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Scum-Sucking Pedophile

Take a close look at Richard Merritt, Jr., scum-sucking asswad:

This man was arrested in Lincoln, Nebraska after a period of weeks in which he repeatedly attempted to entice young children into his car by using cash.  There were at least 10 different reports on his efforts.  Thank God he was arrested, because when police caught up with him, he had a 10-year-old boy in his car.  Imagine the relief the parents must feel.

While police followed leads, the big break came when Lincoln police Chief Tom Casady overheard a captain talking about the case.

"I recognized that was the same M.O. Richard Merritt had been doing previously," Casady said.

The disgusting part of this is that Merritt served a sentence in 2003 for a series of exposure incidents - egregious enough that the police chief remembered the case.  You know how much time this miscreant served?  A whopping 90 days.  And here we are, just 2 years later, arresting the bastard for trying to get kids in his car to fulfill his sick fantasies. 

Parents were worried this guy would get off with yet another slap on the wrist as enticement is a misdemeanor in Nebraska (WTF???).  Luckily, they were able to charge him with attempted sexual assault of a child, which is a felony (his bond was set at $500,000).  Would you want this sick bastard parked out front of your child’s school?

In court on Wednesday, prosecutors said Merritt told investigators he fantasized about getting a child in his car and acting out his sexual fantasies, which included hearing the victim scream.

Given the number of ridiculously light sentences and the minimal amount of time served in some of these types of cases, I admit I’m a bit cynical about how this will turn out.

Kim Jungek said her son was walking with two other kids after school on Sept. 1 down an alley when a man approached and offered cash to get them in his car. She said she’s upset now that she didn’t call police.

"A number of other parents didn’t call police, and maybe if we would’ve put those pieces together, maybe he wouldn’t have had so many opportunities," Jungek said.

She said she’s glad Merritt faces a felony charge.

"I don’t want him out in my neighborhood or any other neighborhood. Misdemeanors would not keep him behind bars," she said.

Let’s just cross our fingers and hope that a felony conviction WILL, Ms. Jungek. 

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Torture First, Then Kill

This goes beyond revolting: DES MOINES (AP) --- A homeless man who's a registered sex offender was arrested after police said he grabbed a toddler and sexually assaulted her in the men's room of the downtown public library... ...Police said...

I say we just castrate these losers before sentencing them to hard labor for the rest of their sorry lives. There is NO WAY sickos like this can ever be rehabilitated.

Madelin Farfan said:

"I say we just castrate these losers before sentencing them to hard labor for the rest of their sorry lives. There is NO WAY sickos like this can ever be rehabilitated.."

Posted by: Redhead Infidel

What? Is this fool a Doctor? An expert in sex crimes and sexual therapy? Nope.. none of those things, just some stupid, knee-jerking hate-monger that would have us all looking under every rock and bush for "child molesters". Hey "redhead", lets all get some guns, print out all the addresses of all the sex offenders and "go take care of business!" yeah, that should make you and all the rest of the pinheads that think like you VERY happy. Sure, go commit murder in the name of "safety". Real smart move there Einstein! Most of these convicted sex offenders will never commit another offense the rest of their lives.

Merri said:

Um, "Madelin" - I don't see M.D. behind your name, nor do I see PhD.

"Most of these convicted sex offenders will never commit another offense the rest of their lives."

That's a true statement if they are behind bars. The recidivism rate, in particular for violent sex offenders or pedophiles, is actally quite high. But even if "most" never commit another offense the rest of their lives, you've conceded that "some" will. There needs to be laws in place protecting victims from the criminals - this criminal already had sex offenses under his belt and justice was just a slap on the wrist. Now he got out and was stalking little kids. Get real.

Da Wife Goes Troll Hunting

On this post and this post, go straight to the...

Madelin Farfan said:

My Dearest Merri..
Nope. No "PhD" or "M.D." next to my name. But I'm no hysterical hate-mongering vigilante murderer either. I just have lots of common sense and some foresight. You are actually quite WRONG with your remark about the "recidivism rate". It is just the opposite, and even LOWER when these offenders have successfully completed court-ordered sex offender therapy.

so get your facts straight before you make an ass out of yourself like "redhead" did before you.

It is you that needs to "get real". When the courts start taking away rights from 550,000 people based on what they "might" do, then buddy whats next? YOU could be in their sights for something YOU "might" do!

Vinnie said:

I love it when these simpering shitnozzles come on to other people's property and start lecturing. Actually, they start demanding.

