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Christmas Musings….Again!

To my regular readers (heck, to anyone who will read this…hehehehe),

It’s the week of Christmas.  I don’t have the gifts wrapped yet and haven’t bought a number of them as of yet.  I still have Christmas cards to send out (beats last year - I didn’t send one out!).  Work is crazy with year-end stuff, including a change in bosses and management styles (gotta train another one, darn it!).  There have been parties, school is out and things are generally crazy.  I still have 2 batches of cookies to bake, grocery shopping to do and all that jazz. 

Which leads me to my little corner of the web.  I’m probably not going to be around too much this week (at least through Christmas).  There are few things to me as important as Real Life, this blog included.  But when I see how excited the kids get about Christmas, writing posts about idiots, thugs and recipes doesn’t quite hold a candle.  BUT, I will definitely stop by a couple of times.  One big piece of news, I’m celebrating my 1 year blogiversary on Friday!  I can’t believe it’s been a year!  So much has happened, and I’m amazed I’ve lasted this long.  It’s all because I have people reading my random thoughts and posts.  If they weren’t, I’d have closed the doors a long time ago!

Take care, and everyone have a joyous, Merry Christmas!  See you around!

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No Pity from Me…Except for the Unborn Child

A few days ago, I brought you this story, about an in-home daycare provider, April Rogers, who chose to kill one of the children some parents trusted her to take care of.  Well, the plot thickens:

OMAHA, Neb.The woman accused of killing a child in her west Omaha day care is pregnant.

A judge on Thursday refused to reduce bail for April Rogers.

I’m sorry?  Because she is carrying a life in her womb we should feel sorry for her and lower her bail so she can GET OUT into society?  After she killed a 6-month-old, helpless baby?!?!?!?  Thank God the judge saw clear to deny it!

Yes, she should deliver the baby, but he or she should be removed from her care at birth.  She’s proven she’s not so good with taking care of little ones.  No, she shouldn’t be shown any sympathy for her condition.  She should get the appropriate medical care a pregnant woman needs for the sake of the child’s health.  And that is all.

Oh…and to thicken the plot further, there are actually parents who had this child killer taking care of their kids and said that April Rogers is the best daycare provider they had ever seen and knowing what they know now, they would *still* take their kids to her.  I have some advice - please seek mental health treatment immediately.  And while I’m thinking of it, perhaps someone who is responsible should think about checking on your kids because if you think this child killer is a great daycare provider, I’m a bit worried about how well you are caring for your own children.

Meanwhile, a family had to bury their 6-month old child today.  Please pray for them.  I have no words to say that can possibly address the grief they must be feeling.  I firmly believe little Alexander is near, watching over his family from Heaven.  Hopefully there is some small comfort in that. 

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Matthew Koso Redux Part II

Back in September, I posted my thoughts on the whole Matthew Koso mess.  My mind hasn’t changed one bit.  This guy started dating a 12 year old girl when he was 20 and impregnated her when she was 13.  After originally filing a restraining order, Crystal’s mother decided to "bless" the wedding because of the baby and approved them to marry in Kansas, where it is legal to wed at any age (although it isn’t recognized as a marriage here in Nebraska).

Koso went to court today and plead guilty with the hopes of getting probation:

OMAHA, Neb. — A Falls City man faces up to 50 years in prison after pleading guilty Tuesday to sexual assault charges filed after he impregnated and then married a 14-year-old girl. His attorney said he copped the plea hoping for probation.


The case generated national media attention when Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning filed first-degree sexual assault charges against Koso in July.

Attorney General Bruning is spot on in his feelings that this case is a bit more serious than probation, but leaves that decision in the hands of the judge.

"Do I believe that Matthew Koso deserves 50 years? Of course not," Bruning said. "I am appreciative that he has taken responsibility for his actions and has married this girl."

But Bruning said Koso still committed a serious crime.

"The baby makes this a clear-cut case," Bruning said.

During the hearing, the judge suggested a mental evaluation be done before sentencing.  There’s no way I would believe that this guy didn’t know what he was doing…as Bruning notes, he knows right from wrong.

"He was a member of the U.S. Marines. He has a job that drives to work every day. Is he going to cure cancer? No. But he’s not a low-functioning person that can’t survive on his own," Bruning said.

