I have to admit I've been a slacker and didn't get a post in for the weekly Cotillion round-up. But glove-covered hand clapping goes out to the Girl on the Right for putting together a great round-up (and for reminding me that my domestic side has been horribly neglected due to work and many episodes of 24).
Please stop by and see the round up and let RightGirl know I sent you!
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This is my first post of the new year, and none better than to link over to the Cotillion Ball this week! I finally had some time to submit a post, and the Cotillion's own Wonder Woman at A North American Patriot highlights our posts with outstanding finesse! Beautiful job!!! Oh, and I also discovered her mutual love for SpongeBob. I, too, am a fan!
I also encourage you to take a look around at those amazing sites referenced in my sidebars. I am experiencing huge volumes of work due to year-end and all of that, so my posts will be sparse this week (at least until I meet a Thursday deadline...ack!).
You may also want to take a look around these four walls as some changes are a'comin! No secrets revealed just yet, but let's just say the new year represents a time of change!
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So you wonder what goes around in the minds of women, but don't want to read about it in "People Magazine?" I have just the place for you!
Basil's Blog interviewed a number of us ladies from The Cotillion, myself included. Please stop over and learn all about what women want (real women, not those liberal-minded peacenik women who don't shave!).
Many thanks to Basil and to Beth for coordinating the whole thing for us. What fun!
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So, we've been having a Cotillion each and every week, and I just haven't been playing the past few weeks (for one reason or another...let's leave it at "real life" getting in the way). I did have a chance to get a post submitted this week, and it's part of the great round up at Portia Rediscovered (you've just GOT to take a look at her new digs!).
As always, the post is also over at the Cotillion. Many thanks to Portia for a great round up and to all of the fine ladies for many great posts!
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I'm a day late...argh! Let's just thank some pesky database updates and a lack of patience to wait for those updates, dammit!
Please take a peek over at Beth's place to see who was crowned King of the Cotillion. Could it be.....B.C.? Of course, inquiring minds want to know!
Also take a look at the spooky Cotillion Ball this week. I didn't get my links in, which allowed Girl on the Right to get Instalanched...a deserved 'lanche, too! Had I submitted my link, well, let's just say Murphy's Law ain't got nothin' on me!
There you have it...while I'm a day late, the reading is worth the wait, don't you think?
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We have the top four candidates in the final round, ready for objectification! Some of the photos will have changed at their request, as you will see, but you can still ogle check out the pictures from last week HERE. Let the objectification begin!
First, we have MacStansbury, Beth's co-writer here at MVRWC and proprietor of the excellent MacStansbury.org blog. MacS hates this picture because he was exhausted and "covered with sand," but I like that he was showing his USM pride in the middle of a live combat area:
Next up, and also dashing in his desert camo, is Thunder6 from 365 and a Wakeup, beamed in from the front lines in Iraq where he is now.
B.C. didn't dig up his photos with him in his flight suit from his days in uniform, but he provided a more current photo, this one showing him enjoying the good life--beer-drinking on a boat--and looking not so torturous away from the Imperial Dungeon™ at the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler:
Also in a sunny paradise is Bullwinkle from Random Numbers. Bullwinkle may be a big ol' moose, but he likes little furry animals other than just squirrels. Here he's feeding a baby coati mundi that he rescued, now just a couple weeks old.
There you go, y'all! The Final Four! Now go on over to their sites, poke around, and most importantly, VOTE (in the sidebar)! You can only vote for ONE this time, but you can still vote every day. Voting will close on SUNDAY NIGHT again, around midnight (Central time), and the winner will be announced and crowned King of Cotillion / Cotillion Beefcake? on TUESDAY. Thank you from all of us in Cotillion to all the guys who participated last week--we consider all of you our Princes for participating and for supporting us!
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The ladies are at it again!
Stop over and see the Cotillion's mini-carnival today, hosted by A North American Patriot. Welcomes go out to Romeocat from CathouseChat, too.
Now for something completely different (heh!) thanks to Beth at MVRWC:
Time for the Inaugural Edition of our own Blogger Babes competition for
So without further ado, let's ogle the nominees! See the bottom of the post for further details.
