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Sisayehiticha Dinssa: $78K, Nuke & Cyanide Info

…and the MSM is focused more on O.J. Simpson.

DETROIT A man was arrested at Detroit Metropolitan Airport after officials say they found him carrying $78,883 in cash and a laptop computer containing information about nuclear materials and cyanide.

Sisayehiticha Dinssa of Dallas will be held in custody at least until Monday, a U.S. magistrate ruled Wednesday.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Leonid Feller said Dinssa is a potential risk to the community and federal agents want to get a warrant to search his computer more thoroughly, The Detroit News reported.

I’m such a bad human being to be suspicious of Mr. Dinssa, huh! I don’t know…does this sound suspicious to you? I mean, other than the cash, the nuke and cyanide info stored on his laptop?

Dinssa arrived in Detroit from Nigeria by way of Amsterdam and was headed for Phoenix, Feller said.

Dinssa, an unemployed U.S. citizen, was arrested at the airport Tuesday. An affidavit filed in court said a dog found the scent of narcotics on cash Dinssa carried.

When agents asked him if he had any cash to declare, he said he had $18,000. But when agents checked his luggage, they found an additional $60,883. When they scrolled through his laptop, they found the mysterious files, authorities said.

I must be some kooky, freaky conservative to worry about such silly things. Yeah, that’s it.

More over at Jawa…check it out!

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Did O.J. Do It?

So here we are, around a decade later, a book deal and an interivew on Fox.

O.J. Simpson plans a book and TV interview to discuss how, hypothetically, he could have killed his ex-wife and her friend.

It’s a story his publisher, Judith Regan, considers “his confession.”

But two weeks before the book, “If I Did It,” goes on sale, scorn is being heaped on Simpson, Regan and Fox, which plans to air the two-part Simpson interview on Nov. 27 and 29. NBC passed on it.

It was a crazy thing, that long ago. The case was broadcast on TV and was loaded with so much acting you’d have thought it was Hollywood. Remember Judge Ito and the Ito dancers (strike that, wrong show). But really, why do we have to revisit this story, unless it’s yet another attempt by O.J. Simpson to cash in on the notoriety that came with this media circus? Could he have possibly forgotten that Nicole has relatives and friends who already have to live with the pain of losing her every day of their lives?

So is this his confession? Since he’s protected through double-jeopardy, I would never rule it out. But if it truly is his “confession” I think O.J. is one of the most disgusting, evil, crass human beings ever. To take advantage of this situation, to make a mockery of two people’s murders is, by far, a blatant slap in the face of the judicial system as well as of Nicole and Ron’s family and friends.

And shame on you, Fox, for giving this bullshit artist the time of day.

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A great judge!

Tim Holland sentenced for son’s death

Updated: Nov 15, 2006 12:46 PM EST


LANSING — Tim Holland was sentenced to 30 to 60 years in prison for his role in the death of his son, Ricky, in 2005.

YAY! Clap, clap, clap!

Holland pled guilty to second-degree murder, but the sentencing was delayed until after the trial of his wife, Lisa, who was found guilty in October.

Judge Paula Manderfield was not swayed by Tim Holland’s tears or pleas or letter of reference. Even she choked up as she closed this chapter of a very sad story.

Hmmm…a jury of his “peers” were not swayed either.

Holland began crying as soon as he began speaking to the judge. “What I did was wrong,” he said. “I failed my son. I failed as a father and I failed as a human being when I did not stop my wife from abusing my son, which led to his death.”

Which is precisely WHY you’re getting what you’re getting, and going where you’re going.

He became the star witness against his wife, testifying she abused Ricky for years before hammering him to death. Tim admitted he hid Ricky’s body and covered up the murder for six months before he began to cooperate with investigators.

Fucking scum.

In handing down her sentence, Judge Manderfield went beyond the guidelines of 13.5 to 22 years in prison. “I believe you, Mr. Holland are just as guilty for Ricky’s death as Lisa Holland.”

Amen, and THANK YOU, Judge Manderfield!

When Lisa is sentenced later this month, the judge will have no option but to sentence her to life in prison.

I’ve heard that the “family” that abuses together STAYS together (for 30-60 years).

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Woman who drowned daughters to go free after two years

Woman who drowned daughters to go free after two years

PLANO, Texas A Texas woman who drowned her two children in 2003 has been ruled mentally stable and will be freed from a state hospital.

