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Stop the ACLU! - People Praying is Comparable to Terrorists?

In yet another display of their radical views, the ACLU has opened mouth, inserted foot yet again.

A local ACLU director [Joe Cook, ACLU of Louisiana] equated al-Qaida terrorists with members of a Louisiana school board seeking to open their meetings with prayer.

Excuse me?

Referring to the school board, Cook said, "They believe that they answer to a higher power, in my opinion. Which is the kind of thinking that you had with the people who flew the airplanes into the buildings in this country, and the people who did the kind of things in London."

Mike Johnson, senior counsel and southeastern regional coordinator for the Alliance Defense Fund, said it best:   

"It shows the ACLU has become more and more extreme and marginalized," said Johnson. "So, to that extent, I like it when he talks, because he simply reveals who they are."

Johnson said the ACLU tries to "come across as champions of liberty, but the truth of the matter is they are extremists."

Yes, Mr. Johnson.  I would agree that he is the poster boy for ACLU propaganda.  Hammer to the nail, I say.

I can’t say I find this the equivalent to terroristic activities:

The board – which has opened each of its meetings with a prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, for more than 30 years – argues the invocations impose no restriction on any religious viewpoint, and any person who wants to lead the prayer may do so regardless of his religious beliefs.

Of course, someone had to complain and the ACLU had to come running.  I picture Joe Cook, tongue dangling out of the corner of his mouth, salivating at another chance to put the kibosh on prayer.

In an ACLU-mandated world, a person can’t pray, but they can watch child porn.  If a person doesn’t like their spouse, who just happens to be on life support, they can pull the plug without their confirmed consent.  Gosh, criminals are now the victims, and the victims are the one who have to do the community service.  For that matter, let’s pay child abusive murderers, who are card carrying members of NAMbLA so they have an easier time in prison.  Remove the Ten Commandments because they are just so offensive, take "Under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance as it is inappropriate and remove crosses and other symbols from the public eye.  Do not *ever* utter the words "Merry Christmas" and be sure to put the "It’s a Druid Thing" bumper sticker on your car so you can get out of those tickets you don’t want.  Laughable?  Hardly.  Almost all of this is happening today.   

When will the pendulum swing the other way?  At some point, will the ACLU come to my defense because I want the right to pray before a school board meeting if I so desire?  Will they defend me if I say that I reserve the right to say "Under God" because I believe in God?  Will they defend me if I say that I got a speeding ticket only because they pulled me over when I didn’t have my "It’s a Druid Thing" bumper sticker proudly displayed?

The ACLU’s extremist views continue to poison our society with ridiculous notions about what is "right" and what is "wrong" and the organization seems to get away with comments that were comparable to a famous talk show host, who ended up without a job because of the outcry following his comments about the "brave terrorists."  Where is the public outcry with this moron?  I, myself, will continue to speak out against the evils of the ACLU for as long as I can, or until they pry my rosary and my crucifix from my cold, dead hands.


This post is part of the Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to participate please Register At Our Portal.


Thanks to TJ and Zeke for their trackbacks and linky love!

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I Can’t Say I’m Surprised…

Back in July, I brought you the story of 22-year-old Matthew Koso, who married a 13-year-old girl he got pregnant.  The girl’s mother approved and consented the marriage, which took place across the state line in Kansas, where it is legal for kids under the age of 18 to get married, as long as there is parental consent.  However, it is illegal in Nebraska, and charges of first degree sexual assult were filed against Koso by Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning.

The Omaha World Herald brings us an update to this twisted saga - the title stands alone:  "Child Bride’s Love Had Eye for the Girls."  Sickening, isn’t it?

FALLS CITY, Neb. - Matthew Koso, the 22-year-old local man who married his pregnant 14-year-old girlfriend in May, was involved with at least three other underage girls before her.

Relatives of two girls told The World-Herald of the relationships.

In one case, Koso’s relationship with an 11-year-old girl came to an abrupt halt when her father discovered the two had been going out. Koso was 19 at the time.

"I nipped it in the bud," the father said.

Another girl’s uncle said he intervened when he saw his niece, then 12 or 13, riding in Koso’s van. He told Koso to stay away from the girl.

In the third case, Andrew Timothy, a cousin of the girl whom Koso married, said he once saw the father of a preteen girl pull Koso out of the city pool, punch him and warn him to stay away from his daughter.