(most photos can be clicked for full-size)
Please vote over in the sidebar. You may PICK MORE THAN ONE, but don't be ridiculous and click every single one, OK? ;-) Next Tuesday, we will have FINALISTS, at which point you can vote again. This vote, again, is for the FINALISTS. Get it? Next Tuesday, you'll be doing the final vote for King of Cotillion!
Blogger Babes, please tell your readers to come over and vote! The polls will be up at multiple Cotillion blogs, so if it's not at your favorite one (and of course it is!), you can go over to Beth's site to vote.
The prize: Bragging rights, massive and multiple linky love, and what the hell, Beth will toss in a free Blogad for two weeks if you want it. Voting this week ENDS SUNDAY NIGHT around midnight (CST) or something. Beth says she keeps stupid hours, so it could be 4am, for all she knows.
A million zillion thanks to the guys for participating--this has already been a lot of fun! Y'all are extremely Kool for playing!
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The Cotillion happens to have their usual goings-on over at the main site and at The Gray Tie, but there's a new gig in town. Check out our latest project over at Beth's site. C'mon, we just need a few good men!
In the meantime, here's obligatory eye candy for you, Ladies!
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It's that day of the week again! Please stop by the Cotillion and check out what the best female bloggers in the 'sphere have to say (certainly more than me lately!!!). Thanks bunches to our hostesses this week: Crystal Clear, Fistful of Fortnights, Soldiers' Angel - Holly Aho and Knowledge Is Power - SondraK.com.
Update: It appears that my post was missed in all the melee - all is good though. You can read it here!
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It's that day of the week again! Please stop by the Cotillion and see a round up of the best female bloggers in the 'sphere. And a special thank you to our hostesses this week: TFS Magnum, e-Claire, Portia Rediscovered and Mary Katharine Ham / Townhall C-Log. Thanks for a great roundup, ladies!
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A Letter To ACLU Members: One of the most common comments and hate mails I get besides the "you are a nazi that hates freedom" ones, is the infamous "You just inspired me to give $100 to the ACLU", or the "I just re-upped my ACLU membership" ones. This post was inspired by you people.
Dear Mr. or Ms. ACLU Member,
Please work with the ACLU to reform some of their policies. Please get them to disclose their Policy guide so everyone can see what they truly stand for. If they are truly about freedom, they should have nothing to hide.
Please work with them to reform their position on the second amendment. If they are truly to be the defenders of the Constitution, it should be the entire Constitution and not just what is in line with their agenda. Tell them that the First Amendment applies to everyone, not just those that agree with their interpretation. Let them know that Pro-life demonstrators should have their free speech defended as well, and not ignored. Civil liberties should not be a selective process if you are to claim protecting it for all. If the ACLU cared as much for pro-life free speech as it does for NAMBLA their integrity on their claim to be might not be so questionable.
Ask them to work with the government instead of against it in homeland security issues. I'm sure they will come to some dead ends and disagreements, but a positive outreach to show they actually care about American security more than the imaginary rights of some terrorist could do wonders for their tarnished image. Refusing money from loyal contributors because they don't want their money to go towards the advancement of terrorism makes many Americans leery on giving their money too. It also might help if they didn't work with organizations known to have terrorist ties.
Please talk to them about completely dropping their position on child porn distribution legalization. It's just plain sick. Let them know that comparing Christians to terrorists is not a good way to get new membership. And tell them I said to have a Merry Christmas this year, and to take it easy on the baby Jesus stuff. Nobody is trying to create a theocracy. Tell them to relax, and enjoy the "winter break." And give everyone else a break about too.
Best of luck with that membership,
This was a production of Stop The ACLU blogburst. Over 100 blogs are on board. If you would like to join go to our portal and register. We will add you to our mailing list and send you the simple instructions to be a part of our movement.
Note from Merri: A comment was left on this post that made perfect sense to me. In my opinion, in a time that people are suffering and homeless, it is much more important that my site encourages donations that go to the victims of Hurricane Katrina, more so than efforts of other organizations such as Stop the ACLU. That being the case, I have removed the donations button from this post and encourage you, if you are wishing to make donations, to consider some of the great organizations that are collecting money for victims of Hurricane Katrina (I have a few links in my left sidebar). I want to make it clear that this is my opinion, and since I own this site, it's important to me that it reflects my ideas, opinions and beliefs. Thanks!
