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What Happens When You Cut And Run

13 years later, and I’m still pissed off.

That shitty little city in that shitty little country should have been given the Dresden treatment.

With the new African Taliban in charge, it still should get the Dresden treatment.

If I met a foreigner on the street, and he told me he’s Somalian, I’d kick him in the nuts and bust a 2X4 over his head. That’s how much this still pisses me off 13 years later. I hope they’ll spare us the agony and kill each other off.

Save us Ethiopa, you seem to be our only hope.

* Sgt. First Class Randy Shughart, a Delta Sniper killed defending the crew of Super Six 4, the Medal of Honor.
* Master Sgt. Gary Gordon, a Delta Sniper killed defending the crew of Super Six 4, the Medal of Honor.
* Master Sgt. Tim “Griz” Martin, Delta soldier killed on the Lost Convoy, Delta Force.
* Sgt. First Class Earl Fillmore, Delta soldier killed moving to the first crash site, Delta Force.
* Staff Sgt. Daniel Busch, crashed on Super Six 1 and was killed defending the downed crew, the Silver Star, Delta Force.
* CWO Clifton Wolcott, pilot of Super Six 1 and died in crash, Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star Medal, and the Air Medal with Valor Device, Night Stalkers.
* CWO Donovan Briley, copilot of Super Six 1 and died in crash, Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star and Air Medal with Valor Device, Night Stalkers.
* CWO Raymond Frank, copilot of Super Six 4, Silver Star, Air Medal with Valor Device, Night Stalkers.
* Staff Sgt. William Cleveland, a crew chief on Super Six 4, Silver Star, Bronze Star and Air Medal with Valor Device, Night Stalkers.
* Staff Sgt. Thomas Field, a crew chief on Super Six 4, Silver Star, Bronze Star and Air Medal with Valor Device, Night Stalkers.
* SGT Casey Joyce, who was killed on the Lost Convoy, the Bronze Star with Valor Device, 75th Ranger Regiment.
* SPC James Cavaco, who was killed on the Lost Convoy, the Bronze Star with Valor Device, 75th Ranger Regiment.
* CPL Jamie Smith, who bled to death with the pinned-down force around crash site one, the Bronze Star with Valor Device, 75th Ranger Regiment.
* SGT Dominick Pilla, who was killed on the convoy rescuing Pfc. Todd Blackburn, the Bronze Star with Valor Device, 75th Ranger Regiment.
* PFC Richard Kowalewski, who was killed on the Lost Convoy, the Bronze Star with Valor Device, 75th Ranger Regiment.
* SGT Lorenzo Ruiz, who was killed on the Lost Convoy, the Bronze Star with Valor Device, 75th Ranger Regiment.
* SGT Cornell Houston, who was killed fighting on the rescue convoy, the Bronze Star with Valor Device, De Fleury medal, 10th Mountain Division.
* PFC James Martin, who was killed on the rescue convoy, 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry, 10th Mountain Division.
* SGT Matt Rierson, who was killed on Oct. 6 by a mortar which landed just outside the hangar, Delta Force.

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Melissa said:

Thanks for the sharing this.

Chris said:

I still can't even let myself watch Blackhawk Down. To this day, it makes me too angry and want to get revenge.

Dan Coyle UNOSOM NZ Sup DET said:

I always have a cold beer Oct 3 and 4 for the Rangers and delta boys..........................

Doug Kincade said:

Tim Griz Martin, He was my cusin and can not wait to see you again on the other side Tim. Your laugh and smile are in my vison every day.

Daryl Oliver said:

I went through Basic, AIT and Airborne school with Jamie. He was and always will be my friend.

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      SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(post_date) AS `year`, MONTH(post_date) AS `month`, count(ID) as posts FROM wp_posts WHERE post_date < '2025-02-21 07:39:57' AND post_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND post_status = 'publish' GROUP BY YEAR(post_date), MONTH(post_date) ORDER BY post_date DESC