A half-dozen other people who know Koso or his bride, including some of her relatives, said Koso’s interest in young teens and preteens was widely known.

"He’s been dating little girls for a long time," said Patty Smith, an aunt of the girl Koso married.

The girl’s mother cited his past behavior when she sought a protection order to keep him away from her daughter.

"He has a history of the same, similar with other young girls. And he needs to be stopped here and now," the mother wrote in her affidavit.

Of course Koso didn’t mention any of this to his attorney.  Koso’s mother said that he didn’t go on dates with anyone, especially young girls.  C’mon, Mom.  I think you are in denial - he impregnated a 13 year old!  Okay, maybe she’s right…does statuatory rape count as a date?

I have to share this sad tale - of course none of this is Matthew’s fault - he had ADHD:

Peggy Koso described Matthew, her youngest, as a child who struggled a bit in school. He had been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder and wasn’t strong at academics or sports. He had few friends, and those he did have were a couple of years younger.

"He never got along well with kids his age," Peggy Koso said.

Matthew Koso also had a few brushes with the law and, after graduating from high school, a brief stint in the Marine Corps.

He attended Falls City Public High School, graduating with his class in May 2001. His wife will be a freshman at the school this fall.

That’s just revolting…and the article states this as if it was some kind of wedding annoucement "His wife will be a fresman at the school this fall…"  How quaint.  How romantic…how sick.  He’s a pedophile!!

Throughout his life, it seems as though Matthew has had run-ins with the law, has cut himself to get attention and had problems with school because, his attorney says, of "Koso’s limited mental capability."  And he’s procreating now?  Greeeeaaaat.  The last famous words of Koso’s attorney:

"It’s not like we have some rampant criminal-type character out here," Yoesel said.

Um, I would beg to differ…

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The Cotillion - Stop by and Visit!

Please join the conservative women of the Cotillion today for their weekly round up hosted by A Mom and Her Blog, Girl on the Right, Mary Katharine Ham / Townhall C-Log and Not a Desperate Housewife.  With all that is going on in the news this week, you shouldn’t be disappointed! 

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I am Not Alone….

Apparently I am not the only one who can’t stand to be around Cindy Sheehan…

Update:  …and tee bee ain’t takin’ it any more!

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Is NAMbLA Paying a Child Killer?

If you are not familiar with this case, it is because it seems to have dropped far off the front page.  Charles Jaynes is a member of NAMbLA, a group that approves and endorses sexual relationships between adult males and young boys.  Charles Jaynes, along with Salvatore Sicari, brutally murdered and molested 10-year-old Jeffrey Curley, before tossing his body into a river.  It seems as though it is possible that NAMbLA has been helping Charles Jaynes out financially, and the reluctance to release Jaynes’ prison records may send the civil case to a higher court.

After a federal judge quashed his motion to release the records in April, Lawrence Frisoli, the attorney for Barbara and Robert Curley, Jeffrey Curley’s parents, requested information about Charles Jaynes’ incarceration from Gov. Mitt Romney and the Department of Corrections last week.

The Curleys, who filed a $200 million lawsuit against the North American Man/Boy Love Association in 2000, allege that Jaynes is receiving money from NAMBLA while in prison and is actively recruiting inmates for the organization. They are seeking information regarding Jaynes’ mail and phone activity, canteen account and employment. 

Frisoli said if the request is denied, he expects further litigation to ensue, possibly to the Supreme Judicial Court. "However, we gave the Massachusetts chief executive officer [the choice]," he said. 

Diane Wiffin, spokeswoman for the DOC, said lawyers were still reviewing the request.

NAMbLA is also being represented by the ACLU, who apparently is on board with NAMbLA’s goal to "educate the general public on the benevolent nature of man/boy love."  I guess both of these groups tend to forget that such "love" inspired the death of a 10-year-old boy.

In 1999, Barbara Curley was given access to Jaynes’ criminal records that pertain to Jeffrey’s murder, on the basis that she is a victim. But in his April opinion, the judge stated it isn’t clear whether Jaynes’ prison records pertain to the crime.

I cannot believe the short-sightedness of this particular judge.  It is reported that Jaynes carries around little Jeffrey’s autopsy report, among other things.  Of *course* his prison records pertain to the crime, and the continued crime being perpetrated if Jaynes is on NAMbLA’s dole.

