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Peter Jennings Succumbs to Cancer

Peter Jennings was a fixture in my home growing up.  My parents both loved the guy, and always watched him on the news - ever since I could remember. 

Moving on into adulthood, I moved away from watching him on the news as it seemed his views - very noticable to a young republican - weren’t always unbiased.  Still, this is a man with a career that spanned through 5 decades and undoubtedly he touched many lives through his coverage and broadcasts.  He passed away today, Sunday, at the age of 67.  May he rest in peace.

WordPress database error: [Expression #3 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'merri_wrdp1.wp_comments.comment_type' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by]
SELECT comment_author, comment_author_url, comment_type, MAX(comment_ID) as comment_ID, SUBSTRING_INDEX(comment_content,'strong',2) as trackback_title, SUBSTRING_INDEX(comment_author,' » ',1) as pingback_blog, SUBSTRING_INDEX(comment_author,' » ',-1) as pingback_title FROM wp_comments WHERE (comment_post_ID='273' AND comment_approved = '1') AND (comment_type = 'trackback' OR comment_type = 'pingback') GROUP BY comment_author, comment_author_url ORDER BY comment_ID DESC LIMIT 50

1 Comment
Raven said:

I didn't realize how long he had been around in the media. Or that he was in his 60's-the last time I saw him I thought he looked maybe 50ish.
God Speed.