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August 10, 2005

A Few Quick Thoughts

Due to a major headache that doesn't want to go away, even rubbing two brain cells together wouldn't create enough of a spark to inspire me to write anything of any significance.  However, there's plenty of action around today, so never fear!

I've been quoted on a side bar!  An American Housewife has a quote from one of my posts on her sidebar - go check it out.  Certainly send any requests for my autograph to my publicist as I am now famous!  Here's the quote, and I'm certain you know which group I am referring to:

"It never fails to amaze me that this pedophile-worshipping, teen-abortion-exhaulting, "poor criminal" advocating group tends to align with the individual(s) who set out to cause harm. Screw the victim's rights, screw the safety of our troops, screw the facts."

For those of you who *don't* know which group I'm referring to may want to tune in tomorrow....

Speaking of my publicist...  My dear hubby has further thoughts on the mother of war hero Casey Sheehan that I wrote about on Sunday, with a little Mo thrown in.  Please put your seat in the upright position and buckle in - you will be in for a wild ride!

"Poor Sex Offender"  Sex offenders in Cedar Rapids, IA are worried that a court decision may require that they move from their current homes if they are too close to a school.  In my rather non-lady-like opinion, FUCK'EM.  I don't care how they feel.  What they do to their victims has changed their lives forever - who gives a shit about their "inconvenience" in having to move?  Some people believe what goes around comes around.  I'd only call it that if his cell buddy "Bubba" did to him what he did to his victim.

White Trash Wednesday.  Because I suck, I didn't get a post in this week for White Trash Wednesday.  Be sure to check out the other participants by clicking on their links in the list on the left!  Tell 'em Ray Dawn sent you!

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LOL Merri...you said the F word. I would too though. So you mean to tell me that the people need to move, because an offender has moved into the area? Screw that shit.
I want to open a big camp for these sex offenders. Can you guess what I would have them do while at my camp. It wouldn't be fun thats for sure.

I think by next week things should be more normal for me so I can do a WTW post. LOL

Posted by: Raven at August 12, 2005 04:32 PM
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