:06 PM
No, they don't, thank God! Yeesh!
I was a bit surprised at the assertiveness rating (you've never seen us try to decide where to go for dinner) - but blogging and managing a large department must have honed those skills a bit. ;-)
posted by
Merri at August 4, 2005 10:25 PM
Oh dang it all! I'll get to it tonight when I get home from work!
posted by
Jo at August 5, 2005 06:07 AM
Whew, that is way over my head. I love your blog, you are so talented, should be making the big bucks like that Dowd chick at NYT.
posted by
SherlockRWBShoes at August 5, 2005 08:12 AM
Well, I did it. Good thing there's not a grumpiness over test taking portion. I'd have some problems there. What did you think of the questions?
It seemed to me that they were asking the same things nine different ways on the IPIP, then the Compass qualified damn near every question so that I answered in very different ways accordingly, completely unsure which way my answers would be taken.
posted by
tee bee at August 6, 2005 12:39 PM
In my line of work, tee bee, I've taken so many of these tests. The questions were interesting, but in the end, the results are very similar to other tests I've taken. One thing I didn't like about the IPIP is that the whole "artistic interests" portion was about just that, art....what about music, theatre? Just because I don't go look at a painting doesn't mean I have no artistic interests, right? I'm in Omaha - we don't have a significant amount of "art" here, unless you count graffiti or stuff on my fridge. ;-)
I agree with you on the Compass - I was wondering if my results were going to show up with me as some kind of flaming liberal or sumthin' - I never would have lived that down in *this* house!
I had fun taking the tests and looking at other people's results, though. :-)
Fun stuff!
posted by
Merri at August 6, 2005 10:30 PM
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July 30, 2005
Friday Night Linky Love Fest
I've done a bit of reading tonight, but I've not come up with anything to write about! A bit of linky love is way overdue, so what better time to do it when I have writer's block, huh!
Jane Asks For Our Assistance...
Jane at Armies of Liberation tells us about a 14-year-old boy held in a prison in Yemen. This young man, Ibrahim al Saiani, has an urgent need for medical attention. Please see Jane's post here and take the time to sign the petition here. The petition asks for the boy to get medical attention and, if innocent, his release from prison.
Beth Has the 411 on PETA Hippie Freaks...
That Beth at MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is at it again, keeping us informed. She shares a warm tale of PETA yarn spinners and their comparisons of the plights of animals to slavery. What a bunchacrap. They'll never get that lunacy doesn't win over people. Well, except the looney Hollyweird crowd. Excuse me while I go flip my medium rare, cooked to perfection porterhouse steak, please. Did I tell you I hate PETA even more than the ACLU?
Visit Basil, You Must!
With all the linky love Basil has sent to me, I can never seem to send enough his way. So please, I beg you, go visit his site. He has awesome articles, including this one, and this one. Oh, and Blogroll him, because you will want to go back.
Plan to be Outraged...
Stop over at Hyscience and read "The MSM War On Christians 'And America' - They've Gone 'Off The Charts' In Bias." Oh, and plan to be outraged. Here's a sneak peak:
My Husband Vinnie....
Oh, look! My hubby has BlogAds on his site. Take a look, and be sure to sign up - he has a great deal going on right now! [this plug brought to you by da wifey poo]
Hanoi Jihad Jane...
Michael, I couldn't have said it better. She's gotta go.
No, We Don't Want Her in Office...
Raven reminds us that we've got some work to do...unless we want Hillary in office. Oh my. I think I need a Tums.
...and As Always....
Please come back here for more. Hehehehehe
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That's quite kind of you to say. Thanks!
posted by
basil at July 30, 2005 07:09 AM
...and I meant every word of it!
posted by
Merri at July 30, 2005 08:43 AM
I've got blogads too...i sent your hubby an email...make sure he reads it for me. Thanks, Jay
posted by
Jay at July 30, 2005 01:01 PM
Thanks for the linky love....Good idea this is. I'll do a similar thingy someday next week when I STOP all this working.
posted by
Raven at July 30, 2005 09:55 PM
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July 21, 2005
July 05, 2005
Welcome Riehl World View Readers!