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As everyone would agree, this week has been a trying one, especially for our fellow citizens down in the gulf region. The ladies of the Cotillion have truly highlighted much about Hurricane Katrina, from the moment she made landfall through thousands and thousands of rescues, volunteer workers and charitable dollars raised. What is evident throughout this tragedy is the strength of the heroes both great and small - the rescuers, the volunteers, the survivors. Those who have given everything they can to help. Those who have opened up their hearts and their wallets to support the rescue and recovery efforts. Join me, and my fellow hostesses annika's journal, Girl on the Right and Not a Desperate Housewife as we highlight a rather challenging week for America.
Jody at Steal the Bandwagon shares an outstanding roundup of charities the Cotillion ladies recommend, along with some thoughts about the disaster and the rescue efforts. Jody also reminds everyone that Katrina couldn't possibly be a member of the Cotillion - she was simply too mean.
Over at Who Tends the Fires, Denita has a great list of charities that are collecting for the rescue and recovery efforts from Hurricane Katrina. Denita also reminds us to "do what we can!"
Mary Katharine Ham at Townhall.com C-Log reminds readers of the role private charity has in large-scale disasters such as the one in the Gulf:
Private charity allows the generosity and ingenuity of Americans to meet the unpredictability of life head-on in a way a staid government program never could.
Charity can work quickly. It can be tailored to the needs of specific victims. It can move in unorthodox ways to fix unprecedented problems. And the results can be astounding.
Zendo Deb at TFS Magnum speaks of consequences and responsibility when it comes to hurricane preparedness:
If people are going to rely on the state for rescue, they then need to obey the orders of that state when told what to do. You can't both have responsibility (not following the orders on your own judgment) and not have responsibility (for facing the consequences of your actions and decisions).
I have sat watching the news this week and often wondered how different the rescue efforts may have looked had citizens who stayed - even with the ability to evacuate - decided to evacuate.
Why were school bus drivers, city bus drivers, local truckers, not enlisted to drive these buses around the city, picking people up and taking them out of harm’s way? It’s staggering - just staggering - to contemplate this. This is a profound negligence or incompetence (or both). In a world where people love to look for “root causes� of problems, I think this photo is evidence of one of the “root causes� for the unimaginable experience too many people have just lived through - are still living through.
E.M. at The American Princess pours her frustration into thoughts that have undoubtedly moved through the minds of many:
What do you do to help people, even militarily, when they shoot at Army personnel, threaten them, and refuse to obey their orders. What do you do when people who are in a horrible situation refuse to act like human beings? Is it so much to ask to treat your fellow man with human dignity? The people who are attempting to help are often in the same boat as those who loot and pillage--many of the New Orleans police officers have lost their homes, their families, everything that they have lived for, and yet they are still remaining in the city, trying, often in futility. to control those who cannot control themselves.
Beth of Yeah, Right, Whatever provides a number of observations following the destruction in the Gulf. Beth wonders whether everyone has had the opportunity to blame Bush for the events in New Orleans. She also highlights a question posed in a number of interviews seen on the news networks:
Everyone is turning this into a race thing. I've heard things like "if it was a predominately white community, everyone would have been taken care of." Yes, there is still racism in this country (there's racism of one kind or another all over the world- unfortunately, that's one of the uglier sides of humanity). But I am offended that people presume that this country doesn't care about the people just because they are black.
Just as the volunteer workers are trying to establish some normalcy for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, Holly of Soldiers' Angel reminds us that life goes on.
...if you need a good laugh or some entertainment this podcast is for you! Program notes...find out what a soldier recently back from Iraq, a soldier injured in Iraq, a radio talk show host, a stay at home mom, flooding and ghostbusters have in common. It's bizarre but true!
America is filled with every day heroes who never think twice about helping those in need. Shelter volunteers, employees at companies pooling donations, companies donating goods needed for victims, airlines, cruiselines, hospitals, churches and individual citizens donating to charitable organizations - we will bring comfort and support to the families in the Gulf who need us. They will give back by rebuilding both their homes and their lives. Undoubtedly, America will see another tragedy in her future. But even the youngest have learned what it is like to take care of one another.
