We interrupt this blog to bring you:
…recovery from the holidays.
…a bathroom remodel.
…finals week.
…the potential verge of an illness, apparently.
I get through this week, and I will be doing a happy dance!!!
WordPress database error: [Expression #3 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'merri_wrdp1.wp_comments.comment_type' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by]
SELECT comment_author, comment_author_url, comment_type, MAX(comment_ID) as comment_ID, SUBSTRING_INDEX(comment_content,'strong',2) as trackback_title, SUBSTRING_INDEX(comment_author,' » ',1) as pingback_blog, SUBSTRING_INDEX(comment_author,' » ',-1) as pingback_title FROM wp_comments WHERE (comment_post_ID='736' AND comment_approved = '1') AND (comment_type = 'trackback' OR comment_type = 'pingback') GROUP BY comment_author, comment_author_url ORDER BY comment_ID DESC LIMIT 50
I'm jealous....bath remodel! Ours is hideous...with the 70's faux marble mirror glass tiles and BLUE carpet! Aggggghhhh....my plan for change is this sprig.
Got pictures?
I've got two remodels to do too......putting them off. Shhhhhhh don't tell Alexis!