One affidavit, signed by an inmate at MCI-Concord, alleges that NAMBLA sends Jaynes’ mother money on his behalf, which she deposits into his prison canteen account; that Jaynes passes around Curley’s autopsy report to inmates; keeps a journal of rape and sexual assaults; engages in sexual acts with other prisoners; and "use[d] to participate in a fatherhood group so he could listen to fathers talk about their children."

I am all for the right to privacy, for citizens who are not murderers living on my taxes.  Jaynes is convicted of murder - I’m certain there is a hesitancy to release his records because 1) he has a "right" to privacy and 2) because the reports are probably accurate - he probably *is* getting paid by NAMbLA and they’ve enlisted the help of the ACLU to avoid being found out.  After all, if NAMbLA is not funding his canteen account, the release of his records would clear the record for them, right?  So if they aren’t funding his account, why the hesitancy to release the records?

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No Wonder They Go Postal…

Okay…no one should blame anyone working for the post office for being a bit stressed out.  First of all, they have to deal with their management staff, which ain’t any walk in the park.  And then they have to deal with us, the crazed public…

HOUMA, La. (AP) - A mail carrier got bitten - by a barking man, police said.

Mark D. Plumb, 20, of Butler, Mo., was arrested and charged with simple battery Wednesday after he ran barking from a house and bit the letter carrier on the shoulder, police spokesman Lt. Todd Duplantis said.

This guy says he bit the carrier as a joke.  Police say he doesn’t have a record or history of mental illness.  Um, well, now he does.

What a whack job.  Sheesh!  Now I know why carriers carry pepper spray…it ain’t for the dogs!

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I Know March is a Long Way Away, But…

The next season is coming in March 2006, and they are adding eight "bonus" episodes!  I miss The Sopranos.  Only seven months to wait…

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Stop the ACLU! Blogburst - It’s a Druid Thing

I’ve been ranting for quite some time about the ACLU and their, well, wacky ways.  Just when I think I’ve seen everything, they manage to raise the stupidity bar a tad bit higher.

Now they are demanding that the city of Greer, S.C. drop charges and say "sorry" to a couple that are insisting they were picked on by police because they had a religious bumper sticker on their vehicle. 

Tony and D.J. Gainey said police pulled the couple over in May because of the bumper stickers on their car. 

One of the stickers read, "It’s a druid thing."

The Gaineys said they believe in druidism — a nature-focused religion.

Okay.  So the Gaineys say that the bumper sticker saying "It’s a druid thing" is the reason the officers pulled them over.  Um, I think the Gaineys overlooked some other rather important reasons:  driving with a suspended license, not having proper license plates or proof of insurance. 

But the ACLU, in all of their "social cause" wisdom, support the Gaineys and have demanded that all charges be dropped and an apology be issued because they were being singled out due to their religious beliefs.  …and ole Mr. Gainey has some pearls of wisdom, too:

"I shouldn’t been driving. I am guilty of that, but the stop never would have taken place if they wouldn’t have violated our rights," said Gainey.

HOW SMART YOU ARE!  You are so right!  You shouldn’t have been driving with a suspended license, no insurance and improper plates.  You were <gasp> BREAKING THE LAW.  Because you were BREAKING THE LAW, you were pulled over by law enforcement.  This isn’t being singled out….this is some guy trying to get out of a criminal offense. 

The ACLU continues down a path that excludes logic, rational thought, common sense and credibility.  Part of me wants to rant forever about how idiotic the ACLU’s position and actions are as they relate to this case.  But the wiser, more reasoned part of me knows it isn’t necessary.  Their actions and their positions speak louder than any words I could possibly utter.


Weekly, Stop the ACLU! has a blogburst with multiple participants shedding light on the wacky ways of the ACLU.  Please stop by! 

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A Few Quick Thoughts

Due to a major headache that doesn’t want to go away, even rubbing two brain cells together wouldn’t create enough of a spark to inspire me to write anything of any significance.  However, there’s plenty of action around today, so never fear!

I’ve been quoted on a side bar!  An American Housewife has a quote from one of my posts on her sidebar - go check it out.  Certainly send any requests for my autograph to my publicist as I am now famous!  Here’s the quote, and I’m certain you know which group I am referring to:

"It never fails to amaze me that this pedophile-worshipping, teen-abortion-exhaulting, "poor criminal" advocating group tends to align with the individual(s) who set out to cause harm. Screw the victim’s rights, screw the safety of our troops, screw the facts."

For those of you who *don’t* know which group I’m referring to may want to tune in tomorrow….