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Please join the gathering place of cool, conservative women at the Cotillion tomorrow for the weekly blog tour hosted by Villainous Company, The American Princess, Soldiers' Angel - Holly Aho and The Bad Hair Blog. You'll have plenty to read and plenty to think about!
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Please join the conservative women of the Cotillion today for their weekly round up hosted by A Mom and Her Blog, Girl on the Right, Mary Katharine Ham / Townhall C-Log and Not a Desperate Housewife. With all that is going on in the news this week, you shouldn't be disappointed!
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Please join the women of the Cotillion tomorrow for the weekly tour lead by hostesses small dead animals, Darleen's Place, baldilocks and Maxed Out Mama. You won't regret stopping by!
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The party is almost over and our amazing hostesses had some shindig! Please stop by The Cotillion and link to some great posts by some extraordinary ladies!
Thanks so much to our hostesses this week: Sisu, Portia Rediscovered, Ilyka Damen, and KelliPundit. You all did an oustanding job!
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This week, the Cotillion officially moves to its new home! New design, new home - what more could you ask for? How about a housewarming party?!?
Well, even if you didn't ask, I'm telling you that this week's party is being hosted by four amazing conservative women: Fistful of Fortnights, Who Tends the Fires, e-Claire and My VRWC. Please be sure to stop by and thank them for such a great time!
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The weekly party has begun! Please stop over at The Cotillion to fill your head with some great posts by some great women!
This week's hostesses have done a GREAT JOB and here they are:
Dr. Sanity
annika's journal
Girl on the Right
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The ladies of the Cotillion are back, with a big party on Tuesday! A big thank you to our lovely hostesses for the week, Feisty Repartee, Sisu and Villianous Company.
We were also InstaLanched this week...great job, ladies!
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I had the privilege to be highlighted over at the Cotillion by our very own debutante Jody at Steal the Bandwagon - she did an outstanding job pointing out my most excellent vacation, and in particular my strong liking of strong beverages!
Jody had great company, with Little Miss Atilla, The Anchoress and Reasoned Audacity as her most amazing co-hostesses. Please check out their posts and all of the wonderful ladies of the Cotillion - you'll be glad you did!
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It's party time again! Please go visit us over at the Cotillion - and bring your dancin' shoes! Er, seems as that's too, well, nice.
As Beth might say: Report at once to the mistresses (for your whippings?):
Crystal Clear
A Mom and Her Blog
Fistful of Fortnights
And don't forget to stop over at the Cotillion website. We have many new debutantes who have joined us - the party is even more exciting!
Update: Beth...better? I'm no chicken, dammit!
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They are at it again! Another showcase of the best female conservative bloggers on the web!
Join this week's hostesses: Darlene's Place, Who Tends The Fires & Right Girl over at the Cotillion! They'll be sure you have a marvelous time!
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Everyone remembers the Charleston. A well-loved dance that originated in the early 1920s in Speakeasies during Prohibition, its energized, dynamic and vivacious moves perfectly personify the zeal of these following ladies of the ball.
Rightwingsparkle asks us a question of war, comparing the fanatical Islamic belief to that of a hornet's nest. She states it simply: "This fanatical Islamic belief isn't going away, it stung several times and will again if given the chance."
Over at sisu, Sissy is so glad sad-sack, glass-half-empty Kerry isn't the Leader of the Free World. What does it say about his contempt for the American people when he embraces the "smoking gun" of Downing Street Memogate as "stunning, unbelievably simple and understandable"? Doh? Amazing dance moves you have there, Kerry.
Kate from Small Dead Animals crosses the dance floor with her own take on potential chaos at next month's G8 summit stirred by the absence of black musicians at the events staged to benefit Africans. Kate gave us her own suggestion on how to handle the situation.
What is the difference between our Word and theirs? Jody at Steal the Bandwagon steps us through the comparison, reminding us it is just another reason to pity the Muslims and their sad religion. Apparently they, too, have respect for their holy book, but it is seemingly nothing more than just words and sentences, grammar and syntax. For them, no life is as sacred as the flimsy pages of a book.
