New development in the search for Chester Arthur Stiles:
Seems like our search for Chester Arthur Stiles at the Salvation Army Shelter yesterday might have borne some fruit. A half-hour after we showed Stiles’ mug shot to people at the shelter, the security guard we spoke to thinks he spots Stiles - so he calls Metro. Witnesses say that person walked up to where the mug shot was posted on the wall, took one look at it, and then turned and ran away. He was chased down the street by a group of 20-30 homeless people, who lost the man near the train tracks behind Jerry’s Nugget Casino in North Town.
Metro showed up and interviewed people that claim to have seen Stiles. They told me today that they are not certain it was a valid sighting but they are not discounting it either.
But one thing is for certain, Stiles will have a tougher time now blending in with the homeless. Shelter staff made copies of the mug shot we gave them and I’m told Stiles’ picture is posted at churches, soup kitchens, and bars in the area.
Wait a second here. I thought this guy was a “survivalist” who is “very, very, dangerous” and carried a “combat-style knife.” Why would he run? We know he fancied himself as a Navy SEAL, so why didn’t he stand his ground and go down fighting? His ex-girlfriend told the media that “he’d never be taken by the police.”
Maybe it’s because he wasn’t facing defenseless three year old girls.
While there is a slim possibility that some drunken tourist, broke from constantly losing at the roulette wheel, wandered into the shelter and thought he saw himself in the mug shot and ran, it’s probably not very likely.
Assuming it was our man Chet, and considering the possibility that at least some of the homeless chasing him were Vietnam vets, he’s very, very lucky he escaped intact.
Chester Arthur Stiles, Videotaped, alleged child rapist, but still a convicted douche. If you see this man, remember, he’s been trained to run really, really fast, so keep Las Vegas police on speed dial
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