Koso comes back for sentencing in two months.  My thought is that he needs to face the charge and the punishment that is befitting of anyone in this circumstance.  People may think I’m harsh, but it should involve prison time of some kind.  Yes, he has a baby at home, but did he truly think about the mistakes he made being involved with a child before he created a child himself?  No.  That is the crime that has been committed and that is what he is charged with and what he plead guilty to.  There is, and should be, consequences for inappropriate actions. 

My only hope in all of this is that little baby Samara can pull through this bad circumstance relatively unscathed.  Once the pregnancy was discovered, the child could have been put up for adoption to be raised in a secure, safe and loving home.  This would have kept Crystal away from Koso and would have allowed her to be what she is - a young, teen-aged girl.  But, surrounded by people who seem to be challenged with understanding right from wrong, it will definitely be a mountain to climb for both Crystal and little Samara.

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Oh, Tookie!

[Serious part of this post starts here]

I’m for the death penalty, even when death row inmates "turn their life around" or "change their life to do good" and so on.  Key word in both of those phrases?  LIFE.  Do Tookie’s victims have the opportunity to live their lives?  No…he decided to take that away from them.  So….his punishment will fit the crimes he commited, no matter the "good things" he has done since then.  It took him to get caught and convicted to change - if he had gotten away with his crimes, he’d probably either be dead already or still out there murdering people.  His "change of heart" won’t give back the lives of those he killed.

[Serious part of this post ends here]

So, in true conservative, eeeeeevil fashion, and because my hubby got a song in my head that I now can’t get out, I decided to write some lyrics befitting of this occasion, sung to the tune of "Hey Mickey!" (oh…and don’t think I’m alone….check out this and this and this and this…and there’s more where that came from!)


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…Five Golden Rings!

The serious side of me thinks that these donors were generous:

The Salvation Army in south-central Pennsylvania has had five golden rings dropped into two of its kettles since Nov. 30.

Two donors have called to confirm the gifts.

The Salvation Army expects to sell the gold rings to a jeweler to help fund its charitable programs.

The not-so-serious side of me (and you have to admit these donors have a humorous side!) asks "where are the drummers drumming and how do they get into one of those little red kettles?"

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Rachael Ray Interviewed in Chicago

For all of you Rachael Ray fans, she was in Chicago this weekend promoting her new cookbook "365:  No Repeats" and a local news channel interviewed her.  She described how challenging it was to come up with 365 recipes and spoke of her new talk show coming down the road.

There’s a video link in the article to the interview, and I’m CERTAIN any fan would want to see it.  To go to the article, please click here.  The video is in the upper-right.

Oh, and while you are here (grin), please click the "Weblog Award Finalist" icon on the left of my sidebar and throw in a quick vote for Merri Musings.  Since I’m a finalist in a category FULL of amazing blogs, I’m not certain I will win, but would love to refrain from being in last place.  :-)   Thanks for taking the time to throw your vote my way!

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I Had a Gut Feeling…

When the story first broke that an infant was critically injured by a toddler at an in-home daycare, I couldn’t ignore the gut feeling I had that something wasn’t just right.  Based on this story, I wasn’t alone.

An Omaha woman was arrested Thursday, accused of Felony Child Abuse. The case is related to the injury of an infant in a home daycare on Monday.

Thirty-four-year-old April Rogers has been arrested in the case.

Ms. Rogers operated a home daycare at 184th and Van Camp Drive.

She initially told investigators that she was out of the room when a toddler began bouncing on the baby’s head.

That was on Monday but the story is now being questioned and Rogers was being held at the Douglas County Jail Thursday.

The injured child is six-months of age and as of the last report is still in critical condition. 

I’ve got to say that if what is speculated is true, and she harmed the six month old, the fact that she would LIE and try to pin it on a toddler seemingly would reflect the depth of her evil, vile character. 

How can anyone harm a child?  They are innocent, love unconditionally, and at the age of six months are developing their own, unique personalities…they smile and laugh and aren’t jaded by "real life."  Until some twisted, sick idiot decides that they wish to cause them harm.  Change their diaper, give them a bottle, hold them, comfort them, play with them.  Why hurt them?  Assholes.