TFS Magnum's Zendo Deb brings us the story of a victim of an armed robbery - with a permit to carry a concealed weapon - who shot one of his assailants in self-defense. Instead of a justified, self-defense shooting, a horrible instance of a child shot will be the song-and-dance of the Brady Campaign. Whether this shooting is a tragedy, or prevented a tragedy depends on your point-of-view.
One of our dear hostesses of the Cotillion Ball this week, our own princess, The American Princess, brings us harrowing tales of Oxfam and liberal Hollywooders who tried to fight poverty in China and all they got was a lousy bracelet.
Dahling Fausta of The Bad Hair Blog foots it through a number of reviews in the New York Times and concludes that as far as the Times is concerned, some forms of class mobility are more equal than others.
Our dear Denita at Who Tends the Fires speaks of recent life events,
dancing through such topics as shopping, a party with friends (and an observation in their not-so-differences), dangerous storms, the Swan Man, a surprise party and - we can't forget - her birthday!
We're all quite envious of Beth at Yeah, Right, Whatever who is vacationing and exploring the hot spots of St. Louis. She speaks of animals at the zoo and even those who break out of the zoo. Send us a postcard, dear, and many happy returns!
As for me, I must thank our gracious web mistresses Beth, Janette and Jody for their support and enthusiasm. They are truly Belles of the Ball!
I must now direct your attention to my lovely and talented co-hostesses our Dear Housewife, the darling Princess and all of their fine constituents.
...and now I must bid you a fond Adieu until we meet again!
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I'll be a Hostess for the Best Party of the Week tomorrow. Please join me, An American Housewife and The American Princess for The Dance, Part II.
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Okay - so periodically I turn the television to E! Entertainment Television. I know, I know - I should check myself into some twelve step program. But you know how they have those post awards show wrap ups? I just thought it would be fun to do the same on the great success of today's debut of the Cotillion. I am fortunate enough to have been given the opportunity to participate in my small way in this rather grand event.
We were well-received in the blogosphere with an early morning link by Michelle Malkin. How fun to be called a "hot conservative gal of the blogosphere!" Later on in the day K.J. Lopez at The Corner on National Review Online pondered what Susan Estrich might think. I do declare, I don't believe we care what she may think. Lastly, the Cotillion had a nice mention on CNN's "Inside Politics" - exerpt of the transcript here (please pardon the errors and typos, ladies and gentlemen, however the emphasis is mine):
So, bloggers, expanding, the most successful of them setting up companion sites to go with their regular blogs.
SCHECHNER: Now, another site of collaboration that wanted to show you today. Remember when you were a kid and you had to go to Cotillion (ph), the fancy dance where the boys had to learn to take the girls out. Well, today they formed the Cotillion it's a CotillianBall.blogspot.com, and it's a coalition of conservative female bloggers. We start over at CommonSenseRunsWild.typepad.com. It's Beth of My Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, Jody of Steal the Band Wagon, and then, Jeanette of Common Sense Runs Wild," the three of them, so the were annoyed at people saying, where are all the female bloggers? Where are their voices? Why aren't they being heard?
So, what they did is they put together this collaboration of women. And it's not based on linkage or traffic or anything like that. It's basically just based on a group of women whose voices they liked and postings they liked. So, if you go to the companions that are the actual site itself, cotillion ball.globspot.com. Its got an introduction. Then it has a collection of women who are talking about various things. Just to bring some more female voices out there.
So ladies - we've been a part of history today! Congratulations on a job well done to all, and in particular to our Web Mistresses Beth, Janette and Jody. The ladies of the Cotillion Ball:
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"We ladies have gathered together for the presentation of these dazzling darlings of the blogosphere, and yes, proper etiquette dictates that you shall kindly direct your devoted attention to each of these fine young women! Please, gentlemen callers, remove your hats indoors in their presence! I do declare!"
I feel very privileged to be in the company of some of the best bloggers out there. Surely you wouldn't disagree. Please take your turn at the Cotillion - you won't be disappointed!
Ladies of the Cotillion:
Update: Beth, Janette and Jody have represented us well, ladies - Michelle Malkin has taken notice of these "Hot Conservative Gals of the Blogosphere." Hopefully our dance cards will be full!
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