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June 26, 2005

Lying Leftists

Obviously, all the PHONY ranting on the left about Karl Rove is total bullshit.  Baldilocks and Blackfive (among others) have noted the PHONY blogswarm surrounding Rove's honest assessment of the left's "Blame America, coddle the terrorists" mentality.  The Astute Blogger has a nice bit of evidence in that regard.

It's just like the lefty blogs to do that.  Keep repeating it until it becomes reality--after all, that's what the mainstream media and their political leaders do.  Keep talking about the QUAGMIRE until everyone thinks that's the reality--and as a result, create that reality.  They don't care if it causes the loss of American lives, they relish it because then they can say Bush=Idiot. 

What Rove said is absoutely on target, and if they can't accept the truth, then maybe they should reconsider their own beliefs if having them pointed out is so hurtful to them.  They see nothing wrong with comparing Gitmo with Nazis/Pol Pot/gulags, but should anyone DARE to say they want to coddle the terrorists by questioning how WE were responsible for 9/11, and all hell breaks loose.  THEY KNOW how phony their whining is, and if they don't, they're just plain stupid.

Instapundit says maybe it was all intended by Rove to draw out all the anti-American liberal rhetoric.  I'm not sure that he really thinks it was intentional, but really, could you have expected any other reaction?  There are so many examples (WILLisms has a collection) of anti-American leftist drivel it's impossible to even bother trying to link to it all.  And really, why bother?  Show me a lefty that proudly says "AMERICA FIRST" or something similar.  You can't, because "America first" or "America is the greatest nation in history" is verbal poison to them.  We--those who believe that--are Nazis, fascists, evil, stupid, whatever, to them.  They think they're the true patriots because they dissent.  They think they're "supporting the troops" by opposing the war--nevermind what the troops themselves say, they're just ignorant Bible-thumping working class fools "forced" into the military because Bush either brainwashed them or ruined the economy so they had no choice.  It's inconceivable to them that anyone could REALLY support the war against Islamofascism.

So tell me, Howard Dean says "I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for," and precious few on the left utter a word of disapproval.  OK, fine.  I hate the Democrats and everything they stand for.  Also the independents on the left.  But watch, I'll be a "fascist" for saying so.

Baldilocks said it all right here:  "Soldiers get their lives endangered but no one is supposed to say jack. Liberals get their feelings hurt and scream bloody murder.  It's enough to make you a bit cynical."
"Cynical" might just be the Understatement of the Century.


(Cross-posted at My VRWC)

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you hate half your country. sounds unamerican to me. we only hate what george bush has done to our country.

Posted by: Jami at June 26, 2005 09:51 PM

Lefties think criticism equals hate.

Posted by: Juliette at June 27, 2005 01:04 PM

Sorry Jami,but that dog won't hunt.you all have done bang up job of destroying the Oldest existing political party in the country,so why are you complaining?it is because of you hippies and hippie wannebes why our country has none of the spine and character is once had.You do hate America look at your track record since the late 60's.All your Utopian dreams have been shattered to smithereens,and you refuse to grow up.And not everyone critical of you is from the GOP;I'm still a registered Dem although "useful idiots"such as yourself have made it hard to be faithful to it.Harry Truman said"If you can't stand the Heat,get out of the kitchen".this perfectly describes you schlamiels on left today.If wasn't for the soldier,sailor,airmen,or marines,you wouldn't have that free speech that you love caterwaul about!You screwed my father and other Vietnam Vets,I'll be damned if I'm gonna let some ungrateful ,spoiled ,and rich bottom feeders do the present generation this way.Also learn to take what you dish out.There is a scripture in the Bible and you better take heed.As a man soweth,that shall he also reap.You have sown the seeds of hatred,now you are beginning to reap that seed now.Also the Bible says that woe to those who call good evil and evil good!If this doesn't describe you people I don't what does!

Posted by: Lisa Gilliam at June 27, 2005 09:07 PM
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