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Ten Things That Make Me Happy….

Chris was tagged and he was SO NICE to not tag anyone specifically….so I can’t help but respond to his question “So….what makes you happy? Here’s my ten….

1. My hubby! There is no one in life I’d rather be side-by-side with, sharing everything!

2. My children. Having a boy and a girl have been such an adventure. Seeing life through the eyes of a child with cartoon glasses on is always the best. They are so innocent, but they are learning at a rate I can’t even imagine anymore!

3. The smallest moments of life. How to describe this is a challenge! I’ll describe it this way….on our vacation in the Black Hills this summer, there was one of these moments. I was sitting on a horse watching my husband and kids ride their horses in front of me. We were stopped, waiting for my son’s horse to quit eating grass (again!). Just then, I looked up and could see the sky poking out between the trees. Some clouds were moving in and I heard this noise…it was the wind! It was sooo quiet in those mountains, away from everything, that I could hear the wind coming before it arrived!!!!! It was one of those “close to heaven” moments that I think back to whenever the stress or disappoint of the moment starts to overwhelm. THAT is what I mean by the smallest moments of life. It’s also my kids’ smiles, even petting one of our dogs. It makes me think how real life is, and what a gift it truly is to be a part of it!

4. Traveling. I want to do more! My number one place to go outside the US? Australia! But I want to see all 50 states in my lifetime.

5. Seeing movies in the theater. Nothing like popcorn and a new release. Not to say I want to watch *all* of the movies that come out, but I love a good flick, the atmosphere, and the popcorn!

6. Cooking. I enjoy making up new stuff, putting together new ingredients. I also like to can veggies from the garden. That way I can cook with fresh food all winter! I do admit, though, I’ve been looking at cooking more as a chore lately (don’t ask me why), but I think it’s because I’ve been working later hours at work due to how busy it has been and I don’t have time to unwind when I get home. But cooking for the family is fun - cooking for others is also great fun!

7. DVR. One of the GREATEST inventions EVAH!!!

8. Moving things from “to do” to “done.” Oh, and I haven’t been doing as much of this as I’d like lately! GAH!

9. Justice being served. I am admittedly stealing Chris’s number 10. I like seeing justice served. There’s a consequence to every action taken - whether that consequence be good or bad. I love seeing good things happen to good people and equally, if someone has done something terrible, having it come bite them in the butt is simply justified.

10. Learning. I really do like learning new things. I’m inundated at work with learning new stuff, and haven’t been appreciating it much until I went back to school in August. I’ve rediscovered how fun it can be to interact with other people on topics that are compelling. I also crave that instant feedback and am getting good grades so far. I think it’s a boost to my self-esteem, which is something I can use at times.

Anyway, that’s my ten. …and I’ll ask you the Chris question: “What makes you happy?”

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September 11, 2001

Following is the complete version of a post I put up regarding September 11, 2001. It was a post I put up two years ago, on the anniversary of 9/11. Much has changed since that post was up, but much has remained the same.

My son is now 10 and my daughter is 6. We are still fighting the war on terror, but continue to fight a bigger war at home…those who would much rather we withdraw than ensure we have the situation under control. The MSM, Hollywood idiots, and the Dems who voted for the war but will now tell you they were fooled….all of these people are bound and determined to increase the blood loss in the WOT. How soon they forget the thousands of lives lost that day, including A. Todd Rancke!! How soon they dismiss the hundreds of reports of good coming from Iraq, Afghanistan. Will they report THAT? Will Hollywood write a movie about the thousands of Iraqi children receiving education? Hell no, they single-mindedly would rather destroy our military’s image along with the pride of each and every soldier out there…and for what? Their almighty wallets. Their fucking American Express Cards. Their drug habits. Their $3000 purses and their attorneys to combat the nude photo leaks to the tabloids. The politicians know an election is coming and will do everything in their power to get as far away from the war as possible, even forgetting what platform they may have been voted into office on. I’m sick of the bullshit. Do people realize that if we pull out of Iraq the terrorists have won? Do they realize that we may be “ending” one war, but inviting yet another in our own back yard? Does it take another few tumbling buildings to remind them what happened six years ago?