UPDATE:  Not only did the daycare provider admit to harming this child, beautiful little six month old Alex Tay is no longer with us, passing away due to these injuries. 

OMAHA, Neb.Prosecutors said Friday that an Omaha day-care provider said she slammed a 6-month-old child’s head into the floor six times, and those injuries eventually resulted in death. Now, the Douglas County sheriff is advising other parents who used Rogers’ services to have their children checked for injuries.

All I have to say is that this waste of a human being has taken a life, and has ruined many others because of her choices to slam an innocent, helpless 6-month-old’s head into the floor.  How in the hell would anyone with a brain, eyes, a heart and as little as one ounce of sense make the decision to do this?  There is NOTHING a 6-month-old child could possibly do to cause this.  My knee-jerk reaction is to give this idiot daycare provider a little taste of what poor little Alex went through, but undoubtedly I’d have to stand in line.  What a waste of oxygen, this microbe of a human being. 

My heart goes out to Alex’s family - I hope my prayers can take away a little of the pain from your hearts and spirits.  My prayers also go out to the other families whose children were in the care of this woman.  I pray that your children are okay and you find some peace.

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Don’t Lynch Me, It’s a Free Country, Right?

All over the news we’re hearing about the anniversary of John Lennon’s murder.  Forgive me, but it drives me crazy.  Do I think it is sad that someone was murdered?  Sure I do.  Is it worth a story every single year in the news? No. 

He was a singer, and while some people think there was no one better, I’m not really a fan…sorry.  The anniversay of his death gets more air time than the anniversary of Mother Theresa’s death and she did a hell of a lot more for this world than John Lennon ever did. 

There I said it.  And I feel better.  And that is all.

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The ACLU’d Version of Twas the Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before RamaHanaKwanzmas, when all through the living area

Not a living organism was stirring, not even a mouse, cat, dog, parrot, oh, none of them.

The foot coverings were hung somewhere in the living area with care,

In hopes that the appropriate holiday figure soon would be there.

The people of a certain age were nestled all snug in their sleeping areas,

While visions of whatever appeals to them moved about in their favorite way in their heads (or other parts of their body if that makes them feel better).


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She Doesn’t Need a Trial

…just let me have 5 damn minutes with her as pissed as I am right now.

BOGALUSA, La. A mother was booked on a charge of first-degree murder for allegedly placing her 3-month-old son in a clothes dryer and turning it on.

The infant had third-degree burns over 50 percent of his body and suffered blunt-force trauma to the head, the St. Tammany Parish coroner said.

This non-parent murderer, Lakeisha Adams, also has a 1 year old child that the state had to remove from the home and from custody.  This monster tried to tell police at first that someone else had violently murdered her 3-month old.

If convicted, Adams faces death by injection or a life sentence. The first-degree murder charge is mandatory under Louisiana law because the victim was under age 12.

I know everyone is entitled to a fair trial, but when she admits that she did it, tries to get out of it, and the life of another child was at risk, I would much rather see a one-liner in the news stating "Since she confessed, she has been sentenced to death and justice will be carried out at sunset today."  What a waste of time and energy to go through a trial for such a disgusting act.

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Thank God these Freaks are Being Caught!

Even catching one of these slimy, disgusting, low-life evil freaks is worth the effort.  Especially because they are just too damn close to home.  Enough said.

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Kids in Cages

Back on September 9, social workers and law enforcement removed 11 adopted children from their home when it was discovered that their adopted "parents" kept them in CAGES.  This is how the social worker described these "cage-like enclosures" during the hearing today:

"I saw wooden structures that had a solid wooden piece for a door, an alarm to left of the opening. There was a small handle on it. They were piled one on top of another. They looked like a kennel," said Jo Ellen Johnson, of Huron County Children and Family Services.

She also said cages with alarms and locks are not appropriate for children. 

Folks - this is a CUSTODY HEARING.  This isn’t a criminal trial as these two miscreants have not been charged with anything…yet (and that’s a very skeptical yet, I might add).  These people adopted 11 special needs children and because they couldn’t handle the challenges these children’s disorders presented, they chose to stick them, ages 1-14, in cages.  CAGES!  They aren’t "cage-like enclosures" or merely "enclosures" as their attorney would attempt to tell you.  They are CAGES…containment designed so the child can’t get out.

