Apparently I am not the only one who can’t stand to be around Cindy Sheehan…
Update: …and tee bee ain’t takin’ it any more!
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The sanctity of marriage is integral to the family and the community but, considering the circumstances, I can't say I blame him. She also lost her job in Napa which is also the President's fault (because she's logical, like that).
We need to start a "Mothers Against Cindy Sheheen's Abuse of [dead] Children Association," or something like it. I'd also like to spotlight all the people "supporting" poor, deranged Cindy, so other mothers can show their support. I think I'll be blogging that shortly...
It is so evident that she is now really milking the publicity for all it is worth, all at the expense of her son's patriotism. You and I both know that his death was not in vain.