I remember the day as if it were yesterday. I asked my son if they talked about September 11 in school today. He said they hadn’t; I told him to ask his teacher to talk about it tomorrow. This is not something that should be shoved into a corner, put in a box and forgotten. We have to remember what happened that day, we need to honor not only those who lost their lives in the WTC, Pentagon and Shanksville, we need to honor and support the soldiers who go to battle for our freedom every day.

What were you doing and thinking on that fateful day six years ago? What will you do today? What will you be doing six years from now?

September 11, 2005

As anyone would probably tell you, September 11, 2001 started out as any other day for me. It was a Tuesday and just two days after my son’s fourth birthday. My daughter, born on May 1, 2001, was only slightly over 4 months old, and fussing for her morning bottle. Working nights, I was always tired, but woke up like any other day to get the day rolling. My routine in those days was to get my daughter’s bottle ready first, then go to her room and change her diaper, then settle down to feed her while I watched the morning news on Fox. At the push of a button, that day was no longer “routine” or “ordinary.”

Timing seemed to be everything. At the point I had turned on the news, they weren’t showing images of the planes, but just the explosions. I immediately got a feeling of extreme doom in my heart. My first thought? We were being attacked by missiles or something similar. My second was of complete distress…what kind of world will my kids grow up in if we are, indeed, being invaded? About that time, my husband burst through the front door and all I could muster was “What the HELL is happening?!?!?!?” …a moment etched in both of our minds forever.

As the day unfolded, there were many tears shed and as many moments of sheer anger. And grief. I had to go find the pictures of the World Trade Center - I felt so fortunate that I had a chance to see those amazing buildings during a trip to New York. I felt that I had to look at them just to let the whole idea that they were gone sink into my heart and my head.

Before I knew it, the time had come for me to go to work. It was so hard to peel away from my family, and from the news, but I thought that work could bring just a bit of “normalcy” to my day. Of course, I was wrong.

Getting to work was a challenge. We shared an office building with a local radio station and the parking lot, as well as the roads in, were clogged with cars. People were donating money to aid the victims and their survivors. I had *no* issue with being late that day because of this. Once I got into the office, you could feel the distinct change in atmosphere. A place normally abuzz as hundreds of employees talk with customers on the phone, an eerie quiet was in the air. We barely were getting phone calls, which makes complete sense. Those that did call in felt guilty, and said as much. Then there were those who called in because they just needed to talk with someone. Those were the hard calls, because America’s people were grieving whether the knew anyone affected by the events at the WTC, the Pentagon, or in Shanksville. A wonderful lady who reported to me was at work, even though a very close cousin of hers was missing, working in the Pentagon. She asked me if it would be okay if she kept her cell phone on, which is usually not something we allowed on the production floor. Of course I told her okay, but also encouraged her to be home with her family. She came to work, she said, because she had worried all day and wanted something to take her mind off of it. I cried for her. I didn’t know what else to do but offer her support and prayers. Finally a moment of sheer joy hit our production floor when she got that cell phone call. Her cousin, while seriously injured, was found and okay. It didn’t matter if a customer was on the phone, the whole room burst out in cheers, clapping and tears.

We were all still focused on the news. Everyone had the Internet up, checking on the news. We made sure the break room had a television on. I had been very used to eating at my desk over lunch and taking breaks at my desk, but decided in those days to eat and break in the break room. I remember the speeches by GWB and how everyone, no matter their political affiliation or background, was inspired and touched by Bush’s words, and more importantly, his actions.


In the days that followed, when there was no air traffic, I tended to get spooked out. Late at night, for about an hour, I was the only person in the building I worked in. It was so quiet, you could hear every noise, every rattle, every creak. And a few nights, you could hear the jets taking off from Offutt AFB (we were in the midst of their flight path). Imagine yourself, already spooked, sitting alone in a huge building late at night, knowing planes aren’t supposed to be flying. At that most panicky moment, that’s when the large jet managed to zoom past the building. The first night that happened, I swear I was under my cubicle, thinking I was about to die. Then when I ran and looked out the window, I did the whole “DUH” thing (slap on forehead included), but proceeded to pack up my stuff and got the hell out of there. My heart was still racing - even when I pulled into my driveway. That’s when I realized, that for such a “distant” attack, it had even changed *my* life forever.