Pus sucking sleaze merchants like you, Madelin, oh mighty defender of child molestors, have no moral high ground to stand on. You have no ground, period, to stand on, because you wallow in slime.

Go ahead and defend anal warts like this fucking pervert, you loser, you're the one who has to live with yourself.

And if you think Redheaded Infidel's idea was bad, you should see what I have planned if any of your twisted friends ever touched my children. I can only tell you that their "rights" won't mean a fucking thing to me.

Gwedd said:


Well, Mizz Madelin Farfan, I have a solution. Let's round up all the sex offenders in the country, and place them under your supervision. That way, when they repeat their crimes, we can prosecute you as well for failure to provide the security you claimed was possible.

Otherwise, please Shut Du F*ck up and leave the protection of society and civilization to those who live in reality. I'm not a Christian, nor do I play one on TV, but there are indeed some crimes so heinous, so societaly unforgiveable, that they deserve the death penalty. In the case of sex offenders, and child abusers, I believe that the only appropriate course of justice is to turn them over to the family(s) of the victim(s) and let them decide the pervert's fate.

Merri said:

First of all, I'm not "your dearest Merri" or your "buddy" so don't even go there. Secondly, the only person looking like an ass in this discussion would be you.

Richard Merritt, Jr.
Joseph Duncan
Charles Jaynes
Fernando Aguerro
Cory Williamson
Dean Schwartzmiller
Arthur Y. Pena
Milagro Cunningham
Erick Thomas Knapp Jr
Lawrence Samuel Sears
John Couey
David Onstott
Jerry Hobbs
Roger Paul Bentley

Recognize these names, Madelin? A handful of freaks mentioned on my teeny-tiny corner of the web who harmed or killed a child AFTER they had already had a history of violent sex offenses or other similar offenses. As I stated previously, repeat offenders are usually those who are the most violent. And to be quite honest, the rate of reoccurrence doesn't even matter (and is probably much higher than it is reported due to the thousands of offenses never reported). Just the actions of ONE of these vile assholes should be enough to cause any person of rational thought to want to protect children from them.

Instead, people like you come to the defense of these child abusers and molesters - I wouldn't be surprised if you have a few of these convictions on your own record or are coming to the defense of someone who does. Either way, it still doesn't explain your lack of common sense. While I would never go out and randomly shoot people I think are sex offenders, I will go to my GRAVE striving for tougher laws to protect people from them. Oh, and there *would* be hell to pay if they came anywhere near my own children. It's not like you can put an "anti-pedophile" patch on these bastards - all the "therapy" in the world can't prevent a pedophile from striking again if they want to - and you KNOW it. They can manipulate their situation if they truly want to be deemed as "rehabilitated."

If you don't like what I have to say, then quit coming back - it's like television "buddy" - if you don't like it, change the channel. Moron.

Darleen said:


In CA we have (and have kept) a 3 strikes law. One of the toughest in the nation. Now we are considering making registered sex offenders that have been paroled wear GPS devices.

What Merri said is true, the recidivism of pedophile's is dismally high because many of them don't see the wrong in their "loving" of pre-pubscent children. Others are sheer predators and children are easy prey.

I don't have either a MD or PhD after my name. But I do work within the judicial system and I dare say I've seen a hell of a lot more cases of crimes against children than you have.

What is your agenda here? Justice obviously is not on the list.

Vinnie said:

Good question, Darleen, I believe 'ol Maddy speaks from experience.

Perhaps Maddy is one of those "rehabilitated through therapy."

Perhaps contacting the local authorities with the IP information will answer all of our questions.

Madelin is probably married to one!

And I didn't see where anyone said anything about murdering anyone there Maddy babe! And you know what? Even if they did then so be it, now go lecture a pedophile will ya? Tell THEM about murder.

You've come to the wrong place to preach your stupidity.

Darleen - Alabama has just passed tougher laws when it comes to registered sex offenders. They will be wearing a GPS device AND it will be a FELONY if they FAIL to register as sex offender in the NEW 7 day time period (changed from the 30 day time period). There is a lot more. I'd like to suggest ya'll go to Troy King's website, he spells out everything there. Troy King is Alabama's Attorney General.

Here, here is the link:

Stacy said:

Jeez Merri, I thought the idiots only came to my place. The facts are most child molestors are repeat offenders, I have never read anything different than that.

Merri said:

If you think this is bad, you should see what I deleted, Stacy. I can't even imagine a "day in the life of..." someone with this lack of common sense.