Dan - thanks so much for the welcome back and a big welcome to those of you who are regulars to Dan’s blog. My hubby and I just came back from an awesome vacation and I am now ready to get back into the groove again (maybe with blogging - work, that’s another story!).
Just a quick tour of my four walls will let you know that I detest sex offenders and murderers (especially those that harm children). I also am strongly against most of the the priciples the ACLU represents - in particular those things that tend to go against my moral fibers (i.e. abortion for teens without parental consent, representing criminals better than victims, supporting NAMbLA and their twisted ideas, just to name a few). I have strong beliefs in family, patriotism, the efforts of our troops in Afganistan & Iraq, and the hard work that President Bush has put in during his presidency. Lastly, and probably least importantly to some (other than me…hehehe), I’m a big fan of Rachael Ray - I got the knife, I use EVOO and I also use a garbage bowl. Lastly, I’m a member of the Cotillion, which is a great group of female bloggers who have joined efforts - you will find amazing reads over there. Our most recent event was a July 4th gala, honoring a number of Milbloggers and our troops. We have our weekly Cotillion Ball tomorrow - I encourage you to take a peek!
In a nut shell, I’m a mom and a wife that can’t stop talking and so versus bending my hubby’s ear all day and night, I chat here.
I can’t leave without thanking Dan for the amazing work he has done and continues to do covering Natalee’s disappearance - I’m sure you all feel the same way!
Thanks for stopping by - feel free to look around and leave a comment or two!
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