I remember the day that Bush declared we were at war with Afghanistan. I remember thinking “Hell, yeah….those bastards deserve everything we’ve got!” …and got it, they did. I remember watching the footage each night and day, an eerie green-hued Steve Harrigan etched into my mind. I would stay up until 3-4am, just to watch the footage, only to start it up the next day. I remember my 4-year-old son asking if Osama bin Laden was going to kill us. My son, I will say, is brilliant. At the age of four, he was asking me about the news, and the mastermind behind a major terrorist plot - but at the same time, my very sensitive son had fear on his face - he was genuinely concerned. I explained to him that the army guys were “beating him up” and he’d never be able to hurt us. From that day on, “Army guys” were my son’s heroes.


Each year, there have been vigils and memorial services to remember those lost in the 9/11 attacks. They have served, for me, as a reminder of what we have lost.


They have also served to keep my beliefs and ideals firmly in place, especially when I watch my young children participate in these services. This is a world they are inheriting - not by anything they have done, but at the hands of extremists who hate our country.

There was a unity for some time in this country. Flags flying, people crossing the aisle to say “let’s work together and support this cause.” We don’t see that anymore - at least on the outside (i.e. the media). We have the Michael Moores and Cindy Sheehans of the world who will tell you that GWB and anyone who believes in his leadership is putting soldiers in harms way for no reason. However, most “every day Americans” have faith that the Bush Administration is leading us in the right direction in the War on Terror. President Bush has never said that road would be easy, and he never said the war would be swift, no matter where the war took us. He did let us know these efforts will preserve our freedoms and that soldiers would die for this cause. That’s what war is - freedom has a price. 3000+ Americans paid a heavy price on 9/11 and I believe in assuring their deaths were not in vain.

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Merri Your Wishes Might Come True!!!

Oh please, please, please, let the sources be right. OH PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

OMAHA, Neb. — Sources tell two Nebraska newspapers that Sen. Chuck Hagel does not intend to run for president or re-election to the Senate next year.

The Republican has scheduled a news conference Monday to tell his political future.

It would be gift enough to not have him throw his hat in the ring for president, but to not run for re-election to the Senate? That would be a two-for-one special!!!!!!

UPDATE: Oh my!!! It has most CERTAINLY come true. Merri, there IS a Santa Claus!

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Real Life & Reality on my DVR

As you can tell, real life has obviously taken over again! I haven’t posted since August 22 because so much has been going on!

1) The kids are back in school. It is amazing to me how hard one has to work just to get the kids ready! School clothes, supplies, meet the teacher, kids saying “Only 1 day, 2 hours, 18 minutes and, 12 seconds until school starts” (multiplied by 5000 times!).

2) I am back in school! I started attending classes online last week. I needed to focus as much as possible since this old dog hasn’t been in college since the late 80s. I like learning online…fits my very hectic lifestyle. Interestingly enough, some portions of online classes are almost like blogging!

3) The garden! OH MY GAWD. I am amazed at how many tomatoes can actually come from one plant. The fact that I have 8 tomato plants all standing as tall as me (if not taller!) means I’ve been busy. I’ve canned hot sauce, salsa, spaghetti sauce, and tomatoes. I had to get extra canning jars! Believe it or not, some of the plants have blossoms on them! Crazy stuff. It should die down toward the end of September, I hope!

4) Husker football began…..52-10 this Saturday…WOOT!

5) I’m just enjoying real life so much, it is hard to sit down and spend time putting up a post about things that everyone has already blogged about. I’m getting just a bit cynical about blogging, if you couldn’t tell…I almost feel it’s a waste of time most days! I may end up closing up shop one of these days, but don’t know for sure. I think about looking for partners in crime, but even my hubby’s blogging somewhere else these days. No one (except my buddy Nancy) has the time or a desire to blog over at my little place…I’m just a tiny corner of the blogosphere, not anything special, really.