The custody hearing will determine if the children were abused or neglected, Cleveland TV station WEWS reported.

Michael and Sharen Gravelle said before court that they were optimistic about getting custody of their children back.

For the love of God - they shouldn’t get their children back.  We have people in DC worried about Gitmo and the conditions for vile terrorists who would love to see us sizzle at sunset but someone is still entertaining the idea that it ISN’T abuse or neglect to lock a child in a cage?

The Gravelles have said they adopted children with special needs and behavioral problems, and built what they have described as enclosures with alarms where the children could sleep for their own protection.

The Gravelles have said the children have health and behavioral problems such as fetal alcohol syndrome and pica, a disorder in which children eat nonfood items such as rocks or dirt.

Yes, these disorders are very challenging.  My mother worked with special needs adults and children for years and saw her fair share of both disorders.  They are challenging to deal with - even in a medical institution.  But even in the most sterile halls of hospitals and institutions that Mom worked in, I never ONCE saw a cage.  Those with these syndromes and disorders needed a higher level of monitoring and observation in order to protect them from their environment and their disorder.  NOT a cage.  While it is entirely possible that this couple felt they were doing great deeds by adopting these children, they obviously didn’t think about what they were doing.  And because they didn’t think through what a challenge one special needs child would be in terms of care, let alone 10 more, who pays the price?  The kids, of course. 

Discretion and common sense don’t seem to be at the top of the list when a couple decides "hey, let’s build some ‘enclosures’ for them to live in…wow, that will solve everything!"  My heart aches at the thought of a fire breaking out in their home.  Those kids would have potentially been trapped in cages without a fighting chance to get out…how safe is THAT?!?!?!

Lastly, the thing that really got to me was the pictures their attorney released, showing how "happy" the children are (you can see the photos on the article I linked to above).  Every picture was one that showed them at family functions, the holidays, special events, etc.  And of course they were happy - they weren’t trapped in their cages!


Update: Just saw this article on Fox News.  Talk about blood boiling.  If the story is accurate, this was brought to the attention of child welfare workers 2 years ago and because the parents weren’t cooperative, a full investigation was never pursued.  If that is the case, they are almost as guilty as the parents of neglect in my opinion. 

But this….this makes my blood boil:

Insurance agent Edward Clunk said that he visited the couple in summer 2004 to sell them policies. He observed two children — one sleeping in a cubbyhole and another in what he described as a cage.

"I’ve been in thousands of homes. … This was something just a little bit out of the ordinary," Clunk said, adding he did not file a report because he did not believe the children were being abused by the Gravelles.

"I thought it was very admirable for them to adopt children of that nature that nobody wanted," he said.

Admirable that they adopted them?  Perhaps.  Admirable that they would keep those adopted kids in cages?  Hardly.  …and didn’t file a report because he didn’t think they were being abused or neglected?  For real?  Get a clue! 

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Christmas Musings

Tonight we put up the Christmas tree and hubby and I shared in our annual tradition of listening to Christmas music with no lights, except for those on the Christmas tree.  Add some champagne, and a few recognitions of a French Horn or a piccolo, and viola - it’s the Eric/Merri Christmas hour….hehehehe!  Actually, it’s much more than that….it is many fond memories of Christmas traditions….in particular the years that the bubbly cost less than $10 (a.k.a. the "saving for a house years" or the "living paycheck to paycheck years" or the "I can’t believe babies cost so much years.") and when we could have the best and most favorite bubbly without worry.

Christmas this year is somewhat frightening to me, but good at the same time.  I have two amazing children, and the best husband I could ever dream of having.  I have my health, we have a roof over our head and we aren’t hurting for anything, truly.  I feel so incredibly blessed.

At the same time, I’m constantly reminded that I lost my mom last January.  She had been in the hospital last December.  I clearly remember hubby and I having to put full garb on in the hospital in the event she was contagious.  I remember them ruling that out and allowing us to bring her home on Christmas Eve.  Mom had been released from the hospital on Christmas Eve two separate times.  Once when she had a lobe removed from her cancer-ridden lung.  Last Christmas, we were just thrilled to have her with us - the cancer had taken its toll on her.  She was bound and determined that she would NEVER spend Christmas in the hospital, and she never did, either!

