Yes, ladies and gentlemen. THAT is a picture of Rachael Ray get a certificate from a very smart looking woman. The certificate authenticates that “EVOO” is now in the Oxford Dictionary.
“In order for a word to get into the dictionary it has to be useful to people. It’s not just enough to be a fabulous celebrity to get your word in. You have to make a word that people like to use. There are words that are connected with celebrities that are not going to make it in the dictionary anytime soon; we’re not going to put in “Brangelina.” But “EVOO” we see people using. We have a big database of about a billion and a half English words. In that database we found evidence of “EVOO” being used and in more than half of the examples, “Rachael” is also in the same sentence.”
How cool is that?
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Good for her! I now use EVOO almost exclusively (except for Hubby's Sunday morning fried potatoes!) I now make the best garlic bread: Slice a french loaf into 1/2" slices and drizzle with EVOO. Place on oven rack and under broiler until golden. (if you put on cookie sheet, the bottom doesn't get crispy) Then, cut a clove of garlic in half and "scrub" over the toasted bread. You won't make your bread any other way!!!
What does it mean?
Yet another reason I'm creaming the Cotillion in our category. I know what EVOO means!