Yay! Just two years of treatment and she’s “better”

Lisa Diaz drowned her three-year-old and five-year-old daughters by holding their heads under water in the bathtub of their home. She was tried only in the older girl’s death and found not guilty by reason of insanity.

And what about her second child? Brushed aside so they could simply use and receive a not guilty by reason of insanity? BULLSHIT!

In ordering Diaz to be released, a judge said the 36-year-old must remain on medication and continue treatment.

Be sure and take your meds and keep your shrink appointments and have a nice life. BULLSHIT!

While the district attorney office’s opposed Diaz’s release, prosecutors said the judge had no choice. They say the decision underscores the need to reform the insanity defense so that intentional killers are held accountable for their actions.

Need to reform…..no f-ing shit! How about GUILTY, but insane! They get their “treatment”, they get “better”, they get moved on to prison to serve the term that would correspond with their crime. Pretty f-ing simple.

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Proposal 2


This is a PRIME example of why Proposal 2 here in Michigan had to pass.

BAMN (By Any Means Necessary) is the group opposing the ban of Affirmative Action in Michigan. This group stated that petitioners for MCRI (Michigan Civil Rights Initiative) lied to people about the proposal. (Obviously some of the people signing the petition didn’t bother to actually READ what they were signing.)

Our “wonderful” governor (who retained her seat) Jennifer Granholm, and her buddy, Kwame Kilpatrick (Detroit mayor) filed suit against the MCRI claiming fraud, amongst other things. This suit was thrown out!

Well, apparently the ballot language was loud and clear, as the voters decided for EQUALITY for Michigan!

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Saddam Found Guilty for Crimes Against Humanity

My first assessment of this would be a resounding “DUH!”

The sentence is now in the hands of the tribunal, who has an unlimited amount of time for review, but once their review is complete, they have 30 days to complete the execution (by hanging).

We all know he’s guilty, so it’s all tap dancing and drama from here. It will be interesting to see how long this takes and what wrangling will occur.

Update by Merri’s hubby Vinnie: Here’s my video contribution to the verdict:


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Rachael Ray Show: Friday’s Soldier Surprise

I haven’t commented much on Rachael Rays’ daytime talk show, mostly because I think her website does a fabulous job of wrapping it all up. I can’t help but comment on yesterday’s show. Why? It moved me to tears while I was in the dentist chair. me *and* the hygenist!

I had a 9am appointment yesterday, the same time the Rachael Ray Show was on. She had a *great* show…a woman had written in looking for a way to throw a 39th and 40th birthday for her husband, who will be going to Afghanistan for 18 months. He’s a leap year baby, and will be celebrating number 39 and number 40 while in Afghanistan. Rachael decided to surprise him on the show and brought all of his family members to celebrate as well. It moved the soldier to tears. And here I was…getting my teeth cleaned with tears pouring out of my eyes. When my hygenist saw them, she said “Thank God…I thought I was going to have to explain my weepy self to you!” But even Racahel Ray shed a few tears, so we felt better about it. The whole thing was funny and I had to watch the show on Tivo again last night.

The thing that moved me most were his two absolutely adorable sons. They sure seemed to have nothing but admiration and love for their daddy and my heart was aching with the fact that soon they’d be without him for a year and a half. What a sacrifice our men and women make to protect my - our - freedom.

Rachael has more about the show on here site here.

Bo - best wishes to you and many more Happy Birthdays - go with God and be safe on your journey!

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Danny R. Rouse, Paroled, Murder Redux

It’s clear the laws relating to murderers need to be revisted.

Rouse was convicted in the 1979 murder of a 5-year-old boy and stabbing of the child’s mother. He was paroled in March after spending 26 years in a Kansas prison.

This man, paroled by our gracious system, had a ticket to strike again. And strike again he did.

LOGANSPORT, Ind. — Authorities in Indiana said a restaurant worker has confessed to killing a co-worker — a 16-year-old girl whose body was found in a field.

They said Danny R. Rouse, a 51-year-old convicted child murderer, told them where to find the body of Stephanie Faye Wagner.

She was found dead in a cornfield about a mile from where her car was found abandoned, police said.

I can hear it now, what some likely think… “Merri, he served his time. What, you would want to put him away forever, Merri? He’s so sorry for what he did…what makes it right keeping him behind bars for his whole life?” Well, had he been behind bars his entire life, a 16-year-old girl would still be alive and the “cost” of putting a murderer behind bars for life in order to keep everyone safe is worth the price. I’d much rather see this beautiful girl coming into work every day, going to school and living a full life than see this man get freedom from prison after he murdered a 5-year-old and his mother.

