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I *Am* Alive…..

Hi everyone!

I am alive, just being pulled away by the "real world" for a couple of days.  Hubby and I were in the purging mood (no, this is *not* about an eating disorder).  We rented one of those handy dumpsters and got rid of those rather large items that we no longer use and needed to get rid of (plus lots of little stuff…it is amazing how many times I said "oh, yeah….I can pitch that" as I walked through my house).

There’s something very "freeing" about throwing away stuff that I’m bogged down with (Note:  the word "liberating" came to mind, but it was a bit too close to "liberal" hehehehehe).  When I was younger, it was soooo important to have "stuff" and as I get older I want nice things, but can do without a bunch of "stuff" cluttering up our home and life (and besides, the kids have enough legos, hot wheels and various "dolly" things to clutter us up for life!).

So….with exceptionally sore arms, a sore back, and a lump on the back of head (don’t ask, but it hurt!), I can proudly walk around seeing a bit more garage, a bit more floor and know that we spent our time and money wisely.

I’m sure I’ll be back to blogging more tomorrow, unless I’m covered with ice packs.  Heh! 

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Funny coincidence, I just posted a couple of songs about Stuff and getting rid of it.

I'm the guy with SondraK and my wife in the King of Cotillion picture.

Been Busy Link Dump

How can you not like a man who roots for...

Gray said:

OH! I am so with you on that freeing feeling of throwing crap out! I love that!!

Well, in that case, Tag, you're it! ...

Good anti ACLU meme.

BTW, love the blog colors.