Everyone remembers the Charleston. A well-loved dance that originated in the early 1920s in Speakeasies during Prohibition, its energized, dynamic and vivacious moves perfectly personify the zeal of these following ladies of the ball.
Rightwingsparkle asks us a question of war, comparing the fanatical Islamic belief to that of a hornet's nest. She states it simply: "This fanatical Islamic belief isn't going away, it stung several times and will again if given the chance."
Over at sisu, Sissy is so glad sad-sack, glass-half-empty Kerry isn't the Leader of the Free World. What does it say about his contempt for the American people when he embraces the "smoking gun" of Downing Street Memogate as "stunning, unbelievably simple and understandable"? Doh? Amazing dance moves you have there, Kerry.
Kate from Small Dead Animals crosses the dance floor with her own take on potential chaos at next month's G8 summit stirred by the absence of black musicians at the events staged to benefit Africans. Kate gave us her own suggestion on how to handle the situation.
What is the difference between our Word and theirs? Jody at Steal the Bandwagon steps us through the comparison, reminding us it is just another reason to pity the Muslims and their sad religion. Apparently they, too, have respect for their holy book, but it is seemingly nothing more than just words and sentences, grammar and syntax. For them, no life is as sacred as the flimsy pages of a book.
TFS Magnum's Zendo Deb brings us the story of a victim of an armed robbery - with a permit to carry a concealed weapon - who shot one of his assailants in self-defense. Instead of a justified, self-defense shooting, a horrible instance of a child shot will be the song-and-dance of the Brady Campaign. Whether this shooting is a tragedy, or prevented a tragedy depends on your point-of-view.
One of our dear hostesses of the Cotillion Ball this week, our own princess, The American Princess, brings us harrowing tales of Oxfam and liberal Hollywooders who tried to fight poverty in China and all they got was a lousy bracelet.
Dahling Fausta of The Bad Hair Blog foots it through a number of reviews in the New York Times and concludes that as far as the Times is concerned, some forms of class mobility are more equal than others.
Our dear Denita at Who Tends the Fires speaks of recent life events,
dancing through such topics as shopping, a party with friends (and an observation in their not-so-differences), dangerous storms, the Swan Man, a surprise party and - we can't forget - her birthday!
We're all quite envious of Beth at Yeah, Right, Whatever who is vacationing and exploring the hot spots of St. Louis. She speaks of animals at the zoo and even those who break out of the zoo. Send us a postcard, dear, and many happy returns!
As for me, I must thank our gracious web mistresses Beth, Janette and Jody for their support and enthusiasm. They are truly Belles of the Ball!
I must now direct your attention to my lovely and talented co-hostesses our Dear Housewife, the darling Princess and all of their fine constituents.
...and now I must bid you a fond Adieu until we meet again!
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Great job by everyone on this.
Posted by: Jay at June 7, 2005 08:59 AMThis has been fun huh Merri? I am getting lots more traffic Tuesdays. LOL It's good to check out other women bloggers.
Posted by: Raven at June 7, 2005 04:38 PMA blast, certainly! I'll know for sure when I wake up from my nap. Heheheheeh
Posted by: Merri at June 7, 2005 06:09 PMGreat job, Merri. :) I'm enjoying getting to know you gals bit by bit each week, as your individual personalities come into focus through your blogs.
Posted by: Sissy Willis at June 8, 2005 05:07 AMThanks Sissy! I would say the same - I've had the opportunity to get to know so many other folks and my reading list has gone sky high! :-)
Posted by: Merri at June 8, 2005 06:21 AMTrackback didn't seem to work. Here's my post:
Posted by: Sissy Willis at June 8, 2005 09:17 PM
My blog is worth $198,153.54.
How much is your blog worth?