Due to a company picnic, fighting a cold, cooking, cleaning and generally being lazy, I haven’t blogged anything since Thursday! That’s a long time for me! I guess I just haven’t felt creative and/or had the time to write the one post that I have dancing around in my head. Soooooo…I think I’ll send you off to read some posts much more interesting than anything I can come up with at the moment!
Please keep those in the South (i.e. Louisiana, Alabama) in your thoughts and prayers. The bitch of a hurricane Katrina looms off the coast, and it doesn’t look good. Beth has got the right idea and is driving away from the coast. Be safe, Beth! You are in our prayers!
Well, due to the weather and other circumstances, the Cotillion isn’t having their weekly gala. However, to see what one crazy day in the life of the Cotillion is like (behind the scenes), look no further than Cassandra’s round up. Yeah, we’re all slightly crazy!
Speaking of the Cotillion…it appears there is a new little bundle of joy in the Cotillion "family." Go over to Right Thinking Girl and congratulate the family on their new arrival, baby girl Parker Grace!
Darleen over at Darleen’s Place has a great post up about Cindy Sheehan, that b….oh, Darleen says it best and she has a great photo of the new Cindy Sheehan doll as well. This is a a MUST view photo!
Lastly, it’s been awhile since I talked about my favorite Food Network guru, Rachael Ray. She launched yet another new show, "Tasty Travels." The first episode was Friday night, and was shot in New York City. Her sweetie John Cusimano was also in the show, for those of you who find their way here. I like the concept of this show more than "$40 A Day." It’s not just about restaurants. In this particular show, Rachael took you to the store she buys her funky dishes from, and also takes you to the market she buys her groceries from. Next stop….Los Angeles! Hmmmm….wonder if she’ll ever be in Omaha? Heh!
Well, that’s it for now…off to finish some laundry and other such boring types of stuff. Work again tomorrow, darn it! But we’re coming up on a 3-day weekend…that will help me get through the week!
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Praying for those down in the path of the hurricane.