Speaking of my publicist…  My dear hubby has further thoughts on the mother of war hero Casey Sheehan that I wrote about on Sunday, with a little Mo thrown in.  Please put your seat in the upright position and buckle in - you will be in for a wild ride!

"Poor Sex Offender"  Sex offenders in Cedar Rapids, IA are worried that a court decision may require that they move from their current homes if they are too close to a school.  In my rather non-lady-like opinion, FUCK’EM.  I don’t care how they feel.  What they do to their victims has changed their lives forever - who gives a shit about their "inconvenience" in having to move?  Some people believe what goes around comes around.  I’d only call it that if his cell buddy "Bubba" did to him what he did to his victim.

White Trash Wednesday.  Because I suck, I didn’t get a post in this week for White Trash Wednesday.  Be sure to check out the other participants by clicking on their links in the list on the left!  Tell ‘em Ray Dawn sent you!

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A call for help….from Kathleen at The Middle Ground, a very worthy project:

Hello friends, family and fellow bloggers, I’m emailing you to let you know about a new project for wounded soldiers through that fantastic organization Soliders’ Angels and ask for your assistance. The new project is called Project VALOUR IT (Voice Activated Laptops for OUR Injured Troops). This project is to help get laptops with voice activated software to our wounded troops recuperating at military hospitals. From Soldiers’ Angels: "Project Valour IT, in memory of SFC William V. Ziegenfuss, provides voice-controlled software and laptop computers to wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines recovering from hand and arm injuries or amputations at major military medical centers. Operating laptops by speaking into a microphone, our wounded heroes are able to send and receive messages from friends and loved ones, surf the ‘Net, and communicate with buddies still in the field without having to press a key or move a mouse. The experience of CPT Charles "Chuck" Ziegenfuss, a partner in the project who suffered hand wounds while serving in Iraq, illustrates how important this voice-controlled software can be to a wounded servicemember’s recovery."

To find out how you can help, please go visit Kathleen for more details. I work with patients who use the voice activated laptop systems…it’s amazing what can be done and it’s another way to say THANK YOU to the troops. Cross Posted @ Flightpundit, Cat House Chat, Vince Aut Morire & @ And Rightly So

& Caos Blog

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It’s Cotillion Time!

Please join the women of the Cotillion tomorrow for the weekly tour lead by hostesses small dead animals, Darleen’s Place, baldilocks and Maxed Out Mama.  You won’t regret stopping by! 

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Rachael Ray’s Tasty Travels

Amidst her wedding planning, three current television shows, the launching of a new magazine, and tons of cookbooks, Rachael Ray is rolling out another show:  Rachael Ray’s Tasty Travels!

From Food Network’s site:

Where can you get a burger for a buck in the Big Apple? How about fresh oysters on the half shell at 2am in Boston? Travel guru Rachael Ray is back with insider tips and travel secrets that will turn your next vacation into a delicious, affordable feast. From the sweetest ice cream shop to the perfect spot to stage a picnic, Rachael shares tips from around the country and the world. Hop on board for some Tasty Travels!

This new series will debut on August 26 and be on every Friday at 9:30/8:30 PM Central Time.

I think I will like this show more than $40 A Day as there will be no focus on the money end of it.  I just am not fully convinced that she tips the servers enough on her show (I know, I know…it’s in the script!).  Maybe I’m just a generous tipper. 

Anyway, there’s always something new rolling out and I plan to tune in!

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Let Your Son Be a Hero

Casey Sheehan, a soldier, was killed in Sadr City, Iraq, on April 4, 2004 fighting for his country.  His mother, Cindy Sheehan, is staging a protest in Crawford, TX and plans to continue protesting until she can speak to President Bush personally.  Her reasons?  She wants to ask President Bush: "Why did you kill my son? What did my son die for?"  She wants troops home because, in her opinion, the troops were sent into a war for no reason - there were no WMD or chemical weapons, so she feels her son died needlessly.

I can’t pretend to understand Ms. Sheehan’s grief as I have never lost a child, but looking at this from a distance, I’m saddened that Ms. Sheehan can’t allow her son to be remembered as a proud defender of freedom.  It is because of his efforts, alongside other soldiers, who have allowed a country of people held hostage under a brutal regime feel less fear.  Their efforts have allowed children to attend school and learn what the world is all about - some, particularly girls, had never been to school at all.  Their efforts have allowed the Iraqi people to wake up each day knowing that a family member won’t be brutally captured and murdered, for no good reason other than someone’s whim or desire to bring dispair. 

