On May 3, 2006, U.S. District Judge Gordon Thompson ordered the city of San Diego to remove the mountain-top cross within 90 days or face a fine of $5,000 a day. This judge found (in 1991) that the 29-foot structure violates “separation of church and state.” The case has become an issue of public policy and has remained in the courts. This ridiculous situation was brought to you by none other than the ACLU.
In an effort supported by Christian advocacy groups nationwide, San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders met with White House lawyers in Washington, D.C., to ask President Bush to issue an executive order that would save the Mount Soledad cross after a judge ruling in a case brought by the ACLU ordered it removed.
Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., also discussed the issue yesterday with Vice President Dick Cheney.
Sanders told the Copley News Service the president’s lawyers “indicated it’s going to be tough to get this done and we’re going to have to work real hard, and they’ll give us as many options as they can.
From Thomas More Law Center:
Please help the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) and other concerned groups and citizens to save the 43-foot cross that was erected atop Mount Soledad in San Diego, California 50 years ago to honor our nation’s veterans by signing the petition below! On May 3, 2006 Federal District Judge Gordon Thompson ordered San Diego officials to remove the historic Mt. Soledad Cross in accordance with an order he issued in 1991. The City must remove the cross within 90 days or face fines of $5,000 per day thereafter. However, the fight is not over.
Ask President Bush to take the land under the federal government’s powers of eminent domain.
Please stop over at their website to send a note to President Bush and support this effort to preserve a part of American history.
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pictures from the American Legion press conference at the Mt. Soledad War Memorial today here: ...