Dan - thanks so much for the welcome back and a big welcome to those of you who are regulars to Dan's blog. My hubby and I just came back from an awesome vacation and I am now ready to get back into the groove again (maybe with blogging - work, that's another story!).
Just a quick tour of my four walls will let you know that I detest sex offenders and murderers (especially those that harm children). I also am strongly against most of the the priciples the ACLU represents - in particular those things that tend to go against my moral fibers (i.e. abortion for teens without parental consent, representing criminals better than victims, supporting NAMbLA and their twisted ideas, just to name a few). I have strong beliefs in family, patriotism, the efforts of our troops in Afganistan & Iraq, and the hard work that President Bush has put in during his presidency. Lastly, and probably least importantly to some (other than me...hehehe), I'm a big fan of Rachael Ray - I got the knife, I use EVOO and I also use a garbage bowl. Lastly, I'm a member of the Cotillion, which is a great group of female bloggers who have joined efforts - you will find amazing reads over there. Our most recent event was a July 4th gala, honoring a number of Milbloggers and our troops. We have our weekly Cotillion Ball tomorrow - I encourage you to take a peek!
In a nut shell, I'm a mom and a wife that can't stop talking and so versus bending my hubby's ear all day and night, I chat here.
I can't leave without thanking Dan for the amazing work he has done and continues to do covering Natalee's disappearance - I'm sure you all feel the same way!
Thanks for stopping by - feel free to look around and leave a comment or two!
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June 27, 2005
Blogs that whisper...
writes the words on the page, not knowing that her thoughts; the
insignificant musings of a teenager will resonate so loudly with
generations to come. Her message? "In spite of everything that has happened, I still believe that people are really good at heart." In the midst of hate, Anne Frank wrote her diary.
comparisons are hard not to make. The small voice of a teenager
compared with the giant powerful voice of a dictator. The voice of hope
compared to the voice of death. In the end, these voices both made
giant impacts of our history. Which voice do you hear more easily? The
whisper of a child in hiding or the frantic yelling of a murderer?
voices of this era will resonate with our descendents? The putrid vile
of hate from extremists who hate this country and continue to try to
tear it apart? Or will it be the voices of reason, the small voices
that whisper in the wind?
Will we pass on the firefighters who
went back into those towers because people needed to be saved; only to
tragically die themselves? Or will our mantra be "Bush lied, people
died"? Will we be defined by the events of September 11th? Or will that
event be written in our history books as "well-deserved" pay back? Will
our troops be honored or will the message "we support our troops when
they kill each other" be our cry? Will Michael Moore, George Soros,
Howard Dean be revered as American Heroes? Or George W. Bush, Donald
Rumsfield and our men and women sacrificing everything for America be
esteemed? What will our history be? Which voices will persevere?
voices will die? Anne Frank's voice never died...it continues today.
Her whispers made in an attic drown out the screams of a dictator.
Read More "Blogs that whisper..."
blog is not very important in the scheme of things, not much more than
an individualized record of time. Much like a diary. Not to be
presumptuous that my blog will ever make it in the pages of our history
books, but maybe the collective voice of those not willing to surrender
their country to extremists will. Maybe my whisper and your whisper can
drown out the screams from those who wish to bring down our country.
Right now the voices may seem too loud, too hard to ignore, too vile,
too putrid, too harsh. Our options are to scream back, or to continue
to whisper...
I choose a whisper. Lower your voice and notice those who strain to hear you.
you once a Republican but now a Democrat because you read "Kos"? Did
you become a Christian because the lunatic on the street corner calling
you a "whoremonger" and told you were going to hell, convicted you? Or
did you walk on by? When was the last time you changed something about
yourself? What was the catalyst of that change? The look of
disappointment on your husband's face? The tears from your mother? The
shock of a nation attacked? The words of a friend? The life of a
In less honest moments, I have taken a much more
extreme position about certain things to write a good blog entry that
would generate the "hits". I faked a little moral outrage to "rile" up
the troops. It's been easy to do, most people can't ignore the screams
of extremism, most seem to even prefer it. It quickly polarizes the
audience to those who will fight for you and those who will fight
against you. But it never changes a mind.