Ms. Sheehan, your son wouldn’t have joined the military if he didn’t feel as though he had a reason to serve his country, and he served her proud.  You may think that he died needlessly and without cause, but there are many Americans - including myself -  who admire your son for his courage and his willingness to step up for the cause to defend our freedom and to acquire freedom from tyranny for so many others.  His mark on history has changed lives forever.  Please let him be a hero - because he is one.



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Peter Jennings Succumbs to Cancer

Peter Jennings was a fixture in my home growing up.  My parents both loved the guy, and always watched him on the news - ever since I could remember. 

Moving on into adulthood, I moved away from watching him on the news as it seemed his views - very noticable to a young republican - weren’t always unbiased.  Still, this is a man with a career that spanned through 5 decades and undoubtedly he touched many lives through his coverage and broadcasts.  He passed away today, Sunday, at the age of 67.  May he rest in peace.

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Random Thoughts

I’m pretty tired tonight, and was looking for something to post on.  There are so many stories that have been blogged on particularly well today, that I really didn’t feel I had much to contribute tonight.  There have been so many things that have surfaced in my thoughts so thought I’d chronicle some of them…

My husband’s mom is ill and we don’t know exactly what is wrong, but it is affecting her significantly.  I worry about her as I lost my own mom early this year.  We await tests.  I’m happy that it seems like she has been connected to a good physician.

My kids both just got over pink eye, but a couple of mornings they have both woke up with slightly gunky eyes - I am thinking it may be making a comeback.  I wash my hands with fervor multiple times per day.

My house is a pit - when do people find time for laundry, cooking, dishes, cleaning, dusting and all other things "unholy?"  Don’t those damn dust bunnies know I’ve got a blog to take care of?

I may be wrong, but I think our stupid breeder mouse momma is pregnant again.  I hope I’m wrong - she just had babies not that long ago and our snakes won’t be able to keep up with her.

My son starts school in 3 weeks.  School clothes shopping….gak!  Why can’t we have tax free days like Iowa is having this weekend?  Damn greedy Nebraska government!

Why can’t people learn from their mistakes in their job?  My least favorite part about managing a department is having to separate a person.  If people would just work hard and stay focused and positive it would make things so much easier.  Um, yeah….I guess I can dream, huh!

I had to have my radiator & thermostat replaced in my truck the end of June….a few days ago, the "check engine" light came on.  That caused me some level of paranoia, but happily the light isn’t lit any more.  Which now cases me some level of paranoia…

Why is it that I am the only one that remembers a "between cartoons" animated thing called Dr. Henry’s Emergency Lessons for People (H.E.L.P.)?  Why do I remember full lyrics from songs popular in the 80s, but I can’t remember what I need at the grocery store?

This is one screwed up world…why do adult women rape boys, adult men rape girls (and boys), why do our judges let pedophiles and sex offenders out after a slap on the wrist when they know they’ll generally do it again, and worse?  What goes on in the mind of a person who decides to murder another human being?  What is messed up in the mind of a terrorist who is willing to blow himself or herself up just because of a level of hatred toward us they can’t begin to explain?  How do I protect my kids from this evil, or should I?  What will life bring for them as adults, what will life be for their children? 

Why did I worry about the mandatory testing I had to do at work?  I aced all of them.  Sheesh.

I’m so happy that the gardens are doing so well here….fresh green beans, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers….I love summer!  My favorite veggie stand is right across from my favorite meat place.  Nothing better than a steak and fresh grown sweet corn….and a salad….yum!

Why is it that we have to now practically beg our son to eat a hot dog, but he has great joy in downing a steak he used to turn his nose up at?

How is it possible that a grocery cart, not even overflowing, can still bring a food bill of $150 or more?  Oh, wait….it’s probably the STEAK. 

What do 7 year-old-boys think about?  Ours bit his 4-year-old sister because she was "annoying him."  How was she annoying him?  She was dancing to the beat of the music coming from the video game he was playing.  …and I quote "I don’t like it when she keeps the beat to my music, Mommy."  So he bit her on the shoulder and was upset when I took the game away and sent him to his room.  Our 4-year-old daughter is okay, and will recover following ample amounts of drama.   

Well, there you have it.  A small walk around my brain.  I’m sure it’s frightening, but boy do *I* feel better!

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    February 2025
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