The ACLU is up to their usual bullshit, this time filing a case on behalf of the religiopolitard Phelps and followers at the Westboro Baptist Church (ain’t the word “church” stretching it a bit?).
A Kansas church group that protests at military funerals across the nation filed suit in federal court on Friday.
The group claims a Missouri law banning such picketing infringes on religious freedom and free speech.
The American Civil Liberties Union filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Jefferson City on behalf of the fundamentalist Westboro Baptist Church. Members of the church show up at soldiers’ funerals with anti-homosexual signs.
As you may recall, these freaks recently tried to interfere with the funeral services of fallen soldier Army Corporal Jeremy Jones. Luckily, many vets showed up and shielded Jones’ family and friends from being subjected to these whackos’ rhetoric.
Look, these people have the same freedom of speech and freedom of religious expression I have. No one is holding their tongues, no one is taking away their picket sign paper and markers. While the ACLU is so freaking worried about standing up for Phelps’ free speech, they lack any element of sheer respect and compassion for a fallen soldier who died to protect those very freedoms.
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The ACLU is a joke, as are the members of the Westboro Church.
The freaks aren't being denied their free "speech", they're just being told to assemble elsewhere. (50 yards away, in our state) from the funeral. Personally, I don't think 50 yards is far enough, but it's a start.
I hope that this crosses the desk of a judge with common sense and morals.
Me again....any idea what judge might be hearing this?
It was filed in U.S. District Court in Jefferson City, MO. They have a number of judges - not sure which this case will be assigned to. Anyone?
This is why it is so important to elect pelple to office that will appoint judges that will not legislate from the bench.
Will the ACLU fight for our right to enter their worship service and picket?
ACLU sues over law on funeral protests.
The ACLU has filed a suit challenging the new state law in Ohio which restricts political demonstrations at funerals. SICK!