She chose hospice care not long into January, but just had to have one more Christmas with her family before she said goodbye.  I am so grateful that she allowed us that, even though we knew she was suffering we relished our time with her - every moment.

As we unpacked the ornaments tonight, everything reminded me of her.  She was the "queen of Christmas" as far as I’m concerned.  At her memorial, we even displayed a Christmas tree with all of the homemade ornaments she made in years past.  We didn’t have enough room to display all of them.  I knew this Christmas was going to be hard, but I didn’t know how raw the emotions would still be. 

But Christmas, just like every other time, goes on.  We will forge new traditions and will transition the old ones.  Mom will never be forgotten - every Christmas will contain her legacy.  Beautiful Christmas angels and reindeer and santas on my tree…and in particular a beautiful angel ornament made especially for me…brown hair and a red rose, my favorite color.  I feel like I will shed tears each year for her, but will always be grateful and blessed for the time I had with her and for the gift she has given me - the love of the Christmas season…no matter what.   

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Stephanie Dietrich…an Every Day Hero in My Book

…I wouldn’t call this an "obsession."  I’d call it a personal sacrifice.  A gift for a mother grieving for her missing children.

AKRON, Ohio — The Ohio woman who found the bodies of two missing New Hampshire children said Monday she had been searching with her dog for months on a personal mission that her friends and family considered an obsession.

Stephanie Dietrich, a grocery store cashier, said she was motivated to look for Sarah Gehring, 14, and her brother Philip, 11, by their mother’s public plea for help.

Most of us pale in comparison to Stephanie Dietrich.  We read the news each day, or hear it on TV or the radio, and think "how awful that someone has to worry about where her children’s bodies are."  This amazing woman, Stephanie Dietrich, didn’t just listen - she took action.

Dietrich, 44, said she went out searching with her dog more than 40 times since July near her Akron home because of clues suggesting the gravesite could be in the region. Investigators had concluded in 2004 that pollen found on dirt on Gehring’s minivan and shovel suggested that the soil most likely came from northeastern Ohio. 

How often have you inserted yourself in a mission such as this?  Me?  Never.  I would venture that most of you have not. I look to Dietrich as an everyday hero.  A person who sacrifices in order to assist others.  Because of her persistance, a mother can move forward.  She knew her worst fears were true, but can now lay her children to rest because of one brave and persistent soul.

Dietrich said she kept a 2-inch-thick folder of news articles and tips from the Internet and often woke up in the middle of the night to read it.

"It was like a personal challenge. Not like it was a game. I knew it was serious," she said. "My family members and friends were like ready to have an intervention because I was obsessed with it."

No intervention needed, Ms. Dietrich.  Because of you, a mother was reunited with her lost children and she can give them a proper burial and gain some closure on her loss.  You are a hero in my book.

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2005 Weblog Award Finalists!

…and the finalists have been announced!

Merri Musings is in the running for an award for Best New Blog! Polls are open tomorrow (and you can vote every 24 hours if you’d like)…if you enjoy my site, please be sure to stop by and slip a vote in the ballot box for me!

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention a few of my favorites!  Please be sure to drop them a vote, too!

Best New Blog (but only if you don’t wanna vote for me…wink, wink, nudge, nudge):

Common Sense Runs Wild and Soldiers’ Angel Holly Aho

Best Group Blog

The Cotillion (who individually received a number of nominations….excellent job, ladies!)

Best Humor / Comics Blog

Six Meat Buffet (didn’t you know there were six meats?)

Best Conservative Blog

The Jawa Report (a MUST read!)

Best Culture / Gossip Blog

Knowledge is Power (SondraK - bringing a bit of culture to the Cotillion ladies!)

Best of the Top 250 Blogs

My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (go Beth!)

Best of the Top 501-1000 Blogs

Vince Aut Morire (there are many I could mention here, but by and far my hubby stands out for me for many reasons, so I’m pitching his site!) 

Best of the Top 2501-3500 Blogs

The Wide Awake Cafe

Congrats to everyone that was nominated!  I think it’s an honor just to be nominated, let alone be a finalist!  It affirms for me why I like keeping up this little corner of the web.

Good luck to all and happy voting!

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    February 2025
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