You can go to pretty much any news website and find the story…..Nine dead and five injured in Omaha mall shooting. I don’t need to link anything.
The mall isn’t too far from our neighborhood. I heard a couple of stories from people who either missed the shooting by a few minutes (one had been in the store minutes before the shootings) or who had worked at the store and knew employees there. Omaha’s not an especially huge community, so there truly seems to be connections to everyone.
Trying to get in touch with loved ones was hard - the phone circuits were overloaded, so getting through was a miracle at best. Silly things like traffic jams truly called out that something was different as I was driving home from work, a trip that takes me right by the mall.
The shooter - a 19-year-old “troubled kid” - wanted to “go out in style” according to one of his “suicide notes.” I refuse to bring any kind of notoriety to his name, so you won’t see it listed here because that’s exactly what he wanted - he alerted another person in a communication “I’m going to be a star.” FUCK HIM. How dare he take the lives of innocent people to live out some twisted fantasy of his! If he wants to pull the trigger on himself, so be it…the world is likely a bit safer without this maniac in it. But based on the frantic family members trying to learn about their loved ones, this jerk affected many, many people in a very profound and sad way. My heart goes out to those family members and friends who lost someone in this senseless act of violence. Also for those who were traumatized by this act, and for those rescue workers and police officers who are undoubtedly impacted by this. I will be praying for all of you!
I’ll be honest. I’m tired of the bullshit excuses already coming in. He was troubled, he was depressed, he had a rough life. Think about it - how many people in life are troubled, depressed, and have experienced challenging issues? There are many…and they don’t shoot people in an effort to gain notoriety or “popularity.” This was someone extremely broken, sick and disgustingly selfish and self-serving. I understand he’s a son, he’s a friend, but he’s also a MURDERER. He CERTAINLY didn’t think of his friends or his family when he selfishly pulled the trigger, while looking into the terrified faces of those he decided to shoot. THAT will be the bullshit notoriety he’s leaving behind.
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