News doesn’t get better than this. THIS, my friends, is heavy hitting, so prepare yourself!
MARSHALLTOWN, Iowa (AP) - Police blame a woman named Butts for stealing toilet paper from a central Iowa courthouse, and while they’re chuckling, the theft charge could put her in prison.
“She’s facing potentially three years of incarceration for three rolls of toilet paper,” Chief Lon Walker said, stifling a laugh as he talked to KCCI-TV about Suzanne Marie Butts. “See, I can’t say it with a straight face.”
Wow. There are just so many things I can say, but in the end game, all I can say is that she is sure going to be the BUTT of a few jokes for some time to come. BWHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Walker did not know why Butts was at the courthouse, but said that she did not work there.
Awwwwwww….c’mon Chief…you know why she was there….she was WIPING out your stock of toilet paper! Wow….I just kill myself sometimes!
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This post could use a courtesy flush!
yukka yukka yukka
I heard about this one listening to 94.1 -- I died laughing I thought it was so funny. Maybe she has a butt fetish of sorts and feels the need to steal toilet paper everywhere that she goes, ya know?
BTW, Angela's Right to Free Speech is no more. I transferred all the content to Domestic Divapalooza. I would LOVE to continue my link exchange with you and I have already started a Nebraska bloggers category just for the occasion.
What a crappy news story. Your reporting has gone down the toilet, Merri.
Hi Merri, this is Angela again formerly of Angela's Right to Free Speech. Let me know when you get the link changed over so that I can add you to my blogroll, k? By the way, I've stumbled your blog!!
Angela....all done!
Thank you so much Merri!! I've got you added to mine as well. And if there are any more Nebraska bloggers out there I would LOVE to do a blog exchange with ya!!