My DVR is going to be getting full very soon as the “Fall Lineup” of what I call “mindless” television is starting up. Why do I like this stuff? I do enough thinking in a day I like a way to escape! Here are the ones coming in September that I have the Tivo ready for:

Rachael Ray

She starts on September 10, 2007. I DO like her show as much as “30 Minute Meals.”

The Biggest Loser

I have watched this show every year. Given I have a few pounds of my own to lose I always hope it will get me more inspired. It will be interesting with a new host this year! They have a special on tomorrow, September 4, following up with some contestants to see if they kept the weight off. The season premieres on September 11.

Dancing With The Stars

Okay, so I’m somewhat skeptical about the show this year. I don’t know many of the “stars” and those I *do* know are not what I would call, um, dancers. Can you say Marie Osmond?!?!? I also think the makeup of the cast is somewhat worn. Didn’t we have a boxer last year? A beauty queen? …and there’s always a couple of “older” stars, too. Maybe the viewers should vote on who should be on? Or maybe not. I picture a show with Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Brit-Brit and Kevin Federline or something like that. This one may be axed unless they can really “wow” me. It starts on September 24!

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

By far, one of my favorites. I cry every time, but it’s a good cry! They start their new season on September 30.

So as you can see, between school, football, real life (including canning), reality television and a general apathy that anyone actually READS what I write, I’ll probably be posting more like once or twice a week, and only if I have anything I want to say. I appreciate those of you who may be reading me regularly (and please let me know if you do). And I even appreciate those of you Rachael Ray fans who bring my numbers up by looking at her wedding pictures (and the guys who are looking at her FHM spread!).

Take care and see you soon!

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Bette Midler: Tree Discrimination!!

Environmental activist Bette Midler has gotten herself into a bit of a spot:

LIHUE, Hawaii — Bette Midler cut down more than 230 trees around one of her properties on the island of Kauai without a permit, and the state has recommended she be fined.

The staff of the Board of Land and Natural Resources recommended $6,500 in fines for having the trees felled and for building a graded road without permits required for the land zoned for conservation use.

Ms. Midler “didn’t realize permits were needed to remove the trees on a vacant 58,000-square-foot parcel of land on Kauai’s North Shore.”

“The whole idea with cutting the trees down was with the idea of improving the lot with native species” instead of the nonnative, invasive species that had grown there, Graham said. “It’s unfortunate that a mistake was made.”

The National Tropical Botanical Garden, which maintains three gardens on Kauai, will design a replanting plan that consists of appropriate native plants, Graham said.

A botanist hired by Midler after the fact said 120 Java plum trees, 100 octopus trees and 10 to 20 Madagascar olive trees that were cut down were all nonnative species. Some native trees also were removed from the property, the botanist said.

It’s rather interesting that someone who cares so much about the environment and global warming would fell well over 200 trees. Of course she’ll pay the fine, and of course there will be new, native trees planted in their places…does that make her close to godliness in the tree hugging world again?

Oh, and if Bette Midler, Tree Hugger Extraordinaire, can whack over 200 of her leafy friends, could she possibly remove 200 or so “nonnative, invasive” illegal immigrants from our side of the border? …oh, wait, sorry for my brief moment of EEEEEEEEEVIL Republican Thugdom.

Bette’s sure gonna have one VERY LARGE compost heap when this is all said and done. :-)

Bette? What did this tree ever do to YOU?

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Mary Winkler…Justice Served?

Mary “Shot My Husband in the Back” Winkler is free after receiving 12 days in jail and 55 days in a mental health facility.

Mary Winkler, the Tennessee woman who shot her minister husband to death while he slept, was released back into society this week after serving just 67 days, most of it in a prison hospital.

Alright….so all the “poor Mary Winkler” people are going to be up in arms because I think this is a prime example of why the judicial system is so, well, broken.