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Squeeze *This* Outta Yer Ketchup Bottle, Kerry!

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Happy Halloween!

This is how I felt after reading all the bullshit about John Kerry today. Really.

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John (in a pickle) Kerry

Kerry Reloads in Dogfight Over Snipe at Troops in Iraq

“You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq,” he said.

Okay…this is a no-freakin’ brainer. EVERY American, Democrat, Republican or otherwise, should be OUTRAGED at this comment!

Of course, John Kerry is above having to apologize to anyone. (He gets it from his charming wife, I’m sure)

I, as an American (yes, ABOVE being a Republican) am embarrassed and ashamed of these comments made by a Senator of these United States.

To all active and inactive American veterans, I apologize for the stupid, assinine, ridiculous and blasphemous statement made by Senator Kerry. I can offer absolutely NO explanation….I’ll leave that to your discretion.

I love you….MILLIONS of Americans love you. May God bring you home safely.

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Thanks To M

The “Special thanks to M” I put at the end of my videos pays homage to the owner of this blog, my wifey poo. She gets special thanks for putting up with me hunched over the ‘puter, churning out goofy shit like this:

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I Recommend This New Reading!

Perhaps I should package a few for our friends in Hollywood?

Update: Hubby liked it so much, he even posted it over at Jawa.

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Pay Your Dues!

Michigan doctor fights Army call-up, claims objector status

DETROIT — An anesthesiologist who paid his way through medical school as a captain in the U.S. Army Reserve has been fighting his call-up for active duty by requesting conscientious objector status.

Ryan Hae Kwon, 40, of Oakland County’s Waterford Township, filed the request in December, citing deeply held moral and religious beliefs. But the Army has yet to rule on Kwon’s request and ordered him to report for duty.

Kwon sued the Army on Wednesday, the day before he was told to report. On Thursday, U.S. District Judge Avern Cohn rejected Kwon’s request to block the Army’s actions and ordered him to report to Fort Lewis in Washington state.

Kwon works at Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital and participated in the Army’s Health Professions Scholarship Program. In his application for the Army scholarship, Kwon declared he was not a conscientious objector.

The military paid him more than $106,000 under the program, including about $61,100 in tuition, $40,000 in stipend and $5,450 to buy books, according to documents filed in the case cited by The Detroit News.

Maj. David M. Wilson, who investigated Kwon’s claim for the Army, said “Kwon’s beliefs did not come as an epiphany, but over the course of a year, and after being subjected to accounts and photos of the current conflict in Iraq.”

Didn’t come as an epiphany? Read his final “thought”. I’m sorry…he’s a forty year old “adult”. I believe that our values/morals come after YEARS of development. How “deep” can your “morals” and “beliefs” be after just a year (of MSM reports!!!)

Wilson recommended in August that Kwon be discharged and be required to repay the Army the scholarship money, plus interest.

“I believe that war is fundamentally, morally and spiritually wrong,” Kwon said in a military questionnaire related to his request for conscientious objector status. “War, to me, is premeditated murder on a colossal scale.”

Sounds to me like he has a great, cushy job that he doesn’t want to leave. I can’t blame him. The fact remains, he has an obligation to his country. The country assisted him in shaping and educating him for an excellent future. Certainly, at the time, he knew that perhaps one day his number would be called for him to assist his country.

So get your whiny little ass on the next bus to Fort Lewis!

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How Would You Like to Be *HIS* Child?

…I wouldn’t want to be his wife, either. What a loser!

ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo. — A Wyoming man could get up to 10 years in prison after being accused of using a made-up story last month about the death of his 2-year-old daughter to get time off from work.

Authorities in Rock Springs accuse Henry Eugene Bingham, 26, of pocketing more than $1,300 in donations from co-workers after they learned of the death. He’s charged with obtaining property by false pretenses, a felony.

According to court documents, the sheriff’s Department was contacted by the man’s boss, who said his employees had chipped in when Bingham told them during an Oct. 16 meeting that his daughter had fallen ill, been flown to Salt Lake City and died. The man said employees contributed $1,319, which Bingham took. He also said the labor union gave Bingham money the next day.

Someone from work called the house to offer condolances, and his wife answered, stating that their daughter was alive and well, thus blowing this dumb ass idiot’s “cover.” Lady, do yourself a favor and file for divorce. NOW. If he wants time off, he could have lied and said she was sick. He could have lied that *he* was sick. How awful that he would tell someone that his daughter had died, just to get time off. LOSER!

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