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Rusty is Right…..

I agree with The Jawa Report’s assessment of a recent Dunkin’ Donuts ad campaign featuring Rachael Ray. Take a look at the ad video here.

Here’s an image:

If you go over to Rusty’s post at TJR, you will see comparison of a REAL kaffiyeh and Rachael Ray’s scarf. Anyone can look at it and see that it doesn’t have the same pattern.

I am amazed at the fervor at blogs around the ’sphere and the authors who insist it is a kaffiyeh and that we should begin a writing campaign, quit getting Dunkin’ Donuts and other such stuff. Rachael Ray may be a flaming libtard, but she’s no terrorist, people. Hell, she probably wouldn’t know what a kaffiyeh was if she was given one to wear.

Give me a break…must be a slow news day?

Yep….Rusty’s right.

P.S. Dunkin’ Donuts pulled the ad. As my hubby said, why wouldn’t they just show a picture of the stupid scarf if it is, indeed, a paisley scarf instead of acquiescing to the pressure from Malkin and others?

Malkin, in a posting following up on last week’s column, said of Dunkin’s decision to pull the ad, “It’s refreshing to see an American company show sensitivity to the concerns of Americans opposed to Islamic jihad and its apologists.”

I can’t say that RR fits the definition of a jihad apologist…pay attention to the message for Memorial Day that was on her site (thanks, Hubby!)

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ptg said:

The thing Rachel is wearing is a keffiyeh with the pattern and color favored by Iraqi men. You can see the difference here. Hers is like the one I'm wearing, (on the left). The one the real terrorist on the right is wearing is Palestinian. The big cat is wearing a Saudi head rag. and the mysterious lady has the color towel the Turks like to wear.

Kaffiyeh Wearing A.N.S.W.E.R Moonbats On Dunkin Donuts

I haven’t blogged anything about the Rachael Ray Dunkin Donuts kaffiyah kerffufle (while lots of people have covered it, go to Merri Musings, since she is a huge fan), mostly because I think it is no big deal. I don’t think it was one, jus...

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