Folks, this woman shot her husband in the back while he was sleeping. She let them lay there for 20 minutes while he bled to death. Their children were in the home when it happened and when she knew he was dead she packed up the kids and ran away. The experts are even saying they wouldn’t feel comfortable giving this woman a clean bill of health (i.e. she might kill again).

Consider this [emphasis mine]:

“Justice was definitely not served here,” Pirro told Vieira. “You had a preacher, who by all accounts was loved in his community, who was shot in the back while he slept. You have a woman who says she was abused with no history, no shred of evidence.

Matthew Winkler was a minister at the Fourth Street Church of Christ, a denomination that believes in a literal interpretation of the Bible, including Saint Paul’s teaching that women should be submissive to their husbands.

Mary Winkler’s attorneys claimed that she was beaten by her husband. She said at her trial that he made her watch pornographic videos and wear “slutty” outfits for sex. She said he was controlling and criticized her constantly.

At the time of the killing, the couple had been having arguments about their finances. Prosecutors introduced evidence that Mary Winkler had gotten involved in an online Nigerian check-kiting fraud and had written checks for thousands of dollars. That, the prosecution argued, was the real source of the friction in the marriage.

But the defense said there had been continuing abuse.

“What’s interesting, Meredith, at the trial, she took out a pair of high heels and she said, ‘This is how I was abused. He made me wear these heels when we were intimate with each other,’” Pirro said. “That’s not abuse. This is ridiculous.”

Alright…so let me get this straight. One human being is allowed to kill another human being when:

A person says they are abused.

Um, there was no evidence.

A man “makes” a woman watch pr0n

Oh, wow….what a reason to kill someone, especially the father of your own children!

A husband would like his wife to wear “slutty” outfits for sex.

Sheer torture, for sure! I think that’s the first time I ever heard of a man who would like his wife to dress provocatively for sex [insert sarcasm here].

That darn husband was controlling and critical.

Solution: Shoot him in the back while he’s sleeping, let him bleed to death for 20 minutes.

Arguing about finances

If this is an excuse for murder, wouldn’t more women be shot for going shopping at Kohl’s?!?

Wearing high heels

Methinks the designers should take all the responsibility for high heels. No, really!

Anyway….all this to say that there is not one reason this woman should be walking free today. Thanks so much, jurors! There are hundreds of cases of horrific spousal abuse that happen regularly. It’s awful that this can happen, but it isn’t a one-way ticket to a murder spree either. Go to a shelter, file for divorce, report the abuse, grow some balls…you have children to protect from such a thing! I can only imagine the 911 call “oh, wow…please help me! My bastard of a husband is making me wear 4″ stilettos again! OH THE ABUSE!!!” …and this woman is fighting against the grandparents, who have filed for full custody of the kids. HOW DARE SHE. She murdered her husband while they were in the house. If she’s positioning herself to get full custody of the kids, and if a judge awarded it to her, it would be by far the most ridiculously STUPID judge ever. I wouldn’t trust her in my own city, let alone with my kids anywhere near her. I wouldn’t want my husband within shooting distance, either.

“In 60 days you can start somebody on a medicine if you felt that he or she was depressed,” he said. “You can see the results of that medication kicking in. You might be able to do psychological testing to see if there’s any underlying delusion or fixed and false belief like paranoia. What you can’t do, you can’t predict the future with anything like certainty.”

If she’s capable of killing once, what makes these people think that she won’t do it again?!?!?!? There’s something broken inside of her. And don’t give me the old PP-depression script again. That is a slap in the face to the millions of women who manage their symptoms every day and don’t manage to shoot their spouses in the back, while they are sleeping, and watch them bleed to death for 20 minutes.

Seriously, though, justice was NOT served here…and if you see her in Tennessee and you are getting your dry cleaning done, just don’t turn your back on her or you’ll be sorry!!

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Can We All “Coexist?”

My dear readers - I need your input. I saw a bumper sticker on the way home from work and I want your opinions….would you put one of these on your bumper? Why do you feel that way?

This is the one I actually saw:

The symbols on this one are the Muslim Crescent/Star, Peace Sign, Man & Woman, the Jewish Star of David, Baha’i Star, Taoist Yin Yang and a cross representing Christianity.

