Me and the hubby had the day off today and we went shopping. As much as I loved my truck, it didn’t love us back. Between thermostats and radiators, it was getting a bit expensive and unreliable. SOOOOOOO……I can hardly believe it’s ours, but we got this beautiful ride:
It’s a day-um nice ride and loaded with all kinds of stuff I’ll take a year figuring out. But leather seats (mmmmm….leather!), seats 8, and has a hitch for the water rides and lots of room for "stuff." Also has heated and cooled seats…oh, and did I say leather? Heh!
Oh, and the dealership threw in a tank of gas. Hey, greenies….this bad boy will get us about 14 to the gallon. w00t!
When we were waiting for all the paperwork to be done, I asked the salesman about those hybrid vehicles as I saw one on the showroom floor.
Me: So, are those things selling for you?
Salesperson: Um, no. Because they run on electricity up to 40 MPH and then gas after that, about the only thing an owner of a hybrid will get in this part of the country is less gas mileage because they have to haul that great big battery around in the back.
Me: Hmmmm. So they don’t save them much on gas then, huh?
Salesperson: Um, no. They might be big in a place like California, but here, no way - a waste of money in a state like ours.
Lesson Learned: SOOOOOOOO….I’ll stick with this b-eeeeee-U-tiful ride.
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Goody for you! Leather..mmmm..nice..screw PETA! muwahahahahaha
Gosh, of course. How could I forget PETA? Hahahaha!
ooh it's is my little riggy. LOL I've always had BLACK. *swoon*
Sweet. Looks comfy too. Heated AND cooled seats? You're gonna be so spoiled.