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24: The Bluetooth Man Group Edition

The world is out of whack, my friends! For those of you who watched “24″ tonight, you’ll understand why!

How could the big baboon, the head cheese of the Bluetooth Man Group be Jack Bauer’s brother, Graham?!?!? And how could Graham be married to such a hottie? Money, perhaps? It certainly doesn’t seem to be love given the look in her eye when her bald-headed, bluetooth wearing freak of a “husband” uttered the word “Jack.”

Somehow I knew Jack came from a somewhat dysfunctional family, but wow…putting a plastic bag over your brother’s head? That’s some sibling rivalry!

Can someone please shut the Sherry wannabe up? Enough already!

I’m still not so sure about Assad, but I will say this about Fayed. As long as he keeps working with the wannabe Robin Leach, he might not get any help, other than “champagne wishes and caviar dreams.” One could only hope, huh? Four more visitors - let’s hope there’s no room at the inn for them!

Another interesting night of television and less than 168 hours until the next episode (less than 10,080 minutes for those of you who are really counting down). I WANT MORE BAUER NOW, DAMMIT!

Until next week….

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Jo said:

I don't mind, but am shocked, about the expanding Bauer Clan -- as long as they never find out where Kim went and she stays "Lost". :D

Eric said:

24 is the only television show that I actually watch when it airs (as opposed to the Simpsons which I usually catch in syndication) - I was so pleased by this episode as it finally tied in who this bluetooth guy was... I am sure Jack's "nephew" is probably his son - and that his father will probably go on to invent warp drive - but no matter what - I love it! I started watching in season 2 and have not been disappointed yet!

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    February 2025
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      SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(post_date) AS `year`, MONTH(post_date) AS `month`, count(ID) as posts FROM wp_posts WHERE post_date < '2025-02-23 10:29:25' AND post_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND post_status = 'publish' GROUP BY YEAR(post_date), MONTH(post_date) ORDER BY post_date DESC