So Hillary Clinton has decided to relegate President Bush to a comic-book character, huh?
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - Republicans took aim at Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on Monday for a speech comparing President Bush to Mad magazine’s freckle-faced, "What, me worry?" kid, Alfred E. Neuman.
I’m not surprised. It isn’t the first time she’s tossed out crass or rude comments about Republicans. Seems as Hillary’s only way to deal with those who are far superior to her is to pull open her "Mad Magazine" collection and come up with those one-liners. The NY GOP was quoted saying:
"At a time when President Bush and most elected officials are focused on the security of our nation, Mrs. Clinton seems focused on taking partisan jabs and promoting her presidential campaign," added New York’s GOP chairman, Stephen Minarik. "Her priorities are clearly out of whack."
I’m disappointed, however, that the AP didn’t include this very telling photo of one of our younger Republicans taking issue with Ms. Clinton’s statement:
Cross Posted at MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
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What, She Worry?
So Hillary Clinton has decided to relegate President Bush to a comic-book character, huh?...