Okay, anyone reading my blog will know that I’m not a fan of the ACLU. There just flat out is no need for an ACLU any more, particularly due to their extreme positions on the most basic things in life. As a parent, and as a human being, I’ve just had it today. My hubby pointed me to Little Green Footballs and three articles laden with ACLU bullshit. You can read them here, here, and here. I’m done, and the gloves are OFF.
I awoke today to yet another report of terrorist bombings in London. I think everyone knows that it is very possible that similar acts of cowardice could take place here in the U.S. - it’s only a matter of when. So in an effort, undoubtedly, to deter such acts it is reasonable that security measures get stepped up. The NYPD announced that they would do random searches of bags for those commuters on buses, railways and subways. The ACLU is saying that this goes against the very basic principles of the constitution. I have to wonder, what do the card-carrying members of the ACLU have to hide? Are they worried that the NYPD might find their drug stash? (They’ve got to be high the way they act…that’s the only thing that could explain it, right?) I think that security measures will help lessen the threat of terrorist acts, even if it is only a little bit. And just which side is the ACLU on anyway - the terrorists?
As the parent of a Cub Scout, I’m furious about the ACLU’s fervored war against the Boy Scouts. If the ACLU had their way, the Boy Scouts would 1) allow girls to join 2) would be ran, all the way down to the den leader level, by pedophiles 3) would not be able to teach the scouts morals, and would instead show child porn videos. Yes, part of what a scout learns is related to "love of God," but look deeper into the lessons taught to these boys. The difference between right and wrong, treating people with respect, doing your part in society - when did these lessons become dangerous? Even a family who doesn’t practice religion can find value here and these young boys grow into young men who can and do hold leadership roles in their communities. Scouting has been well-established for years and years and no one has been harmed by allowing long standing relationships between the Scouts and military organizations (or other similar types of organizations). The Jamboree has been held at Fort A.P. Hill for 25 years. What the hell has happened in recent time that all of a sudden makes this relationship wrong, requiring the ACLU to sue to get it stopped? Just because this event is sponsored there doesn’t mean that the main reason they sponsor the event is because the Scouts have "God" in their oath.
The ACLU’s positions are extreme, they advocate the criminal far more than they advocate the victim. They don’t think an opinion or idea is "right" unless it is one they belive in. They have managed to manipulate so many in order to realize their goals and objectives (if you even could call them that). And when they start screwing with my son’s organization, they’ve crossed the last proverbial line. I realize we are in a country that affords us freedoms and these very freedoms allow this group to be in existance and have the agenda they do. But when do *I* - normal, every day Amercian citizen Merri - get my voice heard? I don’t WANT child porn legalized, I don’t WANT the ACLU to tell me what I can’t do, or what my son can’t do. I don’t want the ACLU telling others what is right for me and "representing" me. They don’t have a clue what is right for me - they haven’t even bothered to ask me - and I’m not sure who they are representing, but it sure as hell *isn’t* me.
I just had to get that off my chest. And that is all.
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On the boyscout issue, I have a little good news up at my site.
"Merri Must Rant"
Merri's no fan of the ACLU; in a recent post she writes: Okay, anyone reading my blog will know that I'm not a fan of the ACLU. There just flat out is no need for an ACLU any more, particularly...
Late Night Loser Religion of Peeps Roundup
This post is dedicated to those night owls like me who stay up late surfing the net for something interesting to read. Patrick al-Kafir writes a weekly column every Friday worthy of a paid publication. Go read it while it's...
Keep going, Merri. You are spot on.
Thank you for saying what I've always wanted to! I'm with you, and so is over %80 of the country on most of the ACLU (Anti-Christian Liberals Union) issues. Keep up the good fight!
And if you're interested in the efforts of a young man to keep the gay-pride movement from being endorsed by his high school, check out my blog (sorry, I couldn't resist the plug).
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke
Merri,..I'm using this post as part of my weekly anti-ACLU rant.
Great work!