When my opinions are strong, you will certainly know it; I refuse to
dilute my beliefs but I will not season them as well. What you see will
be what you get.
What will your voice be?
(also posted at Steal the Bandwagon)
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Great blog you found there! Great post! I'm back from vacation and ready to roll. I've got a petition for you to sign when you get a chance
posted by
Jay at June 28, 2005 05:57 PM
Powerful post. It was a whisper of reason, against the screams of death. Thank you for linking to it.
posted by
epiphany at June 30, 2005 09:47 PM
Permit me to quote at length a story on this theme that has always moved me:
"Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done,
and how he had slain all the prophets [of Baal] with the sword.
Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying,
'So may the gods do to me, and more also,
if I do not take your life as the life of one of them by this time tommorrow.'
Then he was afraid,
and he arose and fled for his life...
...a day's journey into the wilderness,
and came and sat down under a broom tree;
and he asked that he might die, saying,
'It is enough;
now, O LORD, take away my life;
for I am no better than my fathers.
[I must die sometime and it might as well be now]'...
...and the angel of the LORD came again a second time, and touched him, and said,
'Arise and eat, else the journey will be too great for you.'
And he arose again, and ate, and drank,
and went on the strength of that food forty days and forty nights
to Sinai the Mount of God.
And there he came to a cave, and lodged there;
and behold, the Word of the LORD came to him, and He said to him,
'What are you doing here, Elijah?'
He said, 'I have been very jealous for the LORD, the God of Hosts;
for the people of Israel have forsaken Thy covenant,
thrown down Thy altars,
and slain Thy prophets with the sword;
and I,
even I only,
am left;
and they seek my life to take it away.'
And He said,
'Go forth,
and stand upon the mount before the LORD.'
And behold,
the LORD passed by,
and a great and strong wind rent the mountains,
and broke in pieces the rocks before the LORD,
But the LORD was not in the wind;
and after the wind an earthquake,
But the LORD was not in the earthquake;
and after the earthquake a fire,
But the LORD was not in the fire;
and after the fire a still gentle whisper.
And when Elijah heard it,
he wrapped his face in his mantle
and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave...
And the LORD said to him,
'Go, return on your way to the wilderness of Damascus; and when you arrive,
you shall anoint Hazael king over Syria;
and Jehu the son of Nimshi you shall anoint king over Israel;
and Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abelmeholah you shall anoint prophet in your place.
And him who escapes from the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay;
and him who escapes from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay.
Yet I will leave seven thousand in Israel,
all the kneew that have not bowed to Baal,
and every mouth that has not kissed him.'"
I Kings 19:1-18
A lot of winds blow (and I am writing from the Windy City, a reference to our politicians), seismic shake ups come and go on the political scene, but small still voices demolish mountains.
Ahab and Jezebel made names for themselves in history, bywords. So did Elijah, whose return many sought and seek. If nothing else, blogs let us talk to those whose have refused to bow and kiss the Baals of our age.
posted by
Isa Almisry at July 2, 2005 11:56 AM
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June 21, 2005
Meme Tag - Music!
LindaSoG over at Something...and Half of Something tagged me for a meme that's all about music:
Total volume of music files on my computer:
511 MB (okay, so I still listen to lots of CD's - but I'm getting my iPod loaded slowly but surely!
The last CD I bought was:
Soundtrack to "Madagascar." The kids love the "We Got to Move It" track (and yes, there are Kids Bop CDs in my truck! ACK!)
Last aquired:
A whole bunch of 80s songs (Blondie, songs from "The Wedding Singer" and much, much more!)
Five songs I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me (eclectic, I know):
"Out Here on My Own" - Irene Cara (from the movie Fame)
"Nothing Else Matters" - Metallica
"Break Stuff" - Limp Bizkit (a great song for the drive home from work!)
"Island of Life" - Kitaro with Jon Anderson
"Eyes Wide Open" - Creed
I have to add that I love 80s music (born and raised child of the 80s). I have tons of 80s music!
Four people to whom I'm passing the baton (if they so desire to take it):
Beth at MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
The 'wife at An American Housewife
Tammy at A Mom and Her Blog
Raven at And Rightly So!