Then I found this one on the ‘nets at “Stamp and Shout” (I won’t link, but it’s pretty easy to get there if you want to look):

Slightly different symbols: Islam crescent/star ; pentagram for Wicca; relativity formula standing for science; star of David for Judaism; the Karma Wheel on the ‘i’ representing Buddhism; Tao symbol; and the cross for Chrisitianity.

Talk amongst yourselves….topic….”Coexist!”

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Those CRAAAAZY Criminals: Juanita Marie Jones Edition

This crazy criminal proves to the rest of us that if drugs don’t kill ya, they just make ya stupider:

ROCHELLE, Ga. (AP) - A woman was arrested after she called police to help “get her money back” after she was unhappy with the crack cocaine she purchased.

Juanita Marie Jones, 53, called Rochelle Police late Thursday night after she purchased what she thought was a $20 piece of crack cocaine, according to police reports.

She called them because once she smoked some, she realized it was fake. When she showed the drugs to the officers, she was promptly arrested.

Score: Smart & Responsible Police Officers - 1 / Crack-smoking, brick-short-of-a-load druggie - 0

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Flowers and a Dumbass

Okay….so before I am so hasty as to call this guy a dumbass, perhaps I should listen to his story.

MISSOURI CITY, Texas — A Missouri City, Texas, man has filed a federal lawsuit against 1-800-FLOWERS, Inc. after they sent his wife a thank-you card for flowers he ordered for another woman.

That didn’t take long, did it?!? What a DUMBASS! Read on…

MyFOXHouston.com reported Leroy Greer ordered a dozen red roses and teddy bear through 1-800-flowers.com for a woman while he was in the middle of divorcing his wife. However, at the time the flowers were sent, Greer and his wife were reconciled.

After Greer ordered the flowers in April, 1-800-flowers reportedly sent a thank-you card to his home, which his wife saw.

So he’s suing the flower company for damages?!?!?!? Uh, Leroy? When you placed that order, it was YOUR actions that caused the damages. Hey there, Leroy?!? Here’s a tip for you. When you are contemplating reconciling with your WIFE, don’t send flowers and an “I LOVE YOU” note to the woman you were messing around with. Oh….and maybe you SHOULDN’T CHEAT (I mean you weren’t yet divorced and there was a chance of reconciliation, right?). OH, and I have ordered from 1-800-FLOWERS before…they don’t have a section called “send flowers to the woman you are messing around with…we won’t tell.” So…did you forget to tell your wife about this woman as you were attempting to reconcile? Or did you forget that little tidbit of information??!?!?!? GET.A.CLUE! MORON! You made your bed, so why don’t you take responsibility and lie in it?

Over at My Fox Houston, they have a statement that was released by 1-800-FLOWERS [emphasis mine]:

“We take pride in creating relationships with our customers by recognizing and thanking them for their business. We take all matters relating to our customers seriously; however, we are not responsible for an individual’s personal conduct. Beyond this, it is the company’s policy not to comment on pending litigation and legal matters.”


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I Can Follow Where Others Lead….

Yanno, I’ve been spending the week thinking about how I might write a post to describe what our weekend adventure to Nashville was like. But why should I when others do such a good job?!?!? Go check out this stunning piece over at 6MB!

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One Corner of the World Just Got Safer…

…self-inflicted justice? Who cares….no more kids will be exploited by these pigs:

A couple featured as wanted child predators on The O’Reilly Factor Wednesday were found dead in an apparent murder-suicide shortly after the segment aired, sources tell FOXNews.

Paul and Myrtis Gauthreaux were wanted by the FBI for engaging in sexual conduct with minors and appeared on a segment of the show that profiled alleged child pornographers.

I dunno how this relative feels, but their actions should be applauded:

After seeing the O’Reilly Factor segment, a relative of the couple called them before notifying the FBI of their whereabouts. When federal investigators arrived at their home, the Gauthreauxs had fled to an undisclosed location. The FBI said Paul Gauthreaux shot his wife dead before turning the gun on himself.

