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May 17, 2005


Out of Fox News:

One day after retracting a story that said U.S. interrogators desecrated the Koran , a top Newsweek editor acknowledged the magazine made "serious mistakes" but suggested to FOX News that no one would be fired over the incident.

Dan Klaidman, Nooseweek's Washington bureau chief is truly a piece of work.  Mr. Obvious states "Clearly there were mistakes made here."  REALLY?  That guy must have been born that smart!  But then further bullshit ensues when he says "It was in good faith, they were honest mistakes, and we are trying to be transparent about it."

You know, by Dumbass Dan's definition, murdering someone in cold blood is a "mistake" as well.  Whether it was "true" or not (and, gosh, we know it wasn't true...as that reporter probably did when they wrote it), reporting this story is negligent.  Their blatant negligence caused harm and death to many, not to mention an erosion of the progress we have made.  Oh, and good old Dan also said that people at the magazine "acted professionally." 

Lastly, I have to say that I am SO SICK AND TIRED of hearing the liberals compare the actions of Newsweek to the President's decision to invade Iraq.  These asshat talking heads sat in their chairs on the news shows babbling that in both cases "faulty intelligence" was used and that Bush's "mistake" cost much more than Newsweek's.  How can there even be a comparison, especially when everyone knows it is impossible to use "Newsweek" and "intelligence" in the same sentence?  Seriously, though, George Bush's "mistake" has brought education to children who may have never seen the inside of a classroom otherwise.  George Bush's "mistake" has brought vaccinations to well over 3 million Iraqi children under the age of 5.  Oh, and George Bush's "mistake" has brought freedom to some 24 million people who would have otherwise had a life of fear and oppression.   

This is what Newsweek's mistake has brought to Afghanistan: 

Responsible reporting, isn't it?

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Sickening isn't it!

Posted by: Jay at May 18, 2005 08:23 AM