WordPress database error: [Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'merri_wrdp1.wp_posts.post_date' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by]
SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(post_date) AS `year`, MONTH(post_date) AS `month`, count(ID) as posts FROM wp_posts WHERE post_date < '2025-02-26 05:54:53' AND post_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND post_status = 'publish' GROUP BY YEAR(post_date), MONTH(post_date) ORDER BY post_date DESC

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Happy Birthday, My Darling My Hamburger!

Happy Birthday To You
Your Breast Sure Are Huge
Happy Birthday My Honey
Can I Have 10 Bucks For Some Beer?

I love you!

WordPress database error: [Expression #3 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'merri_wrdp1.wp_comments.comment_type' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by]
SELECT comment_author, comment_author_url, comment_type, MAX(comment_ID) as comment_ID, SUBSTRING_INDEX(comment_content,'strong',2) as trackback_title, SUBSTRING_INDEX(comment_author,' » ',1) as pingback_blog, SUBSTRING_INDEX(comment_author,' » ',-1) as pingback_title FROM wp_comments WHERE (comment_post_ID='340' AND comment_approved = '1') AND (comment_type = 'trackback' OR comment_type = 'pingback') GROUP BY comment_author, comment_author_url ORDER BY comment_ID DESC LIMIT 50

Beth said:

Worst. Birthday Post. Ever!!! hahahahahahahahahhahaaaaa

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
You look like a monkey
And you smell like one too!

Merri said:

...and some people wonder why I am the way I am? LOL

Ayup, it's my birthday today. I've decided to be a perpetual 25, even if my body knows it is 37.

kyer said:

A little advice on your birthday:

Don't plan on growing old gracefully, Merri, just plan on having face-lifts until your ears meet.

"At my age I do what Mark Twain did. I get my daily paper, look at the obituaries page and if I'm not there I carry on as usual." -Patrick Moore.

Happy Birthday, granny! :)

Gordon said:

Happy Birthday. Welcome to the second "awkward age"

Here are the warning signs:
You flip between Rock stations on FM and Talk Radio on AM during your commute.

When you sing to your children, the lyrics may well be from the Steve Miller Band.

The most violent movie you've seen recently was The Incredibles.

The biggest turn on is when Eric does the dishes.

All the best to you on your B-day.

Gordon and Rachel (Spelled correctly).

Pile On said:

How depressing, you are another year older and you are married to a jackass.

Thoughts and prayers.

Howie said:

Happy bday to Mrs. Vinnie.

Janette said:

"A woman has the age she deserves." - Coco Chanel

You deserve to be 25 forever, Merri ~ Happy Birthday!

Married Bloggers

Yes, there are husband and wife blogging teams. However, Eric and Merri maintain separate beds, er, I mean blogs. Well, they probably do have separate beds, as well considering she's a hottie and he's a beer drinking horny skank with

Married Bloggers

Yes, there are husband and wife blogging teams. However, Eric and Merri maintain separate beds, er, I mean blogs. Well, they probably do have separate beds, as well - considering she's a hottie and he's a beer drinking horny skank


don't tell mad dog, but it's me....

don't tell him or nothin' or he'll go off on one of his jealous rants again...

Happy birthday, you old coot.

Merri said:

Thanks, everyone....except for Preston and Kyer....gramma? old coot? SHEESH! ;-)

Seth said:

From where I stand, 37 ain't old at all, more like adolescence.

Enjoy a happy birthday with scores and scores to follow.

phin said:

Happy birthday.
You of course have my utmost respect for being married to Vinnie and having not smothered him in his sleep.

Heh, Seth said score...

Beth said:


Happy Birthday, Merri!

Pippin says Happy Birthday too! (yes, that was terrible, I'm sorry)

Happy Birthday!

We waited because we didn't know which one of us would be first to convey best wishes.

Long story short, the other two are in the ER.


Jay said:

Happy birthday! Hope you had a good one.

Happy birthday, Merri!

Make Vinnie do all the housework for as long as you can.

Tim said:

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Merri!

Happy Birthday Merri!

Merri said:

"Make Vinnie do all the housework for as long as you can."

BWHAHAHAHAAHAHA! Now *that's* funny! ;-)

tee bee said:

Hey, Vinnie, that doesn't rhyme! You were close, though - just make that last line

"Can I have some beer money"

and you're there.

Happy birthday, Merri!