No appeals, no taxes needed to house and feed them. Case closed.

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LOSER AWARD: Flame on, Fool!

Nope. Criminals aren’t dumb. Not at all…

TWO RIVERS, Wis. (AP) - An 18-year-old man was severely burned Thursday after he lit a flame while trying to steal gasoline from a riding lawnmower. He and another 18-year-old man were in a Town of Two Rivers shed early Thursday, trying to extract the fuel from the mower.

Yes…lit a flame while trying to extract [steal] gas from a mower.

At one point, they decided they needed more light, so one of them ignited burning materials, according to Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Inspector Gregg Schetter. The gasoline then exploded, Schetter said.

Not the best prepared, are they? Anyone ever heard of a FLASHLIGHT moron? Didn’t you know it was DARK in the middle of the night?!? Oh, well. If there weren’t such STUPID people out there I’d have even less to write about!

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What is….146?

146 is the number of my homegrown tomatoes that I blanched and peeled tonight, in preparation for canning. Oh….and that doesn’t include the 25-30 that aren’t yet ripe, or the 8 billion (or so it seems) still in the garden. My fingers feel like the outside of the driest.raisin.evah.

My Roma tomatoes are getting ripe now, which is exciting. I’m planning on canning spaghetti sauce out of them. We eat a lot of pasta in the winter, and I can’t think of anything better than homemade sauce fresh from the garden!

/garden geek


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Kung Pao Beef Recipe

This is the first year we are growing a *real* garden (let’s not discuss the tomatoes, though…they have literally taken over most everything!). My hubby has a love for peppers, and we’ve been pulling dozens of peppers out of the garden…including Kung Pao peppers. So….in thinking about some of my favorite Chinese food, I started searching around for a good Kung Pao Beef recipe. I found one from Tyler Florence here, but had to do some modifications to fit our taste and because some of the ingredients aren’t in our regular grocery store. I hope you enjoy this as much as my hubby, who has declared this recipe part of the “top 5″ list!

Kung Pao Beef


1 1/2 pounds boneless beef sirloin
1 tablespoon Tamari soy sauce (regular will do as well)
2 tablespoons sesame oil
1 tablespoon sherry
1 egg white
1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt
2 tablespoons light colored oil
3 fresh Kung Pao peppers, split
4 cloves garlic, chopped fine
1/2 tablespoon ginger, grated
1 teaspoon whole black pepper, toasted and crushed
3 green onions, cut in pieces
1/2 red bell pepper, cut in very thin strips
2 tablespoons Tamari soy sauce
3 tablespoons sherry
2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
1 teaspoon sugar
1 cup chicken broth
1 tablespoon cornstarch, stirred into 2 tablespoons water


Very thinly slice steak, against the grain. Combine the soy sauce, sesame oil, sherry, egg white and salt in a bowl. Add the beef and stir to coat. Marinate for 1/2 hour to an hour, covered in the refrigerator.

Place oil in a wok and turn heat on to high. Add the Kung Paos and cook until they begin to darken. At this point, you can choose to remove them from the oil or you can keep them in…I usually remove half of them. Add garlic, ginger and crushed black pepper, cooking for about 30 seconds to a minute. Add the green onions and red bell pepper. Remove the steak from the marinade and add it to the wok. Stir-fry the beef until brown. Add soy sauce, sherry, rice wine vinegar, sugar and chicken broth. Stir the cornstarch mixture and add it to the wok. Stir until slightly thickened. Serve over Jasmine rice (the best rice for Asian food….YUM!).

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Tonight, We Dine In HELL!!!!

Oh, yes. Today was the day “300″ came out on DVD, HD and Blueray…of course we bought it on blueray.

The movie was fabulous in the theater, but nothing quite compares to snowflakes flying off your flat screen, or grimy six-pack abs nicely defined, shaded, and shiny before your wide, focused eyes.

In all honestly, the movie is amazing. I love the special and visual effects…it’s so visually appealing and, at times, hypnotic without being artsy. If you haven’t seen the movie, I highly recommend it…even for those of you who have as much estrogen running through your system as I do.

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