These are merely some shameless linking to some of my favorite sites (and ladies, you don't have to do anything if you don't want to). Wheeeeeeeee!
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Bonfire of the Vanities
So - I couldn't help but nominate myself for an entry in the Bonfire of the Vanities....Dirty Minute Meals is making history! Check it out here and here and here! Oh, and here, too!
Weeeeeeee! Let the fun begin!
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May 16, 2005
Around the Blogosphere in 8 Minutes
I do have to say that it's been a pretty busy day for me today. I'm just now sitting down at my computer (other than the "blog fly-by" - you all know what I'm talking about!). Work was crazy, our daughter had a fever, I went and got dinner, got the kids to bed and went to the grocery store. Why the hell does that real life stuff always want to get in the way of blogging? Heheheh...glad I bought some cheeze to go with my whine...
Anyway, since I don't have a chance to spend enough time writing some posts tonight, I thought I'd lean on my blogging friends (plus we all love linky love, don't we?)
Sex Offenders, Child Murderers and Assholes, Oh My!
My dear hubby, Eric, brings you yet another reason to hug your children extra tight (but yet another reason for me to RANT about getting child murderers out of prison and placed 6 feet under)...MiniVan Mom lets us know to be on the lookout for a pedophile/sex offender who is on the loose...and, well, this guy is just an asshole, but Buckley F. Williams gives us the down low on his upcoming "tell all" book!
Those irresponsible MSM whizzes at Newsweek who apologize (in their shallow, "have to" kind of way), but won't hold themselves responsible. I would have loved to write about this, but why, when we have such amazing stories already out there here, here, here and here.
Fun Stuff!
Wuzzadem and the Clippy chronicles. You've GOT to go look. OMG! Lastly, stop over at Beth's new place and Sadie's new digs. They've changed the wallpaper and the paint and they are ready for some visitors. Check them out!
I hope I'll be back in action tomorrow - this work thingy has just *got* to slow down! Indeed.
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Woohoo...nothing like getting linked to make a person feel good! BTW thanks for bringing attention to the predater alert.
posted by
epiphany at May 17, 2005 12:05 AM
Good links!
posted by
Jay at May 17, 2005 04:14 PM
Thanks for the link Merri!
posted by
Buckley F. Williams at May 17, 2005 05:09 PM
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May 13, 2005
Beth's Blogiversary
Beth of My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is celebrating a full year of blogging today! Beth's blog was one of the first ones I ever read, other than, of course, the one owned by my most significant other. Beth has become a close friend of ours and we appreciate all that she does to make the blogworld a better place! Oh, and we really like that she swears...all the fuckin' time!
Of course, Beth has no opinions, and she never will tell you what to do. Most importantly she enjoys all asshats, moonbats and liberals...
...only so she can kick their asses to the curb!

Please stop over at Beth's house and wish her the best Blogiversary ever!
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Hers is one of the weblogs that I came across recently... I've been less active in the Blogosphere, and it seems that so many new blogs have popped up. I guess that is a good thing in some ways, but I kind of miss the past days, when there were fewer of us... Oh, well.
posted by
Aakash at May 14, 2005 03:48 AM
Looks like I am a day late...but I'm on my way...thanks!
posted by
Jay at May 14, 2005 11:37 AM
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You Know You Are a Blogger When...
Mr. Cranky puts you in his Quick Guide to Good Blogs.
Thanks for the priviledge, Mr. Neocon. I feel as though I've grown up now!
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April 12, 2005
The Fire's a Burnin'
Beth is making me eat vegan food for a week due to my post on a woman with a tiger-suckling mission. So, are Twinkies considered vegan? How about Diet Dr. Pepper? heheheh
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Oh HELL no! Tofu and bean sprouts for you, ya sicko! hehehe
posted by
Beth at April 13, 2005 02:59 AM
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April 09, 2005
Happy Anniversary, Mr. NeoCon.....
...Happy Anniversary, to you!
Congratulations, Gordon, on a GREAT milestone!
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Thank you! Daddy likey!
posted by
Gordon at April 9, 2005 11:41 AM
Oh, goodie! :-)
posted by
Merri at April 